Ginger tea with honey to fight a cold (and how to make it)

This honey ginger tea to fight cold and various diseases as it has many benefits and nutrients that support health.

With winter fully upon us, the cold season has officially arrived, with coughing , nasal congestion , and the dizziness that colds carry.

Plus, luckily, natural remedies can help fight colds faster and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Is ginger tea good for a cold?

Drinking a cup of ginger tea has long been a traditional remedy to control cold , flu and cough .

However, its active component gingerol helps strengthen your body from the inside and provides instant relief.

Additionally, ginger tea can help relieve congestion associated with the common cold .

For its high levels of vitamin C , magnesium and other minerals, ginger root is extremely beneficial for health.

How to prepare ginger tea to fight a cold?


  • Buy fresh ginger (organic is preferred) and cut a piece about an inch long.
  • Chop this piece very finely or grate it. Place the chopped ginger in a tea strainer and place it in a cup.
  • Pour fresh boiling water into the glass.
  • Let the tea rest for five minutes.
  • Remove the tea strainer and squeeze the ginger with a spoon to add a little more ginger juice to the cup. Flavor with a spoon of honey and sip.
  • The gingerols and anti-inflammatories in ginger root will help relieve a sore throat quickly and also kill rhinoviruses, which cause colds in the first place.
  • Drink three or more cups daily until you get well. You can also drink the same ginger tea to keep warm on a very cold winter day.

2. Lemon tea with honey


  • Juice of 1 lemon :
  • 2 tablespoons of honey ;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.

Preparation mode

  • Add the honey to the cup of boiling water, stir well until the mixture is all the same and then add the pure juice of 1 lemon .
  • Once prepared, you should drink the tea right after its preparation, and it is important to only add the lemon juice last to ensure that the vitamin C present in the fruit is not lost.

3. Apple and lemon tea


  • 1 liter of water
  • lemon (juice only)
  • Peels of 6 apples

Preparation mode

  • Place the shells in a pan, cover with half the water and bring to a boil.
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes on low heat.
  • Blend everything in a blender with the lemon juice .
  • Strain and mix the rest.
  • Sweeten before serving

4. Echinacea tea


Preparation mode

  • You have to put the Echinacea in the boiling water and wait 10 minutes.
  • Then just strain and drink right away.

5. Garlic tea with onion


Preparation mode

  • Boil the onion , water and garlic .
  • Wait for it to cool and strain.
  • Sweeten with honey to taste and drink right away.

6. Coriander tea with garlic


Preparation mode

  • Boil the coriander seeds with the crushed garlic clove and water.
  • Turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Strain and sweeten with honey or brown sugar. Drink 1 cup (tea) every 8 hours.

7. Garlic tea with lemon


Preparation mode

  • Divide the lemon into parts, and bring to a boil together with the water and the two peeled garlic cloves.
  • Wait for the tea to cool and strain.
  • Then add with honey to your taste.

8. Lemon mint tea


Preparation mode

  • In a pan, or milk jug, place the water and the clean mint leaves with the lemon juice and mint .
  • When the water starts to boil, count 3 minutes.
  • Don’t leave it too long, as it will spoil the tea.
  • Then, pass the leaves through a sieve and enjoy only the liquid.
  • Sweeten with honey or sugar and you can take it.

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