The 13 Health Benefits of Cajá Vitamin

The Benefits of Cajá Vitamin For Health  are varied, because the  Cajá Vitamin  has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. In addition, cajá (Spondias mombin L.) is a fruit native to the tropical region of the American continent. The cajazeiro, belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, can reach a height of 30m and, therefore, is used in the shading of other cultivars, such as cocoa. It is a plant well adapted to the climatic conditions of northeastern Brazil, where production takes place in a wild way, with manual harvesting of ripe fruits that have fallen to the ground. The harvest period varies between producing states, but generally occurs in the first half of the year.In Brazil the cajá is also called cajá-mirim or taperebá. The fruit of the cajazeiro is of the drupe type, ovoid, up to 6 centimeters in length. It has a bright yellow color in the thin and smooth skin. Its sweet, juicy and acidic pulp is used in the production of juices, nectars, ice creams, jellies, wines and liqueurs. Its stone is bulky, but light, and with thorns, requiring care when consuming the fruit in natura.

The extract of cajazeiro leaves and branches contains ellagic tannins, phenolic compounds responsible for the astringent characteristic of cajá. Tannins are antiseptics that protect the plant, being able to exert control over gram negative and positive bacteria. The cajá contains vitamin C, which gives it antioxidant potential and strengthens the immune system. The fruit also has minerals such as iron, whose absorption is favored by the presence of vitamin C, calcium and potassium. The cajá has no fat in its composition and has a low caloric value.

Part of the cajá production is sold in street markets and along roadsides, but the agro-industries are its main destination. When purchasing, it is important to observe if the fruit has a firm consistency, smooth skin and few spots. The conservation must be done in a ventilated place.

The cajá is usually consumed with salt when in natura, which requires care, since excessive salt consumption leads to water retention and elevation of blood pressure. The fruit prepared with salt and oil is served as a snack and is also used in several homemade recipes, such as jams, mousses, drinks and sweet and sour sauces. Nutritional Information for  Vitamina de Cajá : Amount per (100 g) gram:  Vitamina de Cajá  contains:

Energetic value45.6kcal=1912%
dietary fiber2.6г10%
soluble fibers0,1g
C vitamin26.7mg59%
Pyridoxine B60,1mg8%
Thiamine B10,1mg7%

* % Daily values ​​based on a diet of 2000 Kcal or 8400kj. Your daily values ​​may be higher or lower depending on your needs. So, check out now  The 12 Benefits of Cajá Vitamin for Health:

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin To Prevent PMS:  The fruit can play an important role in female hormones. We know that the menstrual  cycle is full of mood swings, and  Vitamina de Cajá  appears as a source of vitamin A, B, C and many important minerals. The combination of nutrients contained in the fruit can reduce the mood swings common in PMS periods.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin for the Nervous System:  Do not think that  Cajá Vitamin  is the exception among sources of vitamin B, quite the opposite. Demonstrating its complete efficiency, the presence of  Vitamina de Cajá  in the food plan can not only help in the control of the nervous system of women in the  menstrual cycle , but to all fruit lovers. The control of anxiety, hunger, depression and food compulsion extends to the entire nervous system, representing benefits of  Vitamina de Cajá  for anyone, regardless of age or sex.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin For  Muscle Health:  The  Cajá Vitamin  has the best nutrients, which are responsible for assisting in the action of ATP molecules. The fruit is rich in Phosphorus, a very important mineral for muscle contraction, that is, it can be very efficient if incorporated into a diet aimed at hypertrophy and muscle gain, as it contributes to the  health  of muscle mass.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin For Teeth Health :  One of the main contributors to keeping bones and teeth strong, calcium can be found in abundance in  Cajá Vitamin . Adopting a balanced diet with the presence of this fruit can be the difference you were waiting for to have healthier bones and a smile that shows all your  health .

Regular supply of calcium prepares your bones for different adversities, they can better respond to stimuli, and the possibility of sprains and injuries is significantly reduced. Vitamin A also supports the healthy state of your body’s bones. One more of the benefits of the  Vitamin of Cajá  is to help in the fight against osteoporosis.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin To Prevent Heart Disease:  The  Cajá Vitamin  is responsible for giving an “up” to our  cardiovascular health  : “Extremely rich in vitamin C, this substance acts as a natural antioxidant, protecting the  body  from free radicals and preventing cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, stroke, heart attack.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin to Prevent Osteoporosis:  Cajá Vitamin isa source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, essential minerals in the prevention of osteoporosis and other diseases that can affect our bones or muscles. Potassium also improves our  circulatory health  , helping blood circulation and preventing clogged arteries.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin for Body Health:  The  Cajá Vitamin  contains a very high content of carotenoids: “This substance contributes to  health  as a whole, leaving the  body  healthy and nourished”, explains the professional.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin for Skin:  The vitamin A contained in  Cajá Vitamin  is good for the  skin  and mucous membranes of the body, in addition to being important for the  vision  and the functional capacity of the organs.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin For Intestinal Health:  The  Cajá Vitamin  helps in the functioning of the intestine avoiding constipation, increases the  immune system , so its benefits go beyond making the  body  more resistant against bacteria and viruses. It prevents osteoporosis, constipation, colds and flu, and also prevents fatigue.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin to Fight Anemia:  Consuming 100 grams of  Cajá Vitamin , the fruit will contribute 2.8 milligrams of Iron to your body. This portion is equivalent to 15.5 to 35% of the recommended daily intake. This nutrient is essential for the general function of your body, as it plays an important role in the production of hemoglobin and myoglobin, both of which are essential for the transport of oxygen throughout the body.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin for Treating Heart Disease:  The cardiovascular system may be one of those affected by the benefits of  Cajá Vitamin , as studies have identified the efficiency of antioxidants contained in the fruit. Research has shown that Vitamina de Cajá  are naturally rich in antioxidants, compared to drugs intended for heart treatments. It was even possible to discover that the fruit is capable of reducing total cholesterol levels.

Benefits of Cajá Vitamin To Lose Weight:  The  Cajá Vitamin  can be a friendly fruit that will bring you closer to the good shape you want so much. Cajá Vitamin can  help you lose weight. The fruit is rich in fiber, and these play an important role, as they allow the regular functioning of the intestine, helping you to eliminate unwanted toxins from the body. Your body will remain “cleaner”, but you will still notice that Vitamina de Cajá  can provide a feeling of satiety, which will prevent you from consuming portions of food with excess calories, thus respecting your needs.

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