Lauric Acid – Benefits, What It Is And How To Use It!

Lauric Acid – Benefits, What It’s for and How to Use it Correctly. Additionally, Lauric Acid is a particular type of fatty acid found in foods with saturated fat. The single best source of Lauric Acid is coconut, and in fact many of the benefits of coconut oil that have been well established in research settings are due to the presence of Lauric Acid . As a medium-chain fatty acid (MLFA), also called a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), Lauric Acid is part of the class of organic compounds known as lipids.

Lipids are another name for fats, the macronutrients that are vital to human health for building cell membranes and preventing the body from going into a “starved” state. All fats and oils are made up of chains of small compounds called fatty acids, and their chemical structure determines whether they are considered saturated or unsaturated.

The human body needs both saturated and unsaturated fats; indeed, we cannot exist without them. Fatty acids are incorporated into all of our cell membranes, cushion and support our organs, are used for hormone production and are even a valuable source of energy.

Foods that contain fats also help us absorb fat-soluble nutrients that are crucial for overall health, and some help fight viral and bacterial infections as well.

While many people still fear eating sources of saturated fats like coconut or butter, these foods provide numerous benefits in addition to special fatty acids such as Lauric Acid – such as vitamin A , vitamin D and vitamin E , as well as potassium and magnesium .

What is Lauric Acid?

Lauric Acid , also known as dodecanoic acid, is a saturated fatty acid and the main component of lipids present in coconut (as well as in its derivatives: coconut milk, coconut oil, etc.). But, it can also be found in other sources of medium-chain lipids, such as palm oil.

In addition to these sources which we consume after adulthood, it can also be found in expressive amounts in breast milk. It is made up of 12 carbon molecules, 24 hydrogen molecules and two oxygen molecules. Its structural formula is CH3(CH2)10COOH.

How Lauric Acid Works:

Lauric Acid is best known for its antimicrobial properties, as it is the precursor to monolaurin, a more powerful antimicrobial agent that is capable of fighting off viruses and bacterial infections.

When Lauric Acid is digested, certain enzymes within the digestive tract form the valuable type of monoglyceride called monolaurin. While Lauric Acid itself has disease-fighting abilities, the monolaurin in Lauric Acid is even more capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogens due to its strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

For this reason, for centuries, foods containing lauric acid like coconut have been used to treat viral infections, including influenza (flu), fungal infections, the common cold, fever, sores, and genital herpes.

Lauric Acid Benefits:

The main benefits of Lauric Acid include:

Strengthens Immunity:

Lauric Acid  is a functional food formed by medium chain triglycerides , which in contact with the stomach are transformed into monolaurin – a potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, that is, it acts directly on immunity.

It is also rich in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), which control cholesterol , increase HDL (good fat) and reduce LDL (bad fat), so  Lauric Acid has an anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effect. .

Improves Metabolism:

Lauric  Acid contains medium chain triglycerides (MCT). These fatty acids are quickly absorbed, and can increase the amount of calories you burn. Studies claim that MCTs can significantly increase the metabolic rate, at least temporarily. On average, 15-30 grams of it increases calorie expenditure by about 120 calories over a 24-hour period.

Moisturizes Skin and Hair:

Lauric  Acid brings excellent results for hair and skin, not only for oral use, but also for topical use. According to the nutritionist, it can be applied to the hair before going to sleep, which results in shinier strands and less hair loss. The potent oil inhibits the action of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which prevents hair loss, if the clear case is idiopathic alopecia.

Fights Infections:

Lauric  acid has strong antibacterial properties, which can help fight infections. One study found that it helps stop the growth of Clostridium difficile gut bacteria; responsible for causing severe diarrhea. Its properties are also great for fighting various other bacteria and yeast.

Lauric Acid Weight Loss?

MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) have long been used with the principle of helping to reduce body fat, either by replacing energy with carbohydrates , by their thermogenic processes or by stimulating lipolysis. Especially Lauric Acid has all these capabilities.

Studies are categorical when comparing people who used and did not use MCTs and/or Lauric Acid  and report that those who did, had much more significant reductions in body fat. However, there are theories which demonstrate that Lauric Acid and MCTs in general can be a post-workout replacement for carbohydrates, when this is unrealistic.

Useful links: 

In fact, not even carbs are needed at this point, so MCTs are also expendable, even if you’re on a body fat loss protocol.

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