Top 10 Symptoms of Bone Cancer!
The Main Symptoms of Bone Cancer that everyone should be aware of. In addition, Bone cancer or malignant bone tumor is a type of cancer that affects any bone in the body. It often affects the long bones of the arms and thighs, spine and pelvis.
It can be divided into primary bone tumor , which is when the cancer develops directly in previously normal bone, and secondary bone tumor, when it originates in any other organ and spreads to the bones.
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When cells divide abnormally and uncontrollably, they can form a mass or lump of tissue. This nodule or mass is called a tumor, and when it grows, it ends up compromising previously healthy tissue and bone stiffness.
Bone tumors, in general, rarely cause death. But, they can still be dangerous and require treatment. Some types are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, and others are malignant. Even benign tumors can grow and compromise bone structure. Malignant, cancerous tumors can spread throughout the body.
Most Common Causes of Bone Cancer: It is still unclear what causes most bone tumors. Doctors believe that the disease starts with an error in the cell’s DNA. This error causes the cell to grow and divide in shape. This accumulation of cells forms a mass, or tumor, that can invade nearby areas and can also spread to other parts of the body.
Risk Factors: Some situations can increase the likelihood of the disease developing:
- Genetic syndromes, which are passed down through families such as LiFraumeni syndrome and hereditary retinoblastoma
- Pre-existing bone disease, such as Paget’s disease, which mainly affects adults and the elderly
- Having been exposed to high levels of radiation, such as those used to treat previous cancers.
People with cancers of the kidney , breast , prostate , lung , gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid glands are more likely to have a secondary bone tumor — bone metastasis — when the cancer originates elsewhere and spreads to the bones.
So Now Check out the Top 10 Bone Cancer Symptoms that everyone should be aware of and on alert!
Key Symptoms of Bone Cancer: Bone tumor symptoms can include:
- Bone pain: usually at first, the pain is not constant but can be very intense at night or when moving the legs, such as when walking;
- Joint swelling: a lump may appear in the joints, increasing pain and discomfort, especially in the knees and elbows;
- Bones that break easily: Bone fractures can occur because the bone is more fragile, with femur or spine fractures being more common.
- Fatigue
- unintentional weight loss
- Fever
- Sensitivity in the area
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Treatment for Bone Cancer: Treatment for bone cancer is indicated by the oncologist and depends on the type of tumor, such as chondrosarcoma or Edwing’s tumor, for example, and its size and location, and usually includes chemotherapy, radiotherapy and, in some cases, surgery to amputate the affected limb, maintaining, if possible, as much of its functionality as possible.