Say Goodbye to Cellulite in 7 Days
Say goodbye to cellulite in 7 days , in addition, Cellulite is a physiological change in the architecture of the skin and fat, commonly seen in the lower limbs of women. It starts with edema (swelling), due to fluid retention, influenced by female hormones. Therefore, almost all women tend to have some degree of cellulite during their lifetime. Genetics also play a role in cellulite predisposition . Cellulite is not a serious medical condition, but it can cause discomfort in women because of the appearance it gives the skin. have cellulitedoes not mean you are overweight. Even thin people can have it. But, if you are overweight, weight loss can reduce cellulite .
You Have Cellulite For Reasons:
- Genetics: Look at the family. If your mother or grandmother has cellulite, your chances of having cellulite are also high.
- Hormonal: Taking birth control or taking hormone replacement with estrogen and progesterone worsens fluid retention , causing swelling. If you can, look for other types of treatment.
- Poor circulation: The blood leaves the body’s toxins and fats trapped in the cells. Avoid staying in the same position for too long.
- Poor diet and lack of exercise: A sedentary lifestyle causes localized fat to accumulate and cellulite to appear. Move yourself!
What is your grade?
- Grade 1: You only see if you tighten the skin.
- Grade 2: Has few holes.
- Grade 3: Cellulite is more visible and deeper.
- Grade 4: Too much cellulite showing. Sometimes the skin hurts or lumps appear.
Detoxifying juice cleanses the body and helps the person to have more disposition, energy in addition to providing lean mass gain and getting rid of unwanted cellulite . A powerful detoxifying juice is composed of foods that provide detoxification and detoxification of the body, from the vitamins contained in fruits, vegetables and even vegetables, and must also be composed of other super beneficial thermogenic foods for weight loss and cellulite elimination. . So Say Goodbye to Cellulite.
In addition to juices acting in the detoxification of the body , they also help activate metabolism, fight and prevent skin problems and improve sleep. “Each juice has its properties and benefits. They are not just green and their real feature is to concentrate all the nutrients, improving the immune system and reducing body swelling.”
Detox juices can be made from fresh fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber and excellent sources of nutrients. These juices have the function of cleaning and detoxifying the body’s impurities, also facilitating intestinal functioning, preventing diseases and maintaining the well-being of the body, enabling you to Say Goodbye to Cellulite. Now let’s get to know the benefits of Cucumber , Beetroot , Apple , and Carrot so you can Say Goodbye to Cellulite:
Benefits of Cucumber: Cucumber isa vegetable that is very low in calories but rich in water, minerals and antioxidants that help to hydrate the body, maintain the proper functioning of the intestine and prevent diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. So, the health benefits of cucumber are:
- Help to lose weight, because it is low in calories and gives the feeling of satiety;
- Improves muscle contraction and health, as it contains Potassium and Magnesium ;
- Improves blood circulation, as it is low in fat and rich in water;
- Maintains hydration, as it is made mainly of water;
- Improves intestinal transit;
- Prevent cancer, as it is rich in flavonoids and lignans, which are powerful antioxidants;
- Improve the health of the skin , nails, eyes and hair, as it contains antioxidants and carotenoids;
- Improve heart health, as it is rich in potassium.
Benefits of Beetroot: Beetroot is a slightly sweet tuber, and has several nutritional and medicinal properties. It is quite versatile, and can be consumed raw, grilled, cooked, roasted or in the form of juices and also includes several health benefits, such as:
- Lowers high blood pressure :
- Improve training performance
- Strengthens the immune system:
- Prevents and fights anemia ,
- Maintains muscle health,
- Protects the nervous system,
- Prevents premature aging,
- Controls cholesterol and protects the heart,
- prevent cancer,
- Maintains eye health and prevents cataracts,
- Prevents liver and lung problems .
Apple Benefits: Apple helps control certain diseases such as diabetes , improves digestion , contributing to a better use of nutrients and is indicated for those who want to lose weight, because it is rich in fiber and has few calories. In addition , apples are rich in antioxidants, water and vitamins, which is why apples have the following health benefits:
- Apple helps to reduce bad cholesterol,
- Apple helps in controlling diabetes, because it has a low glycemic index;
- Apple helps to lose weight, because it has few and has water and fibers that reduce appetite;
- Apple improves constipation, because soluble fibers detoxify the digestive system;
- Apples relieve gastritis pain and heal gastric ulcers, as the fibers form a gel that protects the stomach lining .
Benefits of Carrots: Carrots are a very important root in food, as they bring the following health benefits:
- Improve digestion and fight constipation, as it is rich in fiber,
- Prevent premature aging, as it is rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants,
- Keep the tan longer, as it contains beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of dark skin color,
- Help to lose weight, as it contains few calories,
- Strengthen the immune system, as it is rich in antioxidants,
- Protect vision, as it contains Vitamin A ,
- Prevent lung cancer due to antioxidants.
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 grated beet
- 1/2 chopped apple
- 4 grated carrots
- 2 cups (American) cold water
- Beetroot slices (for garnish)
- Pass all ingredients in a blender until completely dissolved.
- Sweeten to taste.
- Add ice.
- Decorate the glass with a beetroot slice.
- serve.
- Drink it every day, preferably in the morning.
Note: To really achieve good results it is necessary that you maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Also, to maximize the results, don’t forget to practice some physical activity. Going for a walk every day is a good start.