10 Home Remedies to Treat Dry Cough!

Home Remedies To Treat Dry Cough  That We Shouldn’t Ignore. Also, it’s your body’s natural protective reflex to cough up anything that irritates your throat. A viral infection like the flu, a respiratory disorder like asthma, an allergic reaction to dust or pollen, smoking ,  or more serious conditions like tuberculosis and lung cancer can all cause a dry cough .Unlike a productive cough , a dry cough does not cause you to have phlegm. There are two basic strategies for dealing with a dry cough . One is to suppress, the other is to prevent it. There are a number of naturally available dry cough  suppressants , such as honey and peppermint . So, check out 10 Home Remedies to Treat Dry Cough:

1. Honey To Treat Dry Cough:  Opening the list of natural remedies for dry cough , honey needs no introduction when it comes to physical well-being. The high viscosity of honey makes it an effective soothing agent for a sore throat. Its antimicrobial effects are an added advantage if bacterial infection is the cause of the cough .

How To: Drink a tablespoon of raw, organic honey when you experience throat irritation. You can consume one tablespoon 1 to 3 times a day.
Alternatively, add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of hot water, tea, or lemon juice for a warm, comforting drink.

Caution: Honey is generally unsafe for children under one year of age due to an increased risk of botulism. It can also promote tooth decay if given regularly before bedtime.

2. Suck on some Sugar:  There’s nothing better than enjoying a sweet treat while treating a cough ! One study showed that rinsing the mouth with sucrose (sugar) solution helped reduce sensitivity to the cough reflex . This has been proven by increasing the amount of capsaicin (a compound in bell peppers) needed to trigger a dry cough . The sweet taste can thus help save the day.

How To:  Suck on some sugar whenever the cough  is about to come.

3. Peppermint Leaves or Oil: Peppermint  herbcontains a mint compound called menthol. The sensory cooling that a dry, troubled throat offers can suppress coughing . This conclusion was also verified when a significant increase in the amount of capsaicin needed to stimulate cough was observed . Peppermint can therefore prevent or prevent aDry Cough .

How to do it:  Add some peppermint leaves toboiling water. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the cool vapors for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can add 3-4 drops of peppermint oil to boiling water and do the same. You can also drink some mint tea.

How to Make Peppermint Tea : Crush 7-10 green mint leaves. Separately, boil some water. Let the water cool and add it to the leaves in a cup. Depending on how strong the tea is, let the leaves sit for 7 to 12 minutes. Remove the leaves and drink the tea, or add honey and lemon for flavor.

4. Drink Drosera tea: A traditionally used cough   suppressantis the Drosera herb. It has long been used in Europe as an important cough medicine . While there are scientific studies to support the use of this herb in the treatment of coughs , the herb is often used in homeopathic preparations.

How to make it: Add just a teaspoon of dried herb to boiling water to make tea.

5. Avoid Pollution: With increasing levels of pollution, this is a particularly difficult method to follow. However, you would do your sore throat a favor by limiting exposure to “tickling” substances such as smoke, dust, and other pollutants. You can use a face mask when you have no choice but to be in the presence of such irritants. It also means you need to stop smoking, which includes passive smoking as well.

6. Chest and Back Massage:  A persistent, uncontrollable cough  can make chest and back pain difficult. To feel better, have someone massage your chest and back muscles once or twice a day. While this won’t help to suppress the cough , you may get muscle relief.

7. Carrots to Treat Dry Cough:  This works especially for smokers. Research carried out in Norway showed that an increase in Vitamin C in the diet reduced coughing  and wheezing in smokers, possibly due to its antioxidant components. Although vitamin A predominates in carrots, a raw carrot carries about 6 grams of Vitamin C in every 100 g – a pretty significant amount.

How To: Eat a few carrots during the day as a healthy snack, or apply them to vegetable salads.
Alternatively, mix some carrots in carrot juice and consume it regularly.
Remedies for dry cough overnight

8. Elevate Your Head While You Sleep:  Sometimes acid reflux can cause a cough . A completely flat posture while sleeping can instigate acid reflux, triggering coughing . Position your head with a pillow at a considerable height to prevent this from happening.

9. Moisten the Nasal Passage Before Bed:  Inhaling the moisture can soothe a dry throat. You can create moisture in the air by using a steamer or by taking a hot shower and inhaling the steam from the bath. Do this before going to sleep.

Caution: Steam can exacerbate coughing  if you have asthma, so asthmatics should avoid this method.

10. Sleepy Drink: You can try a recipe of honey, apple cider vinegar , cayenne pepper , and ground ginger to quell a recurring dry cough fever . Hippocrates, the father of medicine, advocated the use of an ancient Greek honey vinegar mixture (oxymel) for the treatment ofpersistent coughs  . Now we know why honey works. With its antimicrobial properties, apple cider vinegar can also relieve coughing by killing bacteria.

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which triggers anti-pain cellular reactions. It involves suppression of the TRPV1 pain receptor. This can alleviate any painful discomfort caused by an invading, dry cough .

Ginger helps to relax your airway in less than half an hour. These respiratory relief benefits are due to the compounds [6]-gerol, [8]-gerol, and [6]-shogaol. Because of this, ginger  helps to get rid of an  annoying cough .


Preparation method:

  • Stir the ingredients and consume about 3 teaspoons of this mixture before bed.
  • You can get the relief you are looking for.

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