The 13 Health Benefits of Fennel
The bulb, foliage and its seeds can be consumed. Fennel bulb is eaten raw, boiled or grilled. It is even added to various stews and sauces. Fennel seeds, however, are used as an important spice in various vegetable dishes and hot sauces. So, check out now The 13 Health Benefits of Fennel.Fennel Benefits for Bone Health : Because it contains iron , phosphorus, calcium , magnesium, manganese, zinc and vitamin K present in its nutritional values, fennel can help build and maintain bone structure and strength.
Blood Pressure Benefits of Fennel : As many know, a low sodium intake is essential for lowering blood pressure, but increasing potassium intake can be very important for its vasodilating effects. Additionally, the intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium (all present in fennel ) have been linked to lowering blood pressure naturally.
Fennel Benefits for Healthy Heart: Fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C , Vitamin B6 and phyto-nutrients are responsible for fennel benefits for heart health.
Benefits of Fennel for Cancer Prevention: Selenium is a mineral that is difficult to find in fruits and vegetables, but it is present in fennel .
This mineral plays an essential role in liver enzyme function, helping to detoxify some cancer -causing compounds , inflammation, and slowing tumor growths .
As seen earlier, fennel has folate, which also plays a role in synthesizing and repairing DNA, thus preventing the formation of cancer cells from DNA mutations.
Benefits of Fennel for Metabolism: Vitamin B6 is responsible for the benefits of Fennel in energy metabolism, breaking down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. These smaller compounds are easily utilized for energy used within the body.
Fennel Benefits for Digestion and Intestinal Health : Because it is high in fiber, there are benefits of fennel for constipation prevention and regularity for a healthy digestive system. Some of the components present in the plant even stimulate digestive secretion and gastric juices, while reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestine , thus facilitating the absorption of nutrients from food.
Benefits of Fennel for Menstruation and Pre-menstruation: Fennel is always of great value because, with its richness in phytoestrogens, this plant promotes the regulation of the cycle and flow, helps in menopausal disorders and breast pain and , on the other hand, as emen-agoga, this herb contributes to increased milk production in infants.
Benefits of Fennel has Anti-inflammatory Properties: it also has an expectorant action that, together with its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, has a good effect on cases of phlegm associated with cough, flu and nasal congestion.
Fennel Benefits for Improves Brain Activities : Fennel is known to improve cognitive functions in a person. Potassium present in fennel helps in maintaining the electrical conduction of the body. It is also helpful for the proper circulation of oxygen to the brain cells and nerves that make them active. Memory is reinforced by its consumption.
Benefits of Fennel is Rich in Potassium: it is a supplement that helps in cases of high blood pressure and the increase in cholesterol levels, combined action with vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, and with fibers, which clean the intestinal tract, loading excess ingested fat into the stool.
Benefits of Fennel for the Eyes: reduce intraocular pressure and promote blood vessel dilation, prevent and treat glaucoma, prevent diabetic retinopathy and, in eyewash, treating conjunctivitis and other inflammations. These benefits will be effective if you ingest fennel tea daily,which is very delicious after meals and before bed. To use fennel on the eyes, strain the tea and put it in a dropper, which should be kept in the fridge.
Benefits of Fennel to Fight Cancer: Many studies indicate that fennel is a potential fighter to several cases of cancer. Read here about the anti-cancer and apoptosis-causing action on cancer cells.
Benefits of Fennel to Scare Insects: Having fennel planted, in flower beds or in pots on the balcony is a great resource to scare away insects, read here in our article and learn about other plants that also help, in the case of mosquitoes, flies and Mosquitoes love to fly around your area.