Ehrlichiosis – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Ehrlichiosis –  What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments that many are unaware of. Also, ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichiosis) is a tick-borne bacterial disease that causes flu-like symptoms. Ehrlichiosis signs and symptoms range from  mild body aches to severe fever  and usually appear within a week or two of a tick bite. If treated quickly with appropriate antibiotics, Ehrlichiosis  usually gets better within a few days. Another tick-borne infection – anaplasmosis – is closely related to Ehrlichiosis . But the two have distinct differences and are caused by different microorganisms.

The best way to prevent these infections is to avoid tick bites. Tic repellents, thorough body checks after being outside, and proper tick removal will give you the best chance of preventing Ehrlichiosis .

Causes of Ehrlichiosis:  Ehrlichiosis is caused by ehrlichia bacteria and is mainly transmitted by ticks. Ticks feed on blood, attach themselves to a host and feed until they are swollen to many times their normal size. During feeding, ticks that carry disease-producing bacteria can transmit the bacteria to a healthy host. Or they can scavenge the bacteria if the host, such as a white-tailed deer or a coyote, is infected.

Generally, to get Ehrlichiosis , you must be bitten by a tick. The bacteria enter your skin through the bite and eventually enter your bloodstream. Before bacteria can be transmitted, a tick must be attached and fed for at least 24 hours.

A ligated tic with a swollen appearance may have been fed enough to have transmitted bacteria. Removing ticks as soon as possible can prevent infection. It is also possible that Ehrlichiosis  can be transmitted through blood transfusions, from mother to fetus, and through direct contact with an infected, slaughtered animal.

Symptoms of Ehrlichiosis:  If a tick that carries the bacteria that causes Ehrlichiosis  has been fed to you for at least 24 hours, the following flu-like signs and symptoms may appear – usually within seven to 14 days of the bite:

  • low fever
  • Headache
  • Goosebumps
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • joint pain
  • Confusion
  • Rash
  • Cough

Some people infected with Ehrlichiosis  may have symptoms so mild that they never seek medical attention, and the body fights the disease on its own. But untreated ehrlichiosis  with persistent symptoms can result in an illness severe enough to require hospitalization.

When to See a Doctor:  It can take up to 14 days after a tick bite for you to start showing signs and symptoms of Ehrlichiosis . If you have symptoms within two weeks of a tick bite, see your doctor.

If you experience any of the above symptoms soon after being in an area known to have ticks, see your doctor. Be sure to tell your doctor that you have recently received a tick bite or visited an area with a high tick population.

Ehrlichiosis Risk Factors: Ehrlichiosis  spreads when an infected tick bites and feeds on you for 24 hours or more. The following factors can increase your risk of getting tick-borne infections:

  • Being outdoors in hot weather. Most cases of Ehrlichiosis  occur in the spring and summer months when tick populations are at their peak and people are outside more often.
  • Living in or visiting an area with a high tick population. You are at greater risk if you are in an area with a high tick population. In Brazil, ticks are more common in the southeastern, eastern and central-south states.
  • Be Man. Ehrlichiosis  infections are more common in men, possibly due to increased time outdoors for work and recreation.

Ehrlichiosis Complications:  Without prompt treatment, Ehrlichiosis  can have serious effects on an otherwise healthy adult or child. People with weakened immune systems are at an even greater risk of more serious and potentially fatal consequences. Serious complications from untreated infection include:

  • kidney failure
  • Respiratory failure
  • Cardiac insufficiency
  • seizures
  • With the

Ehrlichiosis Tests and Diagnosis:  Tick-borne infections are difficult to diagnose based on signs and symptoms alone, as signs and symptoms such as fever  and muscle aches are similar to many other common conditions. Abnormal findings on a series of blood tests, combined with your history of possible exposure, may lead your doctor to suspect a tick-borne illness. If you have Ehrlichiosis , your blood tests will likely show:

  • A low white blood cell count – these cells are the body’s disease fighters
  • A low platelet count – platelets are essential for blood clotting
  • abnormal liver function

More specific blood tests for Ehrlichiosis  include:

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. This test helps to identify specific genes unique to Ehrlichiosis . However, if you have already started treatment, the results of this test may be affected.
  • Indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. This test, not used as commonly as the PCR test, measures how much antibody you have in your blood to the bacteria that causes Ehrlichiosis .

If you live in an area where ticks are common, your doctor may start you on antibiotics before blood test results come back because previous treatment results in better results for some tick-borne illnesses.

