The 5 Most Common Diseases Among Women

The 5 Most Common Diseases Among Women , women are different from most men, they are more attentive to the signals that the body gives when something is not working properly, they are more careful about their health and that of the family in general. In addition, going to the doctor regularly, having a healthy diet and practicing some physical activity are fundamental attitudes to ensure more quality of life and longevity.Sometimes, with the rush of everyday life, it is difficult to balance family and career, but taking a few minutes out of your day to take care of your health is the best way to prevent some of the main diseases that affect women’s health. So, let’s check out The 5 Most Common Diseases Among Women .

Breast Cancer:  Breast cancer is a malignant tumor caused by the uncontrolled development of very common cells  among women , which causes the formation of one or more nodules in the breast . According to clinical studies already carried out, this is the deadliest cancer and also the most common among the female population, however, approximately 85% of women with breast cancer manage to recover.

There is no concrete cause for the emergence of this disease, but there are risk factors that are very  common among women and  that can instigate or accelerate its development. Among these factors are age (above 50 years of age, the risk increases), the existence of cases of cancer in the family, not having children or having children after the age of 30, being overweight, high alcohol consumption and a sedentary lifestyle. , among others.

Breast Cancer Prevention:  The fight against breast cancer has to start long before it appears and the preventive attitude must seek to act on the factors that can be controlled. Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, avoid being overweight, maintaining a balanced and nutrient-rich diet , not smoking, breast-feeding (in the case of women with children), practicing physical exercise on a regular basis, and performing an early diagnosis of cancer screening breast cancer are common among women . Early diagnosis encompasses breast self-examination , clinical breast examination, and mammography.

Cervical Cancer:  This cancer is the fourth most common among women , affecting mostly women between 50 and 60 years of age. Normally manifesting itself after menopause (it may even be related to hormone replacement therapy related to this phase), cervical cancer is one of the so-called “ slow diseases ”, since it can take between 10 and 20 years to develop. develop.

Cervical Cancer Prevention:  Since it is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system, regular consultations with the gynecologist are essential for performing routine exams and the best way to detect precursor lesions of cervical cancer. uterus still in embryonic stage. Other risk factors related to this type of cancer that should be monitored include hypertension, obesity and diabetes  Common Among Women

Urinary Tract Infection:  About 80 to 90% of people suffering from urinary tract infections are  common among women . Urinary tract infection is the abnormal presence of microorganisms in an area of ​​the urinary tract. This disease affects more women from the reproductive age and extends until the age of menopause.

It arises when there is a drop in estrogen and the microorganisms that protect this most intimate region of the female body, mainly as a result of unprotected sex or due to the presence of gastrointestinal bacteria that migrate to the bladder region. Only very rarely do urinary infections occur via the bloodstream.

Prevention of Urinary Infections:  There are some very common measures  among women  to prevent urinary infections. These include drinking fluids in healthy amounts, urinating before and after sexual intercourse, not holding back urine in everyday situations, taking estrogen free of hormonal contraindications for menopausal women.

The maintenance of the correct functioning of the digestive system, namely through a healthy and balanced diet . The use of condoms during all sexual intercourse, daily hygiene and correct cleaning after using the bathroom are other ways to prevent urinary infections.

Candidiasis:  At least once in a lifetime, and if the statistics are to be believed, about 75% of women have thrush so it is quite common among women.  and between 20 to 25% of women who have genital discharge suffer from this disease. According to some experts, candidiasis does not fit the category of sexually transmitted disease as it can be contracted even in the absence of sexual intercourse. Candidiasis is an infection caused by the fungus Candida or Monília and is characterized by a whitish, thick and lumpy discharge, usually accompanied by irritation at the site.

Candidiasis Prevention:  Use condoms, dry the skin well after bathing, maintain a healthy and balanced diet , ensure adequate hygiene in the genital area, avoid the daily use of sanitary pads, avoid the use of perfumed toilet paper, prefer looser pants and putting aside synthetic fabric underwear are some of the preventive actions to take against candidiasis.

Bacterial vaginosis:  Although it also occurs as a result of intimate contact or sexual intercourse, this disease is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, as some of the bacteria that cause it usually exist in humans. Bacterial vaginosis is a very common among women and genital infection caused by bacteria .

This disease can lead to candidiasis and is the most common cause of genital discharge, characterized by  an imbalance in the vaginal flora that causes an increase in the concentration of bacteria. The unpleasant odor characteristic of vaginosis increases during the menstrual period. This infection is more common in women of reproductive age.

Prevention of Bacterial Vaginosis:  Use condoms in all sexual relations, maintain adequate intimate hygiene, avoid vaginal showers and bidets, as these can be favorable places for bacteria; and always clean the vagina from the front to the back, so that bacteria from the anus area do not travel to the vaginal area.

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