Home Remedies to Fight Heartburn

Home remedy to fight heartburn  in a simple and 100% natural way. In addition, heartburn brings several health problems to our body. Heartburn is a burning sensation coming from the back of the sternum, a bone located at the front of the chest. Heartburn can present as pain that radiates through the chest, neck, or throat.

Heartburn is caused by the reflux of gastric acid (responsible for the digestion of food): it travels from the stomach to the esophagus , as if it were going to return to the mouth. This reflux, in turn, is caused by the malfunction of a kind of valve, called a sphincter: it opens for food to pass from the esophagus  to the stomach and then must close to retain what was ingested and also the gastric juices that circulate around there but this can be avoided because here I will present you a powerful Home Remedy to Combat Heartburn for good treatments for heartburnare based on reducing or controlling the amount of acid produced by the stomach .

Foods That Can Cause Heartburn:

Top Symptoms of Heartburn :  Classic  symptoms ofheartburn and burning can include:

  • Poor digestion and feeling of a full stomach  ;
  • Food reflux ;
  • Constant and involuntary belching;
  •  swollen stomach ;
  • Acidic taste in the mouth;
  • Pain  and burning sensation in the throat.

Lifestyle changes are very important for heartburn sufferers , but there are many natural ingredients that are guaranteed to fight heartburn. Heartburn  is  not only caused by eating habits, there are other clinical situations included.

So, people who suffer from heartburn more than 1 time a week can take this Home Remedy to Combat Heartburn once  , but if heartburn persists on a recurring basis, they should go to the doctor for some tests.

Main Causes of Heartburn:  Normally, when food or drink enters the stomach, a muscle band at the end of the esophagus  closes the organ, so that digestion can take place. This band is called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). If this band does not close enough, stomach contents can back up (reflux) into the esophagus . This partially digested material can irritate the esophagus , causing some symptoms, including heartburn . This reflux is usually worse when the person lies down or bends over.

How to Prevent Heartburn: Lifestyle   changes can result in big improvements toheartburn and stomach burning symptoms. Some prevention tips to fight heartburn  are:

  • Maintain a  healthy weight . This can include regular exercise and eating control.
  • Avoid  very spicy or fatty foods This includes reducing the consumption of chocolate, peppers, fried foods in general, onions, garlic and coffee .
  • Eat more fruits  and vegetables, but be careful with citrus fruits  .
  • Reduce your consumption of soft drinks.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, as these agents have been proven to worsen burning conditions.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight or belts in the abdominal area.
  • Do not lie down or sit right after meals.
  • In some cases it is necessary to raise the pillow at bedtime, so that the head is a little higher.

After digestion, the acidic contents of the stomach rise along the esophagus , giving way to  heartburn and burning. These sometimes remain located in the stomach and Combat Heartburn check out this powerful Home Remedy to Combat Heartburn for good.



  • Place the mint  and fennel in a pot and mash it with a pestle or the handle of a spoon until it becomes a paste.
  • Add the honey , mix and let it rest in the fridge for 6 hours.
  • Strain and take 1 tablespoon every 10 hours.

Contraindications:  Mint and fennel  arenot recommended for people with ulcers. Babies and children should also avoid mint consumption.

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