Ehrlichiosis Treatments:  If your doctor suspects you have Ehrlichiosis  or another tick-borne illness, you will likely be prescribed the antibiotic doxycycline (Doryx, Vibramycin, others). You usually take the antibiotic for up to 10 days. Your doctor may take antibiotics for a longer period of time if you are severely ill. If you are pregnant, your doctor may prescribe the antibiotic rifampicin (Rifadin, Rimactane) instead, because doxycycline is not recommended during pregnancy.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies:  If you find a tick on your body, don’t be alarmed. If you remove the tick within 24 hours of its attachment, you are unlikely to get Ehrlichiosis  or other tick-borne diseases. Follow these steps for safe tick removal:

  • Use tweezers if possible. Use a pair of flat-tipped tweezers or cover your hand with a tissue or glove to remove a tick. A tick’s saliva and body fluids can carry the same bacteria found in its mouth, and the bacteria can enter your body through cuts or mucous membranes on your skin.
  • Remove the feel slowly. Catch the tick by the parts of your mouth where it is attached to your skin. Pull it up and out of your skin steadily and slowly without wiggling or twisting. If you pull too quickly or catch the tick by its body, the tick will likely separate, leaving the mouth parts on your skin. If the mouth parts of the tick break off on your skin, remove them with tweezers. Petroleum jelly and hot matches are not effective treatments for removing tics or ticks from your skin. These methods can make matters worse by triggering the tick to release more of its body fluids, and this can cause an additional infection.
  • Kill the tick. Once you have successfully removed the tick, kill it by placing it in a container of alcohol. Do not crush the tick in your hands or with your fingernails because the fluids it releases may contain infected bacteria. If you want to save the tick to test in case you get sick, put it in a plastic bag or jar, close the container, and place it in the freezer.
  • Clean the bite site. Wash the bite site thoroughly with hand sanitizer or soap and water. And carefully wash your hands.
  • Monitor the bite. Over the next few days and weeks, watch the bite site for a rash and pay close attention to any signs and symptoms that develop, such as fever, muscle aches, or joint pain. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, see your doctor. If possible, bring the tic with you to your schedule.

Prevention of Ehrlichiosis:  The best way to stay away from Ehrlichiosis  is to avoid tick bites. Most ticks attach themselves to the legs and feet when walking or working in grassy, ​​wooded areas or covered fields. After a ticket is attached to its body, it usually crawls upwards to find a spot to bury in its fur. You can find a tick on the back of your knees, groin, armpits, ears, back of neck, and other places.

If you remove a tick within 24 hours of attachment, you reduce your risk of infection. While you may not be able to avoid entering areas where ticks are present, the following tips can make finding and removing ticks easier before attaching to your skin:

  • Wear light colored clothes. Carpegos are dark in color. Light clothing helps you and others to notice ticks on your clothing before they can attach to your skin .
  • Avoid open shoes or sandals. Ticks usually live in grassy areas or fields and can attach themselves to your feet and legs when you brush. Wearing open shoes or sandals increases the risk of a ticket associated with your bare skin and working under your clothes, out of sight of detection.
  • Apply repellent. Products that contain permethrin (Repel Permanone) often repel ticks. Permethrin is for use on clothing only. You can use DEET on your skin or clothing, but follow the recommendations on the label. For children, use a repellent containing less than 30% and use the product with caution. Do not use on your children’s hands or faces.
  • Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. The smaller the skin you expose, the smaller the size of a mark. For added protection, wear shirts, pants, and socks with permethrin impregnated into the fabric.
  • Take your shirt into your pants and your pants into your socks. By doing this, ticks will be less able to crawl over exposed skin. However, be aware that if ticks get on your clothing, they will crawl up until they reach exposed skin. Check your clothes frequently while you are outdoors.
  • Keep to clear trails whenever possible. Tics prefer grassy areas and may be less common on well-beaten paths.
  • Inspect your body. Do a complete visual inspection of your body. Be sure to check the head and neck, as ticks will continue to climb upwards until they find an appropriate spot. Use your hands to feel your hair and in areas you cannot see when you return from your exit or garden. Ticks can be as small as a strawberry seed, and they often attach themselves to  hidden skin . Be sure to check all possibilities. A shower alone will rarely dislodge attached tics from the head and body.
  • Inspect your clothing and equipment. Check your clothes, backpacks and other gear when you get home to look for ticks that fit a ride. Spinning your clothes in the dryer for about an hour will kill any ticks you’ve missed.
  • Don’t forget your pets. Do a daily inspection for ticks on any pet that spends time outdoors.

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