Tommy Mango: what it is for, benefits, properties and tips

Mango is the most cultivated variety in Brazil.

Unfortunately it’s not the best. It has a medium fiber content and its flavor is less intense, with 16º Brix.

Its advantage is to be more resistant and have a longer shelf life. Therefore, it is widely exported, being the most consumed mango in the USA.

In addition to being cheaper than the vast majority of other mango species .

Tommy Manga costs an average of R$ 4.42 a pack with two sleeves.

The ripe fruit has an orange-yellow color mixed with purple-red.

The Haden mango gave rise to Tommy, but it is very sensitive to pests and temperature, which makes its price higher without being the best mango.

The 10 Health Benefits of Tommy Mango

  • fight the stress
  • Treats Heatstroke
  • It’s great for digestion
  • Fights various bacteria
  • Helps Treat Anemia
  • Promotes Eye Health
  • Helps Maintain Gut Health
  • It’s Great for the Brain
  • Weight loss help
  • It is good for skin health

Benefits of Tommy Mango

against stress

The vitamin C present in Tommy Mango is capable of causing a decrease in Cortisol levels, a hormone that is stimulated by stress  and is responsible for many of its harmful effects.

treat heat stroke

Tommy Mango  is used as a home remedy to eliminate the symptoms of high temperature heat stroke, headache  and skin cracking.

for digestion

Tommy Mango is an excellent source of dietary fiber , they help with digestion, proper bowel movement and help keep the digestive tract clean.

Tommy Mango  is alkaline in nature hence it helps in reducing stomach acidity .

Various bio-active compounds like esters, terpenes and aldehydes make Tommy Mango  even more beneficial against indigestion.

fight bacteria

Antimicrobial present in the leaves and roots of Tommy Mango  have activity against various bacteria and fungi.

An antimicrobial is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses or protozoa.

Treat Anemia

Tommy Mango  is useful for people suffering from anemia as it contains good iron which is important for building red blood cells .

eye health

A cup of delicious Tommy Mango  slices provides 25% of the vitamin A needed by the human body  each day, which contributes to promoting good vision and preventing blindness and  dry eyes .

Weight loss

Tommy Mango  is a low –  calorie fruit . It is an excellent source of nutrients in concentrated form.

Well, it can be a good and healthy substitute for any afternoon snack.

Tommy Mango  with its high fiber content helps digestion, Tommy Mango does not contain any trace of sodium  and fat .

Therefore, consumption of Tommy Mango will keep you full for a long time.

Gut Health

The high fiber concentration of Tommy Mango  promotes the proper functioning of the intestine , being a substrate for “good” microorganisms of the intestinal flora.

A diet rich in fiber prevents the sensations of bloating , discomfort and even bad mood caused by constipation.

Here an observation is important: always prefer the consumption of the fruit  instead of the juice, because the juice does not contain the same amounts of fiber.

As you have already noticed, some of the important benefits of Tommy Mango  are related to the amount of fiber in the fruit .

brain health

Vitamin B6 is found in abundance in Tommy Mango , it helps to improve brain function, in maintaining a nervous system.

This will improve your mood and help control stress .

Vitamin B6 is known as the energy builder and helps in building communication between nerve cells.

Glutamine acid is present in Tommy Mango  which improves concentration and memory power.

Pyridoxine helps in the production of the hormone GABA in the brain , which is a neurotransmitter and helps in brain development .

Skin Health

Tommy Mango is quite beneficial  for skin health . Tommy Mango is a source of antioxidants, antioxidants are one of the main nutrient that delay the onset of skin aging and pigmentation. 

Vitamin  C in Tommy Mango  helps in healing pimples and acne .

It can be applied directly to the skin as it softens it and acts as a natural moisturizing agent.

Antioxidants are responsible for protecting against harmful free radicals that can cause  skin cancer .

Vitamin A and beta-carotene help in rejuvenating the skin and bringing radiance to the skin .

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