How to Naturally Treat Diarrhea in 30 Minutes

How to Naturally Treat Diarrhea in 30 Minutes . Diarrhea is a common  stomach disorder worldwide. In addition, being responsible for about 48 million food poisoning in the United States and about 3 thousand deaths per year. In addition, there are 128,000 hospitalizations per year, usually due to the dehydration it causes. In addition, diarrhea occurs due to infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and also due to adverse effects of medications.

Causes of Diarrhea: Diarrhea can  be caused by viruses or bacteria, medications, or an intestinal infection. What can also happen is that you have diarrhea from eating too much fatty foods (Episodic Diarrhea  ). Antibiotics can also cause Diarrhea  due to their side effects.

Diarrhea Symptoms:

  • Colic , more or less intense;
  • Frequent evacuations of softened consistency;
  • In cases of diarrhea  caused by infections, the symptoms are fever , loss of energy and appetite;
  • In cases of Diarrhea  caused by a virus, the symptoms are cramps , nausea , vomiting , headache and fever ;
  • In more severe cases, pus or blood may appear in the stool;
  • Dehydration, due to loss of fluid in the body.

Diarrhea How to Avoid:

  • Drink plenty of water ;
  • Wash foods well before eating them, such as fruits and vegetables ;
  • Wash your hands often, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating;
  • Use gel alcohol frequently to disinfect your hands.

Treatment: Treatment will depend on the cause of Diarrhea . It is very important to be careful with food and follow medical recommendations. In most cases, the most essential thing is to replace fluids, which prevents dehydration. Diarrhea  is rarely life -threatening, but it can be quite unpleasant. Take the basic care to avoid this annoyance. You can also prepare a home remedy for diarrhea . So, check out this recipe for  How to Naturally Treat Diarrhea in 30 Minutes:



  • Place the ingredients in a pan and let it boil for approximately 15 minutes on low heat.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it cool, then strain and drink in small sips several times during the day.

OBS:  The most important thing is that people seek information, know the treatment options that can be used and, together with a professional they trust, start their treatment as soon as possible.

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