The 10 Health Benefits of Malva Alcea
The flowers appear singly near the apex of corymbose racemes that grow from the leaf axils in summer to early autumn. They are 3.5 to 6 cm in diameter, with five sepals and five petals bright pink, and have no scent. The bracteoles that make up the epicalyx are ovate and broad at the base where they are fused with the calyx. The fruit is a hairless disc-shaped schizocarp 4–8 mm in diameter, containing several seeds, the seeds individually enclosed in a glabrous or hairy mericarp. So check out now The 10 Health Benefits of Malva Alcea:
News of the week:
Benefits of Malva Alcea to Combat Oral Problems: Used as a gargle or mouthwash (with the tea in the warm to iced state), it serves as a relief for canker sores, gum and throat problems, as it has bactericidal and disinfectant action. Its use should be two to three times a day.
Benefits of Malva Alcea as an Emollient: If you suffer from ulcers or gastritis, then we have another beneficial effect of Malva Alcea tea : it is a powerful anti-inflammatory that soothes tissues and skin .
Benefits of Malva Alcea As an Astringent: With healing properties, Malva Alcea tea helps to prevent infections.
Benefits of Malva Alcea as a Laxative: Malva Alcea tea ,due to its laxative property, is indicated for people who suffer from constipation, as it keeps the intestines in good working order.
Benefits of Malva Alcea as an Expectorant: Those who have respiratory or lung problems can enjoy the benefits provided by the expectorant action of Malva Alcea tea . In addition to fighting and preventing flu , the drink of this plant helps to treat coughs , colds , bronchitis, pharyngitis, catarrh and throat and larynx infections.
Benefits of Malva Alcea As an Antioxidant: The antioxidant property of Malva Alcea tea helps, mainly, in the fight against free radicals that we are exposed to. In addition, you can use it to prevent premature aging , expression lines and other signs of age.
Benefits of Malva Alcea as a Diuretic: Due to its diuretic effect, Malva Alcea tea makes the body eliminate much more urine during the day, which helps to prevent the feeling of bloating caused by fluid retention, as well as expels toxins present in the body . All this makes Malva Alcea tea for urinary tract infection effective.
Malva Alcea Benefits For Your Pet: This is a bonus: yes, your pet can benefit too! Many pets like to eat leaves or flowers to get rid of stomach pains and, if Malva Alcea is good for us humans, for dogs and cats it serves the same way, relieving gas and helping with constipation.
Useful links:
Malva Alcea Benefits For Skin Health: If you want to soothe the skin from bites, boils or light burns, Malva Alcea works extremely well! Just make compresses or plasters and apply on the affected area, Malva Alcea quickly eliminates the pain of the place.