Elderberry Flower Tea To Fight Candidiasis

Elderflower tea is an excellent home remedy. Also, Candidiasis is an infection caused by the Candida fungus, usually Candida albicans. And it can affect the skin, nail, genitals, throat, bloodstream and mouth.

Causes of Candidiasis: The main cause of vaginal candidiasis is the fungus Candida albicans. This fungus already exists in small amounts in the woman’s body and lives in balance with the vaginal flora. However, some factors can lead to its imbalance in the body, causing the fungus to reproduce and cause symptoms. As the female genital region is warm and humid, it is a more favorable region for the fungus to spread.

Candidiasis Risk Factors: Several habits can increase the risk of the Candida albicans fungus spreading through the body, causing vaginal candidiasis. See some of them:

Candidiasis Symptoms: Vaginal thrush usually causes mostly a whitish discharge. See the list of main symptoms:

  • Itching in the vaginal area
  • Pain and redness in the vaginal area
  • White, lumpy vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese
  • Painful sexual intercourse.

If you experience itching, pain and redness in the genital area, combined or not with thick white vaginal discharge, look for a gynecologist immediately. However, there are some home remedies that help to treat it in a natural way. So, check out the Elderberry Flower Tea Recipe to Treat Candidiasis .


  • elderflower
  • Water

Method of preparation:

Add a tablespoon of elderflower to a cup of boiling water. Drink this tea twice a day. This remedy is very effective for both oral and vaginal candidiasis.

Note: The treatment of vaginal candidiasis usually consists of the use of antifungal ointments or antibiotic drugs for local use.

Useful links: 

In cases of recurrent vaginal candidiasis , the doctor may prescribe oral medications so that the condition does not return. In addition, changes in diet can help these cases.

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