Green banana biomass – benefits and how to make it!

Green banana biomass is nothing more than a preparation made with the pulp of cooked green bananas to benefit your health in general. In addition, Green Banana Biomass is able to improve immunity , contribute to the development of the intestinal microbiota, reduce the risk of bowel cancer , control cholesterol levels , prevent diabetes and prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Did you know that banana cultivation is the fourth most important in the world? Bananas feed 400 million people every day in 100 countries around the world! But the star of this post is the green banana and the puree made with it cooked, called Biomassa de Banana Verde .

Green banana biomass was discovered by Brazilian Heloísa de Freitas Valle at the time when all the food on her farm was stolen and she decided to prepare a soup with the only ingredient she could find: a bunch of green bananas. And it worked!

In the culinary aspect, the biomass has a unique texture that provides creaminess and structure to the dish, in addition to increasing the volume of the dish, but does not change its flavor.

Nutritional Value of Green Banana Biomass:

Green Banana Biomass has good amounts of resistant starch which is a kind of fiber that the digestive system cannot digest. As this type of fiber is not digested, it serves as food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine  and thus contributes to the development of the intestinal microbiota.

Green Banana Biomass also has vitamin A , which is important for eye and skin health and contributes to growth. The food has vitamins from the B, B1, B2 and B3 complex, which act in the metabolism of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids, that is, they help the body to use these substances efficiently. So, now check out the Benefits of Green Banana Biomass:

Benefits of Green Banana Biomass:

1. Against Anxiety:

Green Banana Biomass is a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for the production of the hormone that guarantees the feeling of well-being. With this, it helps to prevent depression and control anxiety .

2. Improves Intestinal Transit:

Without a doubt, this is considered one of the best Benefits of Green Banana Biomass . The non-digestible fibers in Banana Verde Biomass contribute to the formation of fecal cake, with a larger fecal cake, it will come out more easily. Thus, there is improvement in intestinal transit.

3. On Boosting Immunity:

The resistant starch in Banana Verde Biomass contributes to the health of the intestinal microbiota. When the gut microbiota is healthy, there is the production of a substance called anti-inflammatory cytokine that improves immunity , making antibodies work more efficiently.

4. Against Diabetes:

The fibers of Banana Verde Biomass help to avoid blood glucose spikes , causing it to be released gradually. These glucose spikes lead to insulin spikes.

Faced with constant insulin spikes, some organs become tolerant of it, requiring more and more insulin to fulfill the same function, generating insulin resistance, which, if not addressed, can progress to type 2 diabetes.

How to Use Green Banana Biomass?

Green Banana Biomass can be used in cooking as a thickener to give more consistency to recipes. It replaces most recipes that use oil, mayonnaise, sour cream and any other thickener, without interfering with the flavor of the dish and making recipes healthier. It can also be added to juices.

When Green Banana Biomass is made at home, it can be stored in the fridge for seven days or frozen for up to two months. To thaw, just leave the biomass at room temperature or heat it in a bain-marie.

How to make Green Banana Biomass?

Green Banana Biomass is easy to make at home. For this you only need an intact bunch of green dwarf bananas. See how to do it:


  • Carefully remove the bananas from the bunch, preserving the stalks.
  • Sanitize bananas with  soap and water
  • Put a pressure cooker half full of water on the fire  and bring to a boil.
  • As soon as the water  boils, place the sanitized bananas in  the hot water of the pressure cooker so that they get thermal shock.
  • Cover and leave on high heat until it starts to sizzle.
  • Also, when it starts to beep, lower the heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off and wait for the pressure to release normally, without forcing
  • Also, open the pan and with the help of a tongs, remove the bananas and remove the pulp.
  • Place the pulps in a blender or food processor and beat with a little water , without adding too much water .
  • Do not let it cool, beat the hot pulp until it forms a very thick paste, the biomass
  • Also, store in small portions, cubes for juices and 1/2 cup and 1 cup for culinary dishes.

Green Banana Biomass Brigadeiro Recipe:

This brigadeiro must be made with cold biomass, but without having been frozen.


  • Biomass of 2 green bananas
  • 5 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • Plus 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • Plus 5 drops of vanilla essence


  • Blend everything in a blender and make balls by hand. Instead of the traditional chocolate sprinkles.
  • In addition, crushed nuts or almonds or granulated cocoa can be used.
  • Leave in the fridge until the balls are firm before serving.


Useful links: 

There are no contraindications for the consumption of Green Banana Biomass , only people who are allergic to bananas should avoid consuming the food. In addition, excessive consumption of Green Banana Biomass can cause gas, flatulence and decrease the absorption of some minerals, such as zinc and calcium. Another risk of excess food is the intestines being loose.

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