Astaxanthin – what it is, what it is for, benefits and side effects

Astaxanthin is a highly effective antioxidant, belonging to the group of carotenoids, found in algae, fish and shellfish. Many researchers have raised their eyes to this antioxidant, among other things, as it appears to have beneficial effects on diabetes and inflammation . Thus, it is a very potent antioxidant and this has shown several positive effects in the body for various types of diseases. Now, see more details about this wonder!

What is astaxanthin:

Astaxanthin belongs to the large group of carotenoids which consists of over 600 different substances that can be found in nature. Carotenoids are generally divided into two subgroups: carotene and xanthophyll.

Astaxanthin belongs to the xanthophyll group and is a highly potent antioxidant and also a strong dye. Astaxanthin is found in algae such as Haemaococcus pluvialis, Chlorella zofingiensis, Chlorococcum and Phaffia rhodozyma. Since many fish eat algae, astaxanthin is also found in some fish and seafood, including salmon, krillo, trout, shrimp , and crab .

Haemaococcus pluvialis algae produce Astaxanthin as a protective mechanism in stressful situations, for example when exposed to high temperatures, strong light, nitrogen deficiency or high salinity.

What is astaxanthin used for:

The carotenoid looks a lot like a fatty acid in its structure and consists just like fat of a long chain of hydrogen and oxygen attached to it. At the ends there are ring structures and in the structure there are regular double bonds that join the carbon atoms.

In the middle of Astaxanthin ‘s carbon chain there is a double bond with special properties and this gives Astaxanthin its characteristic red color. Whether astaxanthin acts as an antioxidant also depends on the properties of this double bond.

The double bond can donate electrons to unstable and therefore highly reactive free radicals . Free radicals , if not stopped, can cause oxidative stress and damage cells in the body. When the double bond donates electrons to free radicals , they can capture them and turn into stable compounds that do not damage cells.

The carotenoid can also bind to both the inside and outside of the cell membrane, thus protecting the entire membrane from free radicals . This is something unique and makes Astaxanthin a very effective antioxidant.

Benefits of Astaxanthin:

1. Inflammation:

Astaxanthin has been observed in a number of ways to counteract the onset of inflammation in the body. Extracts of both Haematococcus and Chlorococcum have been shown in mice to reduce the amount of bacterial ulcer, Helicobacti Pylori.

In humans, several interesting effects of Astaxanthin have been observed, among other things, that the number of multiple immune cells increases and that the infectious marker C-reactive protein (CRP) decreases in quantity. Furthermore, it has been observed that Haematococcus may have a protective effect against inflammation in both the kidneys and eyes.

2. Helps fight fatigue:

Carotenoid can provide better recovery after exercise and has also been seen to help with athletic performance. It also improves muscle recovery, provides better endurance, greater strength and better energy levels.

3. Cardiovascular disease:

In cardiovascular disease, the body often suffers from oxidative stress and inflammation . Astaxanthin has been shown to have beneficial effects under these conditions in both humans and humans. In mice, blood flow in arteries increased after ingestion of Astaxanthin and in platelets treated with Astaxanthin , increased levels of nitrogen oxide appeared to cause vasodilation.

4. Diabetes:

Many diabetic patients have high levels of oxidative stress in the body. This is due to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels), which in turn is caused by insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas not working properly and there is therefore insufficient insulin in the body. Astaxanthin has been shown to improve glucose and insulin levels, as well as exert a protective effect on insulin-producing cells and counteract glucose damage.

Other health benefits of astaxanthin:

  • Reduces wrinkles ;
  • Reduces age spots, the so-called pigment spots;
  • Reduces facial swelling along with omega-3 ;
  • It is exceptionally anti-inflammatory;
  • Protects muscles and helps to increase resistance;
  • Protects the brain and eye;
  • Reduces inflammatory cytokines;
  • Improves digestion ;
  • It has a multitude of health benefits and provides protection from oxidative stress.

On top of all this, laboratory research has shown that a seaweed extract that causes Astaxanthin slows the growth of breast cancer and skin cancer cells. Carotenoids can also help the heart in a number of ways. This can be helpful in preventing plaque buildup in the heart of the heart.

Astaxanthin dose:

Supplement manufacturers may suggest varying amounts of Astaxanthin for various purposes. Most small studies so far have used between 2 mg and 24 mg per day. However, optimal doses of Astaxanthin were not subjected to any condition. Quality and active ingredients in dietary supplements can vary greatly. This makes it difficult to establish a standard dose.

Astaxanthin side effects:

You should also know about Astaxanthin side effects . No toxic side effects are related to Astaxanthin overdose . However, mild to moderate side effects are seen with high doses of it. Some side effects include:

  • Aplastic anemia;
  • Eye damage due to the formation of crystals;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Lowering blood pressure ;
  • Improved skin pigmentation.

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