Flatulence – What it is, Symptoms and Treatment
Flatulence – What it is, Symptoms and Treatment that everyone should be aware of. In addition, Flatulence or abdominal bloating are terms used to designate the large accumulation of gas in the stomach or intestine . This accumulation of gas is normally expelled through the mouth or anus. Food plays an important role in the overproduction of intestinal gas. People with diets rich in foods like beans, cabbage and dairy products are more likely to produce more gas. So, check out all about Flatulence – What it is, Symptoms and Treatment:
What is Flatulence: Flatulence is the exaggerated production of gases in the intestines, which causes a feeling of great bloating in the abdominal area, with great personal discomfort, due to the internal pressure on the organs of the digestive system.
Gas production is a normal digestive process; what is not normal is the excessive production of gases. Food is normally digested in the mouth, stomach and small intestine , where digestive enzymes successively break it down until the nutrients needed by the blood are obtained. In the small intestine, nutrients are absorbed by the capillaries of the blood network.
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Flatulence Symptoms: The feeling of abdominal bloating starts about three hours after eating. Gas leakage often occurs after five hours of eating, and the phenomenon stops after about seven hours. Intestinal flatulence manifests itself at the level of the digestive system. This discomfort is sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain due to gas buildup.
Once expelled, these gases cause an unpleasant smell. In cases of aerophagia, a person can accumulate a large volume of gas in their stomach causing Flatulence and stomach pain .
Causes of Flatulence: When food , water or saliva is swallowed, small amounts of air are also swallowed and collect in the digestive system. In addition, gas can build up as food gets broken down by the bacteria in the intestine . Accumulated gas can usually be expelled with belching or burping.
Passed gas usually only smells when gases such as sulfur are present and in some cases people may not know they passed wind because the gas is odorless and passes only in small amounts.
Excessive Flatulence can occur after swallowing too much air or eating food that is difficult to digest. Underlying conditions that affect the digestive system can also cause Flatulence , such as gastroenteritis.
Treatments For Flatulence: So far, no medical solution can finally put an end to bloating and flatulence . Drugs are used to relieve discomfort and improve well-being. At the forefront are drugs that act to coat the digestive tract.
They are usually made from clay, from dimethicone (simethicone), and are provided with an anti-foaming property that prevents the formation of gas. Its combination with an antacid is also common, especially when bloating is accompanied by a burning sensation in the stomach .
Using antispasmodic medications is also common to reduce the swelling and accompanying pain. An old but effective solution against bloating is the use of charcoal which absorbs intestinal gas. In case of bloating, the doctor may prescribe treatment based on the use of activated charcoal.
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Intestinal absorbent medications comprise a mixture of charcoal with some other substance to relieve bloating. This category includes combinations with Dimethicone and Magnesium Oxide . Finally, antacids are also prescribed to treat the problems of bloating and flatulence . Among the best known drugs are magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, in association or not with dimethicone.