The 20 Health Benefits of Noni

The 20 Health Benefits of Noni  are varied, as Noni  has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the overall health  of the body. In addition, the  Noni  or Morinda citrifolia, is a small tree in the family of Rubiaceae.

Noni originates  from Southeast Asia, having been spread by man through South Asia, islands in the Pacific Ocean, French Polynesia, Puerto Rico and more recently the Dominican Republic. Tahiti continues to be the largest cultivation site.

Noni juice:


  • 2 liters of grape juice (without adding sugar)
  • 1 bottle of Noni of 250ml

Preparation mode:

  • Blend everything together in the blender, it’s ready.
  • Always store in the fridge and consume within a maximum period of 45 days in doses of 30 ml per day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Noni tea:


  • 2 tablespoons of noni leaves (dried or green) or the tea bag ;
  • 200 ml of water .

Preparation mode: 

  • Boil the water  and add the fruit leaves .
  • When the water  reaches temperature, turn off the heat and smother for about 10 minutes.
  • Strain before consuming.
  • If you prefer to sweeten, opt for honey instead of sugar.
  • Drink the tea  an hour before dinner or lunch.

Benefits of Noni for Digestive System: Regular consumption of Noni  promotes efficient digestion by immediately releasing digestive juices in the stomach  and small intestine  , stimulating the flow of bile from the gallbladder and regulating bowel movements. It also treats common complaints such as constipation, diarrhea , nausea, vomiting, gastric ulcers, food poisoning, dysentery, and colic. Noni also kills intestinal  worms and other parasites. It is used as an adjunct treatment for jaundice and other liver diseases .

Benefits of Noni to Fight Gout:  Noni  extends  its therapeutic effects in curing gout. Noni ‘s effectiveness  in curing such a disease  is attributed to its inhibitory action on the xanthine oxidase enzymes that are implicated in gout and its associated problems. Research has also supported this healing effect as  Noni  has been used for thousands of years.

Benefits of Noni as an Antispasmodic:  Consumption of  Noni  can help create a relaxing effect on the muscles. Studies have revealed the antispasmodic properties of this juice, possibly attributed to the blocking of voltage-gated  calcium  channels and secretion of intracellular calcium content in the body. It helps suppress muscle spasms and relieves associated pain  and discomfort.

Benefits of Noni for the Nervous System: Consumption of Noni  helps relieve pain  after surgery and childbirth. Studies have shown that Noni  activates serotonin receptors in the brain . Serotonin helps with sleep regulation , the treatment of migraines and depression, as well as helping to alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease . Noni   also relieves tremors in Parkinson ‘s disease and may inhibit neurodegenerative processes in multiple sclerosis.

 Benefits of Noni for Liver Protection: Noni fruit   is also known for its effectiveness in protecting against liver diseases . Supported by study,  Noni  exerts hepato-protective effects on the liver , which aids in protecting the organ from exposure to chronic exogenous chemicals. In addition to defending against major diseases  and liver damage.

 Benefits of Noni as an Anti  -Psychotic: Noni  has historically been used to treat a variety of ailments, including diseases  related to central nervous system . These studies on the anti-psychotic effects of the juice have shown significant improvement in individuals, especially with regards to their behavioral problems. They also demonstrated its enormous potential to be used in the cure of psychiatric disorders. Furthermore,  Noni  has also been suggested to have a therapeutic effect on brain damage attributing to the healing power of natural chemical components. Can help prevent stress cerebral ischemic, without affecting the effectiveness of good enzymes and antioxidants that work in the body .

Benefits of Noni for the Respiratory System:  Noni  is  very effective in treating common respiratory ailments such as cold , cough , sore  throat, allergies and asthma.

Benefits of Noni for Treating Diabetes:  Individuals with  diabetes  can also benefit from the healing power of Noni extracts . This has been proven by research that demonstrated the effectiveness of  Noni  as a remedial herb to reduce the risk of  Type 2 Diabetes . Scientific evidence has testified that consumption of  Noni  helps to reduce the level of glycosylated hemoglobin, serum triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol  in the body.

Benefits of Noni to Combat Body Fatigue:  Noni  is  a time-honored medicine and was traditionally used by Polynesians to combat general body weakness  and advance quality of life and energy levels. Various clinical research and studies have demonstrated the ergogenic qualities of  Noni , which helps improve the body ‘s tolerance, elasticity and overall physical performance .

