The 10 Steps to Good Infant Feeding!
If you are part of the group of parents who need help with this matter, check out a chat with some nutritionists! Well, here we are going to give you tips to make children’s menu healthier every day. Are you ready to know a little more about the importance of Food Reeducation in the lives of little ones? So, check out The 10 Steps to Good Infant Feeding:
News of the week:
1. Step Towards Good Child Food: Food is, above all, a gesture of affection and affection.
2. Step Towards Good Child Feeding: Conscious eating is a matter of education! Eating well and healthy is learned at home and from an early age.
3. Step Towards Good Infant Feeding: Food is not a bargaining chip! There can be no negotiation between food and toys, walks, parties…
4. Step For Good Infant Feeding: At mealtime, the plate needs to have five different colors.
5. Step Towards Good Infant Feeding: Parents are always the best example for their children. Watch what you eat in front of your child!
6. Step Towards Good Infant Feeding: Mealtime should be a time to gather the family together.
7. Step For Good Infant Feeding: No television, tablet, video game or cell phone on during meals.
8. Step Towards Good Infant Feeding: To not like a food, the child needs to try several recipes! Sometimes the way to prepare changes the child’s acceptance.
9. Step Towards Good Infant Feeding: If the child is not hungry, he does not need to eat. But you can’t eat anything else before the meal.
Useful links:
10. Step To Good Infant Feeding: Rules are for all family members!