40 Foods Men Over 40 Should Avoid!
Foods that men over 40 should avoid to have a better life, because there comes an age when not all foods are appropriate, and you should think twice before eating greasy or dyed foods.
In your 20s, you can consume a whole pizza pie after a night of partying and not earn an ounce. But at 40? Well, if you indulged in a meatball replacement more than once a week, you would see the number on the scale go up.
Not to mention, achieving a chiseled physique versus a dad physique just gets harder. That’s why it’s so important to track your diet and avoid foods that don’t just add to your weight.
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But they also put you at risk for serious health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. To help ensure you’re aging in reverse, we’ve put together a list of the worst foods men over 40 should avoid.
Foods men over 40 should avoid :
1. Margarine:
Most tubs of margarine contain artery-clogging saturated fats and are loaded with processed oils. As if that weren’t enough, many margarine brands use propylene glycol, a synthetic compound.
Whose research has shown to increase cholesterol levels and cause weight gain. For a healthier alternative, swap out grass-fed butter or replace it with healthy oils like extra-virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
2. Artificial sweeteners:
While artificial sweeteners don’t add calories to your diet, they can increase your cravings for more sugar. In fact, research shows that aspartame, sucralose, and stevioside can actually lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health conditions.
If you want to sweeten your baked goods the smart way, replace the sugar with maple syrup, raw honey, or unsweetened applesauce . Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
3. Soft drink:
Choosing soda over H2O is a bad decision, but what exactly makes caramel-colored soda so bad for you? Sugary drinks like soda have toxic chemicals.
A 2014 study showed that the chemical 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) could increase your risk of developing cancer. Check out these other disturbing facts about soda. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
4. Dye:
The artificial food colors you see in many baked goods, candy, and other processed foods can have serious side effects on your health. Despite being approved, these dyes may contain cancer-causing contaminants.
If you want to add a pop of color to your food, look to natural sources such as beetroot juice, cold-pressed green juice, or paprika . Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
5 Sugary cocktails:
It may seem like a good idea in your 20s, but in your 30s and beyond, it’s important to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum. The CDC recommends that men limit their daily alcohol consumption to two drinks a day.
If you are with coworkers to enjoy a post-work happy hour, please stop your account after the first order. This is a reminder that you’ve already had a drink.
6. Fruit juice:
If you’re over 40 and trying to lose weight, the last thing you want to do is swallow some orange juice for breakfast. Fructose, which is the main sugar in fruit juice, has been linked to abdominal fat.
Belly fat has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and other metabolic diseases. Want to kick your sugar cravings ? Get a copy of the 14 Day Sugar Free Diet is packed with healthy swaps, meal guides, recipes and more!
7. Cakes:
There’s no harm in treating yourself once in a while, but when you hit your 40s, you want to actively avoid sweets . Packaged muffins can easily contain a full day’s worth of sugar and fat. And they’re not the only candy you should ditch.
8. Cup cakes:
Yes, the same goes for cupcakes. Having too much sweet stuff in your diet can also literally age you. Developing acne around the chin area and having premature wrinkles are signs that you may be eating too much sugar .
9. Deli meats:
We hate to break it down for you, but the deli meat in your sandwiches might not be all it seems. A closer look at the ingredients label reveals sky-high levels of belly bloating sodium.
Nitrate preservatives, modified corn starch and carrageenan. So the next time you’re craving a substitute, check out our list of the best and worst delicious meats and enjoy uncured meats in moderation.
10. Barbecue:
Grilling is one of the quickest and easiest ways to prepare your dishes, but if you’re concerned about your health, you’ll want to keep barbecues to a minimum. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
Searing steaks and other proteins at elevated temperatures over an open flame can produce heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These chemicals have been found to alter DNA and increase the risk of cancer.
11. Cheese sauces:
Cheese sauces for nachos are full of artificial colors and flavors, as well as food additives. Make your own dip at home with real cheese and your choice of spices and herbs to add a splash of flavor.
12. Chinese food:
The high levels of sodium and sugar in dishes like General Tso and chicken are a solid enough reason to stay away from Chinese food. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
13. Turkey bacon:
If you think you’re making a healthy choice by opting for turkey bacon, think again. Although turkey bacon has about 13 fewer calories per slice, it is higher in saturated fat and sodium is not good news if you have high blood pressure.
14. Mass:
Refined grains are stripped of fiber and other nutrients in order to yield a soft, cushiony texture. However, refined and processed grains are also highly glycemic. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
Which means they make your blood sugar levels go up and down quickly. Consuming too many of these refined foods can lead to metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity, so it’s best to ditch white pasta and opt for wheat or bean-based pasta instead.
15. Bread:
This means that the same logic must also be applied to white bread. To meet your daily intake of gut-healthy fiber and nourish your body with the nutrients it needs, skip the slices and white bagels and opt for whole-grain or sprouted bread.
16. Salad dressing:
Low or no-fat salad dressings make up for the lack of fat with a bucket of sugar , salt and food additives. As a healthier alternative, prepare yours at home with these 8 salad dressings.
17. Dairy:
Fat-free dairy products like cheese, cream cheese, and cottage cheese tend to be less satisfying than real dairy products, which can stimulate cravings for seconds or thirds.
Also, seemingly healthier low-fat foods include added sugar to make up for the lack of fat. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
18. Flavored yogurt:
Unlike yogurt , which is full of satiating protein and low in sugar , flavored yogurts are loaded with added sugars. If you want to add some flavor, fiber, and texture to your Greek yogurt , top it with some fiber-rich fruits, chia or hemp seeds, and nuts.
19. Canned fruit:
Fruit preserves might seem like a great shortcut, but it’s just a quick path to belly fat. Packed with syrup, artificial flavors and other nasty additives.