Benefits of Noni for the Urinary and Reproductive System: In addition to its effectiveness in treating urinary tract infections, regular consumption of Noni  helps in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases   such as gonorrhea and syphilis. It also helps in decreasing prostate enlargements and uterine fibroids, relieving menstrual cramps and normalizing irregular menstruation .

Benefits of Noni For Skin Health:  This juice can be considered as a natural aid in beauty and skin care . Studies have shown that  Noni  is rich in protective chemical components, anthraquinones that exert collagen-stimulating effects and prevent the formation of wrinkles on the surface of the skin . The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of  Noni  are helpful in healing various skin conditions  including acne , burns, allergic skin reactions and hives holistically. The presence of essential fatty acids and high concentration of the biochemical component proxeronine, which is a precursor to the alkaloid xeronine in  Noni supports the efficient functioning of cell membranes, tending to normalize abnormal cells and helps restore  young, healthy skin .

Benefits of Noni for Gastric Emptying:  Noni juice may prove to be helpful through its impact on the gastric emptying process where food  leaves the stomach  and enters the duodenum. The results of a study conducted on  Noni  revealed that the phytonutrients present in the juice slows down gastric emptying which slows down digestion resulting in slow discharge of blood sugars . The study also suggests that this juice stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, cholecystokinin, without changing the volume of urine, feces and intestinal transit.

Benefits of Noni for Healing:  Noni  is  effective in accelerating wound healing. Studies about its properties have revealed positive results with regard to weight gain in granulation tissues, collagen and hydroxyproline functioning and protein content . As mentioned above, the juice helps to reduce blood sugar levels in the body , which can also be correlated with the accelerated wound healing process.

Benefits of Noni for the Immune System: Noni has  an immune-stimulating effect. Studies have shown that regular intake promotes an increase in white blood cell  production, therefore increasing immunity against diseases . It also has an anti-inflammatory effect in conditions such as arthritis, gout, abscesses, lumbago and mastitis. Noni  ‘santi – cancer properties  are due to the presence of antioxidants such as carotenoids, flavonoids and compounds such as anthraquinones (specifically damnacanthal) and scopoletin. These are also responsible for their effectiveness in inhibiting the proliferation of tumor cells and preventing the spread of the tumor (metastases).

Benefits of Noni as an Antioxidant:  Noni  has  tremendous antioxidant potential that seeks out oxygen free radicals and neutralizes their negative effects. Research carried out on patients with heavy smoking habits making them vulnerable to many diseases  has argued for  Noni ‘s protective effect  in improving their bodies ‘ radical scavenging potential  and providing relief from diseases  caused by oxidative stress .

Benefits of Noni for Cancer Prevention:  The anti-cancer qualities of  Noni  have traditionally been trusted and championed by modern science. Several clinicians and research labs have shown the chemopreventive properties of  Noni  in preventing various types of cancer such as lung , liver and kidney cancer due to the abundance of antioxidants.

Supported by another scientific discovery,  Noni ‘s effectiveness  in reducing cancer risk was remarkable , attributes to its ability to block DNA-carcinogen binding. Furthermore, evidence has revealed the effectiveness of  Noni  in slowing mammary gland tumor growth, significantly decreasing the weight and volume of tumors in individuals.

Benefits of Noni For Heart Health: The scopoletin in  Noni  is responsible for its effectiveness in treating hypertension, palpitations, arrhythmias and other cardiovascular problems.

Benefits of Noni for Memory:  Noni  may  have a protective effect in curing memory impairment problems. Research carried out on individuals with impaired memory functions has shown that consumption of  Noni e stimulates cerebral blood flow and helps to improve memory functions.

Benefits of Noni to Fight Infections: Noni  was  first known for its effectiveness in treating skin infections . Tahitians have been using the fruits, leaves and bark in the treatment of wounds, sores, abscesses, boils, ulcers, fungal infections, mycoses and scalp infections. Also, Noni  can be used as a shampoo as it adds shine to the hair , and treats hair dryness and lice.

Benefits of Noni for Arthritis:  The healing powers of  Noni  bring relief in inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Scientific reviews have provided qualitative evidence about the analgesic traits of Noni  that help relieve pain  and tenderness, thus reducing joint destruction implicated in painful arthritis. The study also showed that the effectiveness of  Noni repair  is on par with some of the well-known pain relievers available on the market.

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