Passion fruit juice with chamomile to relieve heartburn: how to make it, tips and recipes

Passion fruit juice with chamomile  is a good healthy juice alternative, as well as helping to lose weight with health.

The famous detox juices have been making the biggest success and it’s not by chance.

In addition to being hydrating and tasty, detox juices in general have a detoxifying action, that is, they help our body to eliminate toxins, thus increasing well-being and helping to prevent numerous diseases.

Causes of Heartburn

Normally, when food or drink enters the stomach , a band of muscle at the end of the esophagus closes off the organ so digestion can take place.

This band is called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

If this band does not close enough, stomach contents can back up (reflux) into the esophagus.

This partially digested material can irritate the esophagus, causing some symptoms, including heartburn.

Consumption of certain foods can also favor symptoms. Check out some foods and drinks that can cause heartburn :

Recipe for passion fruit juice with chamomile to relieve heartburn


Preparation mode

  • Bring the water to a boil and, when the water starts to boil, remove it from the heat and add the chamomile.
  • Leave to infuse for about 5 minutes and strain.
  • Wait for it to cool, hit the blender with the other ingredients, strain and drink right away.

2. Carrot juice with lettuce


Preparation mode

  • Place the carrots in a blender along with the Lettuce .
  • Add the water.
  • Take it every day for a week.

3. Apricot Juice with Cinnamon


Preparation mode

  • Blend the apricot, honey, milk, cinnamon and ice in a blender until smooth.
  • Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

4. Cabbage juice with carrots


Preparation mode

  • Wash and chop the ingredients.
  • Blend everything in the blender.
  • Add some water.
  • Drink this juice (half a glass) in the morning on an empty stomach in order to avoid heartburn.

5. Lemon juice with cabbage and honey


  • Pure juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 2 cabbage leaves
  • 1 cup (250ml) of water
  • Honey to taste.

Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender
  • drink then.
  • Up to two glasses a day, with an interval of at least 3 hours.

6. Guava juice with papaya


Preparation mode

  • Remove the skin and seeds from the fruits before mixing.
  • Put everything in a blender and blend for a few moments.
  • Have a glass a day.

7. Spinach and cucumber juice with celery


Preparation mode

8. Broccoli Juice with Ginger 


Preparation mode

  • Put all the ingredients in the blender.
  • Drink a glass of juice daily.

9. Alfalfa juice with lettuce and coconut water


Preparation mode

  • Mix all ingredients in a blender. Serve cold.

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