Parrot’s beak – What it is, Symptoms and Treatment

Parrot’s beak, what is it, what are the symptoms and  possible treatment. In addition, the Bico de Pargaio , as it is popularly known, has the scientific name “osteophytes”, the osteophytes that arise in the vertebrae of the spine, cause intense back pain and tingling, which can arise in the arms or legs. The disease, scientifically defined as osteophytosis, is called Parrot’s beak. because when an X-ray of the spine is performed, they present a hook shape that is similar to the beak of this bird. Osteophytosis gets worse over the years and has no cure, but there are treatments that can include painkillers and physical therapy to relieve pain.

Radiographically, the appearance of the osteophyte resembles that of a parrot’s beak. , hence the popular name. Some experts believe that the Parrot’s Beak  may arise due to dehydration of the intervertebral disc, by spondylosis, by genetic predisposition, joint overload (as in the case of obesity), due to some previous joint problem (such as inflammation, fracture, rupture of ligaments, among others) or as a result of impacts suffered since childhood.

However, it is important to point out that the main cause of the appearance of this bone anomaly is the permanence in incorrect postures throughout life, resulting in injuries to the vertebral joints. From the latter, osteophytes originate, which in turn cause dehydration of the intervertebral disc, causing the vertebrae to be closer to each other, with consequent compression of the nerve root. Therefore, the pain present in osteophytosis results from this compression. So check now the Main Symptoms of the Parrot’s Beak .

Main Symptoms:  As the individual ages , the pain caused by the Parrot’s Beak  begins to appear. However, some previously perceived signs may indicate the presence of this bone expansion. People who during their lives have not adopted good body posture, have not practiced physical activities and experienced intense periods of stress are more likely to develop osteophytes. Some of the symptoms that may indicate the presence of ‘ Parrot’s beak. ‘ include:

  • Tingling sensation in the legs when it develops in the lumbar region or in the arms if located in the cervical region;
  • Severe pain located in the back or that radiates to the thigh, especially when moving;
  • Decreased muscle strength.
  • severe pain, limitation of movement, sensitivity and reflexes.

These symptoms are common to other osteoarticular diseases, mainly of the spine and to confirm the diagnosis it is essential to go to the orthopedist to perform an X-ray of the spine or MRI.

Through these imaging tests, the doctor detects the wear of the intervertebral disc, approximation between the vertebrae and the formation of prominences in the lateral region of the vertebrae similar to the Parrot’s Beak . Learn now, how is the Parrot’s Beak Treatment .

Treatment: To relieve the pain and discomfort that this problem causes, your doctor may recommend the use of pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. In addition, correct posture must be maintained to prevent the disease from worsening and, in some cases, physiotherapy may also be required at least 4 times a week to improve posture and decrease pain. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to correct the misalignment of the spine. Prevent yourself, through some changes in lifestyle and posture, the  Prevention of Parrot’s Beak is possible.

Useful links: 

  • The poorly guided practice of physical exercises, instead of helping, can be responsible for continuous trauma to the spine that will facilitate the appearance of bone expansions characteristic of osteophytosis;
  • Bico de Papagaio  is a process that takes a long time to establish itself. When it settles, however, it requires lifelong care;
  • The first symptoms suggestive of osteophytosis are reason enough to look for an orthopedist for control and treatment of the disease.

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