Tips to get rid of ingrown toenails
News of the week:
Remedy to Treat Ringworm of the Nail: The treatment to eliminate this problem can be somewhat boring and almost always requires a certain period of time to be really effective. Are you suffering from this type of infection, so check out 4 Tips to Get Rid of Ingrown Toenails:
Baking Soda and Vinegar:
- Prepare a paste of baking soda with vinegar and apply it to the ingrown toenail.
- Let sit for a few minutes.
- Then rinse and dry well.
- Do this treatment twice a day.
Clove Oil:
- Mix 30g of cloves in 200ml of olive oil .
- Take this mixture to cook in a bain-marie for an hour.
- Let cool, strain and store in a clean, dry glass.
- Apply to the ingrown toenail twice a day.
Onion Juice:
- Make an Onion Juice : liquefy 1 onion with 200 ml of water and strain.
- And introduce the finger with the Nail Encravada , for a few minutes, in this juice until soaking it well.
- Let it dry.
- Do this treatment twice a day.
- 10 garlic cloves .
- 1 Glass of water.
Preparation method:
- Crush 10 garlic cloves until it forms a paste.
- Place it in a container of warm water.
- let it sit for a few minutes, then keep the affected areas submerged for 15 minutes.
Useful links:
Note: Another good option is to mix the garlic pastewith olive oil and apply directly to the nails with fungi, leaving it to act for 30 minutes.