The 10 Diseases You Can Get During Carnival
It’s Carnival! The season of kissing, playing and having fun has begun, and so begins the season of contagion of several contagious diseases most powerful on the planet. Kissing on the mouth is one of them and can transmit a lot of diseases as well as intercourse without a condom. When our defense system fails, the fungi and bacteria responsible for diseases can reproduce more easily, establishing a variety of acute or chronic injuries.
When this Candida albicans population increase occurs on the lining of the mouth, numerous white, scaly, cheese-like spots cover all or part of the tongue and gums, the inside of the cheeks, and sometimes the lips. These white dots are none other than the individuals of this fungal overpopulation. There are several types of potentially transmissible diseases, whether in a simple “seal” as they say, or by the simple exchange of saliva. One of them is even like the kissing disease mononucleosis, not to mention others such as caries, gingivitis, candidiasis , labial and genital herpes, tuberculosis, hepatitis, syphilis and gonorrhea. So, check out now The 10 Diseases You Can Get During Carnival.
1. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Thrush or oral candidiasis is a mycosis caused by the fungus Candida albicans. It is manifested by white, scaly spots on the tongue and inner part of the cheeks. Treatment may involve the use of antifungal medication.
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2. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Caries and gingivitis, as infectious diseases caused by bacteria, can also be transmitted by kissing. However, according to Alves, those who maintain good oral hygiene should not be infected even if they come into contact with bacteria.
3. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Tetanus is easily contagious through cuts: The bacteria are out there and no one is free from accidents. Therefore, everyone should have the vaccine calendar up to date.
4. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Secondary syphilis , the second stage of the disease, can cause lesions on the skin and mouth. At this stage, the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which causes the disease, can be transmitted by kissing. Obviously it is not the main form of contamination, the most common is through sexual contact, but it can happen. Syphilis is curable and treated with antibiotics.
5. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: STDs , the feeling of freedom typical of Carnival, associated with excessive alcohol consumption, also increases the chances of contracting hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ), including AIDS and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Therefore, the use of condoms is essential. In the case of HPV, however, the condom does not guarantee 100% protection, as the lesions can be microscopic. Often, the lesions are imperceptible or are located in places to which the individual does not pay much attention, such as the perineum — clarifies infectologists. In this case, the ideal is to reduce the number of partners. 6. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Conjunctivitis According to ophthalmologists, during this period there is a greater number of cases of the disease, due to the increase in contact with several other people, many of whom were previously infected. In addition, there is the problem of high temperatures – ultraviolet rays lower immunity – and the lack of care with hand hygiene. The most common Conjunctivitis s are caused by dirty hands taken to the eyes, which occurs very often during revelry.
7. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Mononucleosis or “kissing disease”: the disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus causes symptoms similar to those of a strong flu: malaise, body ache, fever, sore throat and increased lymph nodes (a phenomenon known as snout). There is no specific treatment, but medication may be indicated to relieve symptoms.
8. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Hepatitis A According to doctors, it is also another common disease transmitted by contact. During Carnival, one of the main forms of contagion is sharing utensils. If the person has the virus, the individual who drinks from the same glass, for example, gets it, say the infectologists. Another way hepatitis A can be transmitted is by consuming contaminated food and drink. On the beaches it is common to have food contaminated by the lack of adequate sanitation. Therefore, it is important to know if the origin of what will be consumed is safe.
9. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Herpes Labialis is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus that causes sores on the lips, face or inside the mouth similar to canker sores. The crisis lasts for about a week and returns from time to time, especially in situations of low immunity. Antiviral medications may be indicated to treat flare-ups.
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10. Disease You Can Get During Carnival: Respiratory Viruses Generally, the revelers in the first days after the party are as traditional in the revelry as the street blocks.
In these cases, the symptoms are usually fever, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness and a feeling of weakness — says the president of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine (SBMT) in the Federal District, infectious disease specialist Dalcy Albuquerque Filho.