8 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Constipation!
Home remedies to get rid of constipation naturally and using foods you have at home. Also, being constipated is no fun! And yet it is a surprisingly common affliction.
About one in five people are thought to suffer from it, with up to 8 million people visiting their doctor each year for a constipation cure.
However, medication is not necessarily the answer. Treating the cause is the only way to avoid the problem.
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In most cases, it’s a simple matter of figuring out which foods could be causing your digestion to malfunction, or if your lifestyle is to blame.
Medications or certain medical conditions can also contribute. It’s usually a combination of different things: constipation is rarely caused by a single factor.
Most doctors define constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. But since everyone’s bowel movements are different, this can vary from person to person.
There may be other unpleasant symptoms such as pain and straining when going to the bathroom, gas, bloating, and difficulty passing stool . Stools may be dry, hard, and dark.
Fortunately, there are many natural cures for constipation that can be performed in the comfort of your own home. Most of them are backed by science!
1. Take a high quality probiotic supplement:
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When you have an imbalance of healthy bacteria in your gut , your digestion can become sluggish and inefficient.
This is because the overgrowth of harmful bacteria or yeast in the gut can trigger an immune system response, leading to inflammation of the GI tract and subsequent inflammation in other parts of the body.
Imbalances in the gut , such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or Candida overgrowth, often lead to constipation, in addition to constipation, inflammation, intestinal permeability, and other symptoms.
High quality probiotic supplements are the best home remedies for constipation as well as being effective in preventing and treating this condition. They deliver a quantity of live bacteria directly to the intestine , which is where the body breaks down food in a special process called fermentation.
Probiotics are ‘friendly’ bacteria that work with the digestive enzymes in the gut , helping the body to break down food matter and absorb the nutrients it contains.
When your body doesn’t have the right kind of bacterial strains, your digestion can be slower or impaired.
This could mean that the food you eat stays in your gut longer, leading to constipation.
Two of the most effective probiotic strains for relieving constipation are Bifidobacterium infantil and Lactobacillus plantarum.
Look for a probiotic that contains these strains, as well as a high CFU count and many other probiotic strains.
Fermented foods can also be an excellent source of probiotics, but keep in mind that they can cause temporary constipation once you start eating them. This should pass quickly.
2. Drink more water:
One of the most obvious causes of constipation is also the last one most people think of: hydration!
When you don’t drink enough water, your body quickly becomes dehydrated. This means that any waste in the intestines will become hard and sluggish, simply because your body cannot add enough moisture to the stool . In this case, your stool will be small, hard, dry and difficult to pass.
Try to drink at least 2 liters of clean, filtered water daily. The easiest way to do this is to carry a bottle of liquor with you everywhere so you can drink regularly. This will help move food and waste through the body and keep everything flowing naturally.
Water can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight too!
3. Eat more soluble fiber:
Soluble fiber is the type that can be dissolved (ie is “soluble”) in water. When soluble fiber comes in contact with liquid, it absorbs the liquid and forms a gel-like substance.
It acts like a sponge, absorbing fluid and making stool softer. This allows your body to move them out of your digestive tract more easily.
Good sources of soluble fiber include oats and oats, vegetables (peas, beans, lentils), barley, fruits and vegetables (especially oranges, apples and carrots).
Psyllium husk is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber . It is a good remedy for constipation because of the way it stimulates bowel movements.
Inulin is another good type of soluble fiber that you can buy at your health food store.
A study involving IBS patients found that when they were given supplements containing soluble fiber (primarily psyllium husk), their symptoms improved significantly.
Insoluble fiber can also help relieve constipation by increasing stool bulk and improving motility, but it can be very taxing on the sensitive gut .
Non -fermentable soluble fiber is much easier to tolerate as it increases the water-holding capacity of stool , softening it and making it easier to move through the intestines .
3. Stay active:
Studies have shown that being sedentary is a common lifestyle factor for people with sluggish bowels .
