The 10 Health Benefits of Rue
Rue oil is often used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Due to its toxicity, it is rarely applied to the skin directly. However, rue is known for some skin benefits.
News of the week:
Benefits of Antifungal Rue: Rue helps our body fight against fungal infections such as dermatitis and athlete’s feet. Depending on the severity of the infection, rue can be used directly on the skin, especially when suffering from athlete’s foot. It also provides immediate relief from itchy skin.
Benefits of Rue for Clearer Skin: The antifungal properties of rue also help to heal unprotected skin, to reveal clearer, more beautiful skin. Rue ‘s antioxidant propertiesensure that your skin is protected from free radicals that cause premature aging. Therefore, keeping your skin looking young and happy. This is why rue oil is often used in spas to provide a therapeutic facial steam.
Benefits of Rue for Lice Free Hair: Considered an effective insecticide, rue essential oil and extracts are often used to get rid of a lice infestation. Regular use of this oil can ward off unwanted parasites from your hair.
Benefits of Rue for a Spa Treatment: Rue oilhas a number of spa uses for hair treatment. It can give you shiny and healthy hair. This is the perfect recipe for healing damaged hair.
Benefits of Rue as a Sedative: Rue is effective in relieving hysterical and epileptic attacks due to its sedative properties. It helps in desensitizing and relaxing the nerves, inducing numbness due to its neurotoxin content.
Benefits of Rue as an Insecticide: Pests such as mosquitoes, cockroaches and flies cause a number of diseases. These insects can be removed with the use of rue . It can also be used in vaporizers, fumigants, incense sticks and burners to ward off insects.
Benefits of Rue for Infections: Rue protects us from bacterial infections by killing bacteria with its antibacterial properties. It can be used in tea preparation to fight urinary tract, bowel and colon infections. It also protects us from food poisoning and salmonella.
Benefits of Rue for Muscle Pain : If you suffer from muscle pain, you should use rue . It is an excellent remedy for muscle pain, anxiety and menstrual cramps.
Benefits of Rue as an Anti-Inflammatory: Rue can reduce inflammation caused mainly by arthritis. Regular intake of 1-2 cups of rue herb tea helps to relieve stiff muscles and joint pain.
Useful links:
Benefits of Rue as a Poison Remedy: Rue is known as an antidote to poison. It is highly effective against neurotoxins (eg snakebite and insect are neurotoxin) but cannot show any effect against hematoxins.