How to get rid of spider veins naturally

How to get rid of spider veins naturally simply and effectively as they can be unsightly but are usually harmless and often go away on their own. However, they can cause itching or burning. Fortunately, there are many things you can try at home to lessen and prevent them from forming.

What are spider veins?

spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but smaller. These small veins are mostly found near the surface of the skin, resemble cobwebs or branches on a tree, and are usually red, purple, or blue.

They are often found on the legs (on the thighs, on the back of the calves, on the inside of the legs and ankles). However, this is due to the high pressure that the veins in the lower extremities must withstand. Incidentally, sometimes, it can also develop in other parts of the body, such as the face.

Causes of spider veins:

There are many factors that can contribute to the development of spider veins ; Some can influence more easily than others:

  • Family predisposition;
  • Same position for a long time, sometimes related to certain professions;
  • Obesity ;
  • Taking birth control pills;
  • History of blood clots or circulation problems;
  • Hormonal influences: They are more common during puberty, pregnancy and menopause .

How to get rid of spider veins naturally?

Remedies applied directly to spider veins can help relieve symptoms and reduce them quickly. However, try these, and see How to get rid of spider veins naturally:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

A recent study published in 2016 suggested that external application of apple cider vinegar to varicose veins patients increased the positive effects of normal treatment. Soak a cloth with organic vinegar and wrap it around the spider veins area (caution: if you have sensitive skin or want to apply it to your face, it is best to dilute it with water and start applying it for a shorter period of time to see how your skin reacts). Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and remove it. Repeat twice a day until you can no longer see the Spider Veins.

You can also take it once or twice a day: take 1 teaspoon unprocessed (if you can tolerate the taste, increase the dose up to 1 tablespoon). Mix with a cup of warm water or room temperature water and a teaspoon of organic honey and take before meals.

This can help eliminate inflammation from the veins. Results will vary, but you should be able to see a difference in a few months.

2. Witch Hazel:

Witch hazel acts as an astringent and anti-inflammatory and as such can be used to reduce spider veins. The main active ingredients in Witch Hazel work to tighten the tiny little spots below the skin’s surface.

You can use it to help reduce the appearance of your face or legs. Apply it soaked in a cotton ball on the area. Repeat 2-3 times a day to help reduce the appearance of blemishes caused by spider veins. You can also make a solution by boiling some witch hazel leaves in water for a few minutes. Wait until it cools down and use the liquid to make a compress.

3. Butcher’s Broom:

Another natural ingredient that can help is butcher’s broom, which is a small perennial shrub that is used to improve blood circulation and constrict veins. The Alternative Medicine Review mentions that human trials showed that butcher’s broom extract showed an improvement in venous tone and circulation.

4. Horse Chestnut Extract:

This nut contains a compound called aescin that helps promote blood vessel health. In addition, its extracts also have anti-inflammatory properties and help improve circulation and vein tone.

5. Mustard oil and sesame oil:

Mustard and sesame oils are used to improve blood flow to the affected area and are effective in diminishing the red and blue lines of spider veins . Mix a few drops of mustard or sesame oil with carrier oil and apply the mixture to the affected area twice a day.

Remedies that increase circulation throughout the body

It’s important to address your body’s circulation and improve your overall blood flow. This is achieved by doing some gentle exercises (which do not put excessive pressure on the veins): swimming, walking, cycling. Herbs can also help. Some of the herbs that are used topically can also be taken internally, such as chestnut and witch hazel .

1. Ginger:

According to research, versatile ginger improves circulation by lowering blood pressure and thinning blood. Small amounts of ginger won’t make a big difference, but you can use it in combination with other natural remedies. Plus, add to your fruit smoothie, season your food or enjoy a rejuvenating ginger tea . Alternatively, you can buy powdered ginger extract and consume it.

2. Ginkgo biloba:

This prehistoric plant strengthens the walls of veins and improves circulation. Take 40 milligrams of ginkgo extract three times a day until you notice positive effects.

Gently massaging the affected area is another easy and simple way to improve circulation, which can help you get rid of spider veins. It also helps to reduce pain and inflammation.

To do this, you use oils like extra virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil. Therefore, massage the area for several minutes several times a day to improve blood circulation. Also, you can add a few drops of essential oils to the oil to improve blood flow, such as: lemon , rosemary , ginger , mint , eucalyptus or cypress.

How to Prevent Spider Veins with Lifestyle Changes:

Useful links: 

Regarding the list of causes of spider veins (obesity, prolonged standing), there are things that need to change in your daily routine if you want to avoid spider vein formations in the long run.

  • Maintain a healthy body weight and exercise regularly;
  • Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time;
  • When you sit down, try to break the habit of always crossing your legs. But if you need to, to stop it, shift your weight from one leg to the other every few minutes;
  • Do not wear high heels, especially heels over 3 centimeters;
  • If you’re at risk, consider wearing compression stockings. However, for therapeutic purposes, you will have to obtain high pressure stockings (prescription resistance gradient compression hose).

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