An investigation into the link between constipation and sedentary behavior in adolescents found that constipation is often due to low physical activity and long periods of sedentary behavior.
In most cases, when teenagers were more active, their constipation was much less frequent.
Your colon responds to physical activity . The muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm play an important role in the process of removing waste from the body. Good muscle tone helps keep bowel movements regular.
Any form of physical activity that moves the lower body can help. This includes running, walking, swimming and even trampoline!
4. Caffeine:
Many people swear by coffee because they need to go to the bathroom. As a stimulant, coffee activates the muscles of the digestive system, encouraging peristalsis (the rippling movements in the intestines that push waste products into the colon).
One study showed that coffee has the same effect on the gut as a meal and is 60% more effective than just drinking water. It is also 23% more effective than decaf coffee .
However, since coffee is also a diuretic, it can cause dehydration – which will only make your constipation worse! Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day as well.
Decaffeinated drinks like these herbal teas can also help reduce digestive discomfort and relieve constipation.
5. Green Kiwi:
Also known as kiwifruit and Chinese gooseberry, kiwi fruit is a very helpful cure for constipation.
A medium-sized kiwi contains around 2.5 grams of fiber, along with a variety of nutrients.
But the most important thing about kiwi is that it contains a protease enzyme called actinidin.
Actinidin has been found to stimulate motility in the upper gastrointestinal tract, which helps push waste along the intestine .
Another valuable nutrient in green kiwi is a peptide called kissiper. Kissiper has been found to work with specific ions to aid in good digestion and improve peristalsis.
But one study showed that when adults with constipation ate just two kiwis a day, bowel movements increased.
Kiwi is also a rich source of natural phytochemicals that can support gut health . Because it’s technically a fruit, you can even eat the furry outer rind for more roughage!
6. Senna:
Senna herbal laxative is one of the most used home remedies for constipation . It is available over-the-counter or online and can be taken as pills or capsules or drunk as a tea.
Senna contains a variety of plant compounds called glycosides, which stimulate the nerves in the gut and encourage faster bowel movements.
It is important to drink plenty of fluids or electrolyte replacement solutions while taking senna, as it can cause the bowels to empty quickly . Extra hydration will help keep you from losing too much fluid or electrolytes.
But while it is safe to use it every now and then, prolonged use is not recommended. Talk to your doctor or a natural health practitioner if constipation persists.
Senna is not recommended for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have inflammatory bowel problems.
7. Chia seeds:
Chia seeds are small black and white seeds of the Salvia hispanica plant. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, making them a good alternative to home remedies for constipation.
The great thing about chia seeds is that they are rich in soluble fiber and therefore form a lubricating gel-like consistency when they absorb water.
But this gel can help improve the formation of your stool , making it moist and easy to pass. Omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help an irritated gut .
The soluble fiber in chia seeds is much gentler on the gut and should be a part of your daily diet.
But it’s easy to add chia seeds to cereal, baked goods, smoothies, and yogurt for a high-fiber snack or meal.
8. Plum juice:
Prunes are known for their ability to keep you regular, so it’s a good choice of home remedies for constipation . They are absolutely packed with fiber and are extremely effective at moving waste through the intestines .
The other great thing about prunes is that they contain a type of sugar called sorbitol.
As sorbitol cannot be broken down by the body, it passes through the colon undigested and draws water into the intestine . This helps to bulk up the stool and encourage bowel movement.
But studies show that sorbitol is a safe and effective remedy for constipation, and it’s often a favorite of older adults.
Prunes can increase the frequency of bowel movements and improve consistency.
If you really have no idea what to eat when you’re constipated, a handful of prunes might be the easiest remedy in the book.
Be careful not to overdo it with prunes – they CAN cause some gas and bloating!
Chronic constipation can seriously affect your life. It can also affect your physical and mental well-being.
Feeling uncomfortable is only part of the problem; your body will also suffer due to poor nutrition and slow digestion.
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But with the above natural constipation cures, you will feel better and can even prevent constipation.