Home Remedy To Eliminate Ringworm On Feet!

The Home Remedy to Eliminate Ringworm on the Feet is simple and 100% natural. Also, getting rid of Ringworm on the Feet  is something that people are always looking for and often they are not able to get rid of Ringworm on the Feet,  it has become a big problem. But the great news I have to give you is that there are methods to eliminate Ringworm on the Feet,  and that make you no longer feel embarrassed with sores or bad foot odor .

What is Mycosis on the Feet: Mycoses on the feet are infections caused by fungi  that affect the skin, nails and hair. In fact, some types of fungi  live naturally in our body without causing any kind of symptoms. However, if they start to reproduce quickly, they can cause illness.

The fungi  that also cause Ringworm on the Feet feed on the keratin present in our skin, nails and hair. When they find favorable conditions, such as heat, humidity, low immunity or long-term use of systemic antibiotics, these fungi  can proliferate.

Cause of Foot Ringworm: Foot ringworm is contagious  and can be transmitted from one person to another. However, most of the time the immune system can fight the proliferation of fungi  without causing any symptoms.

In addition, our body contains bacteria that are responsible for containing fungal reproduction . These bacteria deprive harmful fungi  of space and nutrients. High levels of acidity in some regions of the body, such as the vagina, provide another layer of protection.

But not all the body’s defense mechanisms are infallible. In immunosuppressed patients, for example, the immune system is unable to fight off fungal infections  adequately.

In addition, prolonged use of antibiotics destroys useful bacteria, allowing fungi  to colonize the skin and mucosa. In post – menopausal women , hormonal changes reduce the acidity of their vagina, making them more vulnerable to fungal infections and, therefore, mycoses on the feet.

Symptoms of Ringworm on the Feet: The signs of ringworm on the feet are uncomfortable and vary depending on the type and extent of the problem. The most common symptoms are itching , changes in the skin with the appearance of red and peeling spots, fissures  and cracks between the toes and deformed and painful spots on the nails .

The so-called white cloth can appear on the skin, characterized by white spots and scaling on the trunk, chest and back, the chilblains or athlete’s foot, which cause itching , redness and painful cracks  between the toes and red spots on the body folds such as armpits and groin.

In nails , ringworm makes them thicker, brittle and whitish. On the scalp there may be small lesions, scaling and itching  and ringworm on the feet  causes constant itching and even wounds.

Treatment for Mycosis on the Feet: The treatment to eliminate Mycosis on the feet also depends on the type of fungus , the extension and the affected region. Nowadays, there are very efficient options to eliminate ringworm on the feet,  the problem quickly, as is the case with the Home Remedy to Eliminate Ringworm on the Feet. Skin mycoses , for example, can be treated in a period ranging from 1 to 4 weeks, while nail mycoses  take a little longer to be treated, and can take up to six months.

After the medical diagnosis, topical remedies, ointments and sprays are prescribed and if the Home Remedy to Eliminate Ringworm on the Feet does not work, it may indicate more complex situations, it is necessary to go to the doctor so that he can administer remedies for oral use. Then check out the full recipe for  Home Remedy to Eliminate Ringworm on the Feet.



  • cut the aloe  in cubes, place in a clean and dry glass together with the cloves and the alcohol .
  • Let it rest for a week and then use it on the affected area 3 times a day.
  • Validity is 3 years

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