The 10 Health Benefits of Carob
Carob powder or flour derived from the pulp of roasted and ground pods is used to replace cocoa. This powder, however, has a significant difference in relation to cocoa in sugar and fat content. While cocoa has up to 23% fat and 5% sugar, carob has 0.7% fat and a high content of natural sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose), around 38 to 45%.
In Europe, mainly in Spain and recently in Portugal, carob is already added to various sweets. It is an edible pod, dark in color (between brown and black), which can be between 10 and 25 cm long and takes a year to mature. Inside there are 10 to 16 little brown seeds, the carats, which were used by the merchants of antiquity, due to their light weight and uniformity, to assess the weight of the jewels – hence the words «Karat» and «Kilat».
Carob is a healthy food with high nutritional value. Contains vitamin B1 – which contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart and improves mental attitude and reasoning – as much as asparagus or strawberry, the same amount of niacin (keeps the skin in good condition) as fava beans, lentils and peas, and more vitamin A , which is essential for bone and teeth growth, skin vitality and eye health, than eggplant, asparagus and beetroot. It also has a high content of vitamin B2 (responsible for extracting energy from fats, proteins and carbohydrates in our body), calcium, magnesium and iron, as well as a correct balance of potassium and sodium.
Carob does not have any allergenic or stimulant agents such as caffeine and theobromine present in cocoa. Although it has a high sugar content, it has a low caloric content due to the almost imperceptible amount of lipids (fats) and high amount of natural fibers.
The beneficial effect of these natural fibers on the intestinal flora is given by the protection of the mucous membrane of the intestine, as well as by the significant reduction in the incidence of undefined diarrhea, nutritional disorders and the incidence of ulcers. Carob, also known as “healthy chocolate”, is used in several industrial processes, namely in cosmetics, food and pharmaceuticals, the latter being used only as a thickener to shape some tablets.
Recent studies have shown that carob does not contain gluten and has a very high antioxidant potential, similar to that of olive oil and superior to that of wine, which leads researchers to believe that the components of the fruit can be useful in combating free radicals and chronic diseases. degenerative.
It also effectively reduces the assimilation of the daily intake of excess cholesterol , due to its fiber content and quality. Its power in reducing blood cholesterol is double that of other fibers. Some chemical composition of carob:
- Crude protein – 4.7%
- Digestible protein – 1.6%
- Crude fiber – 9.2%
- Ashes – 3.5%
- Calcium – 0.38%
- Phosphorus – 0.09%
- Fat – 0.6%
- Total sugars – 43.85%
- (glucose, sucrose and fructose)
- Free from gluten, lactose and caffeine
Carob can be used as a substitute for chocolate, but due to its medicinal properties, it can be indicated as an ally in cholesterol control , to lower triglycerides, to stop vomiting and diarrhea, and is also useful against indigestion and heartburn.
In addition, it has anti-reflux action, making it a good option to be used in infant formulas. Carob is a fruit of the Ceratonia siliqua tree and is well known as a healthy substitute for chocolate. So, check out now The 10 Benefits of Carob for Health:
Benefits of Carob to Control Diabetes: Carob helps to slow down digestion, that is, it prevents sugar from reaching the bloodstream after a meal. He is a great source of good fats, but this makes him caloric, and some moderation is necessary at the time of consumption. Carob control diabetes by having a low glycemic index.
Benefits of Carob During Pregnancy: The magnesium present in Carob is one of the vital elements to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Adequate intake of carob during pregnancy is extremely beneficial for reducing the risk of osteoporosis and increasing the level of pain tolerance, thus resulting in a smooth delivery process and an optimization of blood pressure.
Benefits of Carob to Prevent Heart Disease: The protein present in Carob helps to lower the level of LDL cholesterol in the body, this in turn can decrease the chances of heart disease drastically. If you want to keep your heart healthy, make sure your diet consists of protein . Carob will not only help lower cholesterol over time, but it will also make your veins healthier and improve blood flow to your heart.
Benefits of Carob for Treating Nervous Problems: The vitamins B1 and B2 present in Carob helps to treat nervous problems and maintain healthy cells in our body. Its benefits are linked to its role in the performance of various body processes. Converting carbohydrates into glucose is what helps produce energy, it also has an impact on reducing fatigue in the body.
Benefits of Carob for Digestion: Carob is a powerful food that at the same time leaves the body satiated, it stimulates healthy digestion and detoxifies the body. Due to its high fiber content, carob has a cleansing effect on our digestive tract, especially the intestines. It acts as a natural laxative, cleaning the bowel walls and preventing cancer-causing toxins from settling in the colon.
Benefits of Carob for Lowering Cholesterol: Carob fights the harmful effects of fat with fat may seem strange, but that’s what they do to control cholesterol . Carobis rich in polyunsaturated fat, considered good for the body . If consumed in excess, carob can be harmful, so the ideal is to moderate the intake to absorb its benefits in full.
Benefits of Carob for Skin: Carob contains high levels of vitamin A and C, a powerful antioxidant that replenishes nutrients in the skin, promotes collagen production and helps keep the skin smooth and firm. Regular consumption of carob helps to hydrate the skin. Carobalso fights free radicals and aging by the presence of polyphenol antioxidants (the same present in cocoa) .
Benefits of Carob for Treating Back Pain: The magnesium present in Carob helps to treat people with severe back pain by relaxing back muscles, kidney stress and muscle tension. Symptoms of leg cramps, as well as general fatigue, are traditional symptoms of magnesium deficiency . Therefore, proper intake of carob acts as a cure for chronic leg problems and cramps.
Benefits of Carob for Hypertensive: Carob is rich in magnesium and potassium, two nutrients that help lower blood pressure. In addition, it has fibers that are good for health, contributing to the digestive system and satiety of the body. Carob can be consumed by people with hypertension.
Benefits of Carob for Immune System: The vitamin A present in Carob increases the body’s immunity against infections by increasing lymphocyte responses against disease-causing antigens. It keeps the mucous membranes moist to ensure better immunity and also increases the activity of white blood cells.
It not only prevents germs from entering your body, but also helps fight infections once the germs gain entry into the body’s system, thus ensuring a double core of protection.