You’re basically opening a can of waist-enhancing worms. Even the sugar -free varieties are lacking the crucial fiber, and the vitamin content can be degraded in the canning process.
20. Pancake Syrup:
If you’re not careful, the syrup you choose to drizzle your pies with could spell trouble for your tummy. Maple-flavored syrups, like those from Log Cabin and Aunt Jemima, are made with high-fructose corn syrup, a sugar associated with metabolic syndrome and increased belly fat. Instead, stick to real maple syrup, which contains minerals.
21. Coverages:
The whipped topping has no cream. Instead, you’ll find modest ingredients like partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and high-fructose corn syrup two culprits your diet could definitely do without. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
22. Fast foods:
In a 15-year study of 3,000 adults, it was found that those who consumed fast food more than twice a week developed insulin resistance at twice the rate than those who did not eat fast food. Insulin resistance increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes.
23. Canned Soup:
Many canned soups have half a day’s worth of sodium, plus additives like MSG that increase appetite. For a healthier alternative, make your own soup at home with grass-fed bone broth and save leftovers for easy use. Plus, bone broth is also full of collagen, which helps turn back the clock on our skin.
24. Pasta Sauce:
To clarify, we’re not saying that all pasta sauces are bad for you, just a few. Processed pasta sauces may contain tomato or tomato paste as the first ingredient, but often these sneaky saboteurs also contain loads of inflammatory oils, added sugar and salt.
25. Processed Peanut Butter:
Many processed peanut butters have added hydrogenated and processed vegetable oils and sugars that can increase cholesterol levels . Also, buying a pitcher? Check out our list of the 36 best rated peanut butters!
26. Vegetable oils:
Soybeans , corn and cottonseed oil are highly processed and have high levels of essential omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. Although omega-6 fatty acids can be good for your heart.
If consumed in moderation, consuming too much can cause a negative imbalance with omega-3 fatty acids. To ensure both, swap out the avocado or extra virgin olive oil. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
27. Macaroni and Cheese:
Mac and cheese was probably your favorite dish as a kid, but that doesn’t mean you should keep enjoying it. Many commercial boxes contain up to 30% of your recommended daily intake of sodium, plus empty blood sugar carbs from the white shells.
28. Bottled coffees:
A little cold java can boost your metabolism, but many bottled varieties can do just the opposite. Try Gold Peak’s Salted Toffee and Toffee Almond Toffee flavors. Both contain 270 calories and 53 grams of sugar ! Too much sugar can increase your risk of diabetes and wreak havoc on your hormones.
29. Toaster waffles:
You might have enjoyed it for breakfast as a kid, but there’s no reason you should have a little breakfast when you’re over 40. They contain almost no gut-loving fiber or muscle-maintaining protein to keep you full.
30. Diet soda:
Zero-calorie artificial sweeteners found in sugar-free drinks, such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, can make you crave more sweet things . Artificial sweeteners are 200 to 600 times sweeter than real sugar, so they can signal a release of insulin from the pancreas.
31. Smoothies:
This may have been a treat since childhood, but now that you’ve reached your 40s, it’s time to stop ordering one of these when you’re dining out. Restaurant shakes are often as caloric as an entire entree, as they are no longer just made from milk and ice cream.
32. Sweet pies:
This is another quick and easy breakfast option for your school that you should avoid. One pack comes with two candies , which cost 30 grams of added sugar if you opt for the icy strawberry flavor, and that’s just at the start of your day. Research has found that consuming too much added sugar increases the risk of dying from heart disease.
33. Energy drinks:
You can get a sudden energy boost from these canned drinks, but they are full of harmful sweeteners that are worse for your teeth than those found in soda.
These drinks just aren’t worth it, and with a healthy diet, you’ll get the right amount of energy you need, naturally. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
34. Frozen pie:
A frozen apple pie looks harmless, but this dessert option is one you should just say no to. Take the apple, for example, is packed with hydrogenated oils, so one slice has three grams of trans fats.
Trans fats can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Also, a pre-made slice of pie is not worth harming your heart health.
35. Oreos:
Oreo cookies are another candy you can eat regularly as a kid, but now it’s time to leave these processed cookies in the jar. Plus, they are filled with empty calories and contribute to expanding your waistline.
You can never eat just one, and as you get older, it’s no secret that losing weight doesn’t come so easily; so try to stay away from this snack. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
36. Lemonade:
Lemonade might seem like an innocent enough drink option, but it’s usually high in calories and sugar in just one glass. Minute Maid, for example, has an impressive 40 grams of sugar in just a 30 ml can. Plus, you don’t need to take a sip now that you’re 40!
37. Bottled iced tea:
No, we are not talking about the pure form of tea that is really good for you. One study found that you would need to drink 20 bottles of store-bought tea to get the same amount of antioxidants present in just one homemade cup.
Store-bought bottled teas are not only packed with sugar . But, many of these drinks are dyed caramel color instead of real tea. Therefore, it is one of the foods that men over 40 should avoid.
38. Gluten-free foods:
Unless you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, there is no reason to eliminate wheat products from your diet. Plus, many whole grains contain fiber that helps level blood sugar , keep you regular, and support good gut bacteria.
39. Farmed fish:
Unlike wild-caught fish, farmed fish contain higher levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. To keep your omega-3 and omega-6 levels balanced, opt for wild cultivation for anti-inflammatory and other health benefits.
40. Protein Shake:
Useful links:
Many store-bought bottles are full of artificial additives, added sugar , hydrogenated oils, preservatives, and more calories than you normally eat in a meal. In other words, this combination is a recipe for weight gain.