Prune Diet: Does it work? menu, benefits and how to make

The prune diet  is beneficial and recommended for problems such as constipation , anemia , diarrhea , cough , bronchitis , skin, eyes, teeth and bones. because dried plum is a good source of antioxidant and facilitates good digestion, its properties are very beneficial to health, they also provide us with few calories.

Then we will explain in detail the properties of this fruit and how it can help you lose weight.

We will offer different shock systems so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Remember that fruit consumption in the diet is very important and that it is vital to include at least 3 servings of fruit a day.

Also remember that it is better to consume it naturally, without peeling it if possible, as it gives us more fiber.

You can make juices and smoothies, but their total consumption is recommended to benefit from all their nutrients.

Replacing pieces of fruit with industrial juices is not recommended, as this gives us a large amount of sugars.

Does the prune diet work?

Yes, the prune diet works. In addition, a dried plum has about 66 gr and brings 30 calories. But this is not the only characteristic of this fruit, the prune provides antioxidants ( Vitamin C , Zinc and Magnesium , among others).

In addition, this fruit provides fiber that purifies and detoxifies the body, stimulating intestinal peristalsis and eliminating waste from the body, so the prune diet is a good alternative to healthy weight loss.

Why does the prune diet work?

Dried plums aid digestion and stimulate metabolism. Also, when we talk about the health benefits, diets with prunes can also be very helpful in speeding up metabolism and healing the entire digestive tract.

The fruits of this plant, fresh or dried, can be used as a natural remedy for constipation .

In addition to being used to be able to make prunes diet , they are very good for the prevention of various cardiovascular (heart) diseases, reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus (diabetes), as well as for balancing good and bad cholesterol.

Equally effective for bone health (they are great fighters against osteoporosis ), improve vision, prevent premature aging or are used for kidney problems and gallbladder pain.

Dried plums in jams are especially recommended for people suffering from hemorrhoids .

If you have serious problems with Constipation and Constipation, be sure to consult your healthcare professional for the dosage of prunes, you cannot start a diet without it.

How to lose weight eating prunes?

The prune diet proposes that all the fruits you consume during these days are prunes, within a diet where you can only eat fish, as a source of animal proteins.

To do this, you will eat a total of 2 medium-sized dried plums spread throughout the day.

If you want, in addition to these fruits, you can consume a glass of liquefied in which you mix plums and pears.

How many pounds can I lose?

The promise for this diet is the loss of 03 kilos in up to a week, but the index varies a lot from person to person.

Normally, if it is followed with discipline, the loss varies from 2 to 4 kilos per week.

And with daily physical activities that number can be even better.

Prune diet menu 

To help you understand a little better, I’ll give you an example menu.


  • 1 cup of Green Tea with a slice of wholemeal bread with white cheese and light sweets. A dried plum.

Morning snack:

  • 1 cup of plum water.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed lemon water , 15 minutes before lunch. Brown rice salad with tuna , broccoli and boiled carrots . A fresh plum.


  • 1 cup of dried plum blended with Pear , add a teaspoon of flaxseed .

Afternoon snack:

  • 1 dried plum.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed lemon water , 15 minutes before lunch. A serving of grilled fish with a
    salad of fresh vegetables (the more colors combine, the better). A portion of light gelatin.

Not only do you have to consume plums and pears in a new way, you can also consume them boiled, roasted (in the case of the pear) or jam (in both cases).

Who is the prune diet recommended for? 

  • If you have been a smoker or smoke around people often, you should use this prune diet that will avoid problems that can lead to the accumulation of dangerous substances that have to be evacuated to prevent lung cancer .
  • They are also for people with obesity , flatulence and heavy digestion issues.
  • For people who have skin problems.

Prunes Properties:

Prunes are rich in nutrients and are especially suitable for healing the intestines and maintaining healthy properties, which are great antioxidants that can help to regenerate and rejuvenate the organs and skin.

Along with its maximum properties of this plum is that they are perfect laxatives and powerful cleansers, they also inhibit the production of cholesterol, helping to lose weight and blocking cell mutations.

It also favors the activity of enzymes and above all prevents the formation of dangerous clots.

How to do the prune diet?

The prune diet consists of eating prune during the day.

In order to start the prune diet, you should choose the day to start quickly with a glass of warm water and two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil for a better body.

And finally, if you want to lose weight or cure any disease, you should do the diet two days in a row, always starting with a glass of warm water and two teaspoons of olive oil for the person’s well-being.

Orange plum smoothie recipe:


– juice of 2 oranges ;
– 10 plums, chopped;
– 1 glass of cold skimmed milk;
– sweetener or honey (optional).

Preparation method:

  • Squeeze the juice from the Oranges and beat with the milk, prunes and sweetener or honey .
  • When the mixture is uniform, add ice and serve.

What harm can the prune diet cause?

While this diet is fast and detoxifying, it can have adverse effects on your digestive health, especially if you’re not used to eating fruit.

This fruit consumption can cause diarrhea , abdominal bloating and intestinal irritation. So, be careful when carrying out this diet.

If you have any of these symptoms or signs, you should reduce your consumption, let your digestive system rest and start again, but slowly.

Losing 3kg in just 5 days can be very tempting, but keep in mind that it’s more important how this is achieved, so your body doesn’t pay the consequences.

If you want to diet, consult a doctor or nutritionist to guide you in this arduous way to treat healthy excess weight.

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