The 18 Best Foods Rich in Collagen
Functions of Collagen in the Body: Hydrolyzed Collagen (a special type of gelatin) contains the essential amino acids glycine and proline in 20 times greater concentration than other proteins. Both are important components of connective tissue and ensure its consistency and elasticity. It also has a regenerative effect on bones and joints.
Collagen Benefits:
- Delays aging and prevents wrinkles,
- Combats sagging skin,
- Strengthens nails and hair,
- Contributes to bone health
- Fight cellulite and stretch marks,
- It helps in the functioning of the lymphatic system.
Collagen Deficiency: Collagen deficiency isalso associated with a decrease in hair thickness and with dehydration and loss of skin elasticity , culminating in sagging and the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. In addition, it harms the joints and weakens the bones. So, now check out The 18 Best Foods Rich in Collagen:
1. Gelatin: Gelatin is one of the main foods rich in collagen . In addition, gelatin has the advantage of being a dessert that does not stimulate weight gain, while being good for the skin , nails and hair.
2. Egg: Egg is another excellent Collagen Rich Food Alternative . Well, eggs have proteins in their composition, so they also contribute to increased collagen production in the human body.
3. Dark Green Vegetables : Dark green vegetables are excellent Foods Rich in Collagen , because dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale are composed of vitamin C , which as we have already mentioned here they collaborate with the formation of Collagen . In addition, its antioxidant action provides protection against free radicals that can weaken collagen .
4. Meat: In the list of Foods Rich in Collagen , meats cannot fail to appear. It is that they are sources of proteins, which stimulate the production of the element.
5. Red Fruits : Red fruits such as strawberry and blackberry contain vitamin C and flavonoids, which, when working together, have antioxidant action, so that they fight free radicals and the aging of the human body, which is a major cause of Collagen levelsin the body. In addition, Vitamin C Alone still stimulates the production of Collagen , as we stated in the previous topic.
6. White Tea: White tea is not just one of the Collagen Rich Foods , the drink is even rich in antioxidants. Furthermore, according to research carried out by the University of Kingston, UK, with Neal’s Yard Remedies, a beauty products company, also from the UK, white tea can protect the proteins present in the skin ‘s structure , in especially Collagen .
7. Flaxseed: Flaxseed is a good alternative for foods rich in collagen . Because flaxseed is a source of fiber, it is also rich in omega-3. This nutrient is essential foryounger and healthier skin . The recommendation is to consume a teaspoon of flaxseed a day.
8. Oats: Oats are a source of silicon, one of the nutrients necessary for the formation of Collagen . If you’ve never added oatmeal to your list of Foods Rich in Collagen , it’s time to add it.
9. Tomatoes, Peppers and Beetroot: Tomato, pepper and beetroot are excellent Collagen-Rich Foods , as this group of vegetables contains the antioxidant lycopene in its composition that protect the skin from damage, as if it were a natural sunscreen, at the same time. time when it causes the levels of Collagen in the body to increase.
10. Natural Yogurt: Natural Yogurt is a good option for Foods Rich in Collagen , as it is rich in calcium, a fundamental substance for muscle contraction. The recommended intake is at least one bottle a day.
11. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges have vitamin C , which contributes to the synthesis of proteins, which will then be transformed into Collagen . The recommendation is to eat three to four servings of citrus fruits a day.
12. Nuts, Nuts and Almonds: Nuts, walnuts and almonds are one of the best Collagen-rich Foods , because, in addition to being a source of vitamin E, which is important for collagen formation , nuts, walnuts and almonds contain fatty acids. polyunsaturated fatty acids that help maintain the skin ‘s vitality . The guideline is to consume 1/3 cup of these foods daily.
Other Foods Rich in Collagen:
- Military
- sweet potato
- Garlic
- oysters
- Atum
- Salmon