The 6 Diseases That Are Transmitted by Kissing

The diseases that are transmitted by kissing are diverse. because, in the heat of the moment you don’t even realize it, but a kiss can transmit several diseases , some of them very serious. The reason is that, during the act, millions of bacteria are exchanged and, among them, one or two can cause diseases . To prevent yourself, you don’t have to go without kissing, just follow some care.

Kissing moves 29 muscles and burns approximately 12 calories. But in just one kiss, two people exchange, on average, 250 bacteria and can transmit or contract dangerous diseases such as the H1N1 flu, known as swine flu. So, check out  the 6 diseases that are transmitted by kissing.

Mononucleosis: It is not necessary to say what the main form of contamination of the so-called “kissing disease” is. As the person does not always know that they have the Epstein-Barr virus, since mononucleosis is one of the  diseases that are transmitted by kissing, and can also be asymptomatic, they end up transmitting the disease to other people. In cases where there are symptoms, the main ones are fatigue, sore throat , cough and swollen nodes. It is worth remembering that the virus can be incubated for 30 to 45 days in the body and there is no cure – the person will carry it for the rest of their lives.

Herpes Labialis:  Disease that is transmitted by kissing, it  is caused by a virus , which manifests itself from time to time and has no cure.

Gingivitis:  And the inflammation of the gums that causes pain and discomfort, generated by the bacteria that give rise to tartar

Syphilis: Syphilis is one of the  Diseases that are Transmitted by Kissing,  if the other person is contaminated and has a sore in the mouth. The most common form of contagion, however, is sexual. The disease is caused by a bacterium called treponema pallidum and can appear in different parts of the body and take up to a week after infection to appear.

Aids: disease caused by a virus that drastically lowers the body’s defenses, leaving it vulnerable to a number of diseases . In this case, AIDS can be transmitted by kissing on the mouth, if there are cavities or sores on the lips or inside the mouth.

Meningitis: According to a study conducted by Australian doctors, kissing on the lips of multiple partners increases the chance of getting meningococcal meningitis by four times. The definition of “multiples” for the researchers is seven people in two weeks, he says that it seems small for those who observe the “catch” of the carnival in Salvador, for example.

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The transmission of meningitis worries doctors, as the disease has a rapid evolution and can be fatal. The most common symptoms are fever , headache, vomiting, diarrhea and stiffness of the muscles in the back of the neck, shoulders and back.

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