Reye’s Syndrome – What It Is, Causes and Treatments
News of the week:
- In Reye’s Syndrome , small structures within cells called mitochondria are thought to become damaged:
- Mitochondria provide cellular energy and are particularly important for healthy liver function :
- If the liver loses its energy supply, it starts to fail. This can cause a dangerous buildup of toxic chemicals in the blood, which can damage the entire body and can make the brain envious:
Main Symptoms of Reye’s: Symptoms of Reye’s Syndrome usually start a few days after aviral infection , such as a cold, flu , or chickenpox. Initial symptoms can include:
- Vomiting repeatedly:
- Tiredness and lack of interest or enthusiasm:
- rapid breathing:
- Attacks (convulsions):
As the condition progresses, symptoms may become more severe and more pervasive and may include:
- Irritability or irrational or aggressive behavior
- Severe anxiety and confusion sometimes associated with hallucinations
- Coma (loss of consciousness)
Treating Reye’s Syndrome: If Reye’s Syndrome is diagnosed, your child will need to be admitted immediately to an intensive care unit. Treatment for Reye’s Syndrome is aimed at minimizing symptoms and supporting vital body functions such as breathing and blood circulation. It is also essential to protect the brain from permanent damage that can be caused by brain swelling . Medicines can be given directly into a vein (intravenously), such as:
- Electrolytes and fluids – to correct the level of salts, minerals and nutrients, such as glucose (sugar), in the blood:
- Diuretics – medications to help eliminate excess fluid and reduce swelling in the brain :
- Ammonia Detoxifiers – Medicines to reduce the level of ammonia:
Anticonvulsants – drugs to control seizures. A ventilator (breathing machine) can be used if your child needs help with breathing. The body’s vital functions will also be monitored, including heart rate and pulse, airflow to your lungs, blood pressure and body temperature.
Useful links:
Once the swelling in the brain has subsided, other body functions should return to normal within a few days, although it may be several weeks before your child is well enough to leave the hospital.