The 12 Secrets That Boost Metabolism!
Secrets that increase metabolism for weight loss, as it is a chemical process, which converts the food you eat into energy that you burn during the day.
When we talk about a “slow” or “fast” metabolism, we are referring to the speed at which our body processes nutrients, this is important for losing weight. Then check out the secrets that increase metabolism!
Secrets that increase metabolism :
1. Drink matcha:
In addition, Matcha drink works as a fat blocker, as it increases metabolism and stops the growth of fat cells. EGCG is an abundant antioxidant in green tea . EGCG is also found in black tea and oolong tea .
News of the week:
2. Take vitamin D supplement:
Vitamin D is essential for preserving muscle tissue that revolves metabolism . While you can pin 90% of your recommended daily value (400 IU) into a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon, a daily supplement makes a lot of sense. Other good food sources: tuna, fortified milk and cereal, and eggs .
3. Eat organic meat, eggs and dairy:
Hormones determine how our body uses the energy we give it. Furthermore, between our reproductive hormones, the thyroid, insulin , and hunger hormones – leptin and glerin – our bodies need to perform a complicated balancing act to keep us lean, energized, and viable.
4. Skip diet soda:
Skip Diet Soda has zero calories, but drinking diet soda can still wreak havoc on your goal of having a flat stomach. Therefore it is among the secrets that increase metabolism.
5. Chocolate:
Dark chocolate is loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids, which are plant-based fats that boost your metabolism and help you burn calories and fat. They can also help lessen your cravings for other sweet or savory snacks.
6. Choose whole grains:
Also, eating whole grains boosts metabolism and calorie loss . A new study suggests that substituting whole grains for refined grains in the diet increases calorie loss by reducing calories retained during digestion and speeding up metabolism .
7. Eat carbs at night:
Resistant starchy carbs speed up your metabolism and other natural fat burners in your body.
As resistant starch moves through the digestive system , it releases fatty acids that encourage fat burning , especially in the belly.
8. Drink whole milk:
Milk contains a good mix of fat, calcium and other necessary nutrients that help keep you active throughout the day.
It provides energy and also speed up metabolism , which helps you to lose weight faster and healthier.
9. Consume protein:
Also, start your day with lean protein , which burns twice as many calories during digestion as fat or carbs . But don’t worry about tightening it before 9am.
10. Exercise:
Exercise helps boost your metabolism . Plus, you’ll burn calories while you’re exercising.
Strength training builds strong muscle, and resting muscles burn approximately 50 calories/day per pound of muscle, while fat cells only require about 3 calories per day per pound of fat.
11. Go on an anti-inflammatory diet:
Also, an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber from whole grains, fruits and vegetables is the best way to boost your metabolism , they are also among the secrets that boost metabolism.
12. Consume coffee:
Besides green tea , coffee is one of the best drinks for weight loss as it boosts your metabolism . The average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than that of people who drank decaf.
Is it possible to speed up your metabolism?
It’s worth mentioning that, your metabolism is the process your body uses to produce and burn energy from food . You depend on your metabolism to breathe, think, digest, circulate your blood, stay warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather.
How can I increase my metabolism to lose weight?
Useful links:
There are a few ways to boost metabolism to lose weight such as eating lots of protein at every meal, food can boost your metabolism for a few hours, drink more cold water and do a high intensity workout.