The 12 Main Causes of Dry Mouth

The Main Causes of Dry Mouth  is characterized by the decrease or interruption of saliva secretion that can occur at any age. In addition, it is more common in elderly women. Dry mouth also called xerostomia, assialorrhea, hyposalivation, dry mouth can have several causes and the treatment of dry mouth consists of increasing salivation with simple measures or with the use of medication under medical supervision. Dry mouth is a symptom characterized by low or no production of saliva by the salivary glands, dry mouth can be inhibited for various reasons and clinical situations.

The problem with having dry mouth  and a lot of thirst is that the lack of saliva significantly reduces the quality of oral health, since it contains in its composition several enzymes, minerals, amino acids and antibodies that protect teeth, breath, gums and even actively participates in the digestion and absorption of food. So check now  The 12 Main Causes of Dry MouthMain Causes of Dry Mouth Can be:

  • Cigarette.
  • Vitamin A and B complex deficiency).
  • Autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • AIDS.
  • Use of drugs such as antidepressants, diuretics, antiparkinsonians, antipsychotics, antihypertensives, and antineoplastics.
  • Radiotherapy in the head and neck region.
  • Sjogren’s Syndrome.
  • Tireoidite de Hashimita.
  • Hormonal changes like menopause , pregnancy.
  • hypothyroidism.
  • Diabetes.
  • Breathing through the mouth during the night, which generates a dry mouth sensation when waking up.

Saliva plays an important role in protecting the oral cavity against infections by fungal, viral and bacterial microorganisms that cause caries and bad breath. In addition to humidifying the tissues of the mouth, it also helps in the formation and swallowing of the food bolus, facilitates phonetics and is essential in the retention of dentures. therefore, when observing the presence of the  Main Causes of Dry Mouth,  it is important to go to a medical appointment to start the appropriate treatment.

Dehydration :  The most frequent cause is dehydration. Low fluid intake can lead to a dry mouth feeling at night, so the recommendation to hydrate before bed. Dehydration is one of the  main causes of dry mouth.

Too Much Salt:  Too much salt in your evening meal is another factor. Excessive salt can lead to relative dehydration and as a result comes that dry mouth feeling .

Cigarette:  Cigarette is another of the  Main Causes of Dry Mouth . It favors the decrease of saliva, leaving the feeling of dry mouth , this makes chewing, swallowing and phonation difficult, in addition to making the mucosa of the mouth sensitive.

Diabetes:  Diseases such as diabetes also become the Main Causes of Dry Mouth , as they negatively affect the production of saliva.

Pregnancy:  Pregnancy also triggers the symptom, especially at night; and women over 60 are also more likely to experience dry mouth at night from natural causes of age.

Dry mouth is common in a large number of medical situations and is not a symptom that can be eliminated with a specific medication, but it can be alleviated. Rinses, moisturizers and even artificial saliva can be of great help.

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Prevention:  There are a number of measures that can alleviate the  Main Causes of Dry Mouth , including:

  • Drink water or sugar-free drinks throughout the day, especially with meals.
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and some sodas.
  • Professional recommendation of oral hygiene products that will help in the hydration of the mouth.
  • Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate the flow of saliva.
  • Avoid tobacco or alcohol.
  • Minimize the intake of spicy or salty foods, which can cause pain or burning in a dry mouth.
  • Avoid sugar and acidic foods .
  • Use a humidifier at night.

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