5 Symptoms of Dengue That Many Ignore!

The most common symptoms of dengue are high fever , body aches, skin rashes, nausea and vomiting, among others. But do you know how to differentiate the signs when looking for a doctor?

This question is important because, as the climate is warming up, dengue cases in Brazil tend to increase. With the intensification of rains in the summer, outbreaks of the Aedes aegypti mosquito tend to be more frequent than at times of the year with less rainfall. Here  are the Top 10 Symptoms of Dengue That Many Ignore:

What is Dengue?

Dengue is a viral and febrile disease transmitted by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito and is considered one of the main public health problems in the world. Aedes aegypti is an arbovirus, DENV, of the Flaviviridae family (genus Flavivirus).

To refer to the name of the disease, the use of both genders is correct, “a” dengue or “o” dengue. It is most common in tropical and subtropical locations.

Its main form of transmission is through the bite of the female Aedes aegypti mosquito, but there are records of “vertical transmission” (from the infected pregnant woman to the baby) and also by blood transfusion.

Since the 1960s, dengue cases worldwide have increased. But the first manifestations of the disease were described in 1779, and its causes as well as ways of transmission were only discovered at the beginning of the 20th century.

Research indicates that there are 4 different types of dengue virus serotypes, when an individual is infected by one of them, consequently he becomes partially and temporarily immune against the one that infected him, and may contract any of the other serotypes. Are they:

  • THE 1ST.
  • DEN-2.
  • THE 3TH.

What are the Causes and Transmission of Dengue?

The female mosquito, which is less than 1 cm long, the size of a little finger, lays her eggs in still water, under suitable conditions (hot and humid places), when they are released they begin to create larvae, to give rise to the mosquito of dengue (Aedes aegypti).

There is also another species of mosquito that transmits Dengue, it is Aedes albopictus, it has the same habits as Aedes aegypti, but its occurrence is much lower. When an individual is bitten by the mosquito, the manifestation of the disease usually takes 5 to 6 days, at other times it can take up to 15 days. The mosquito attacks humans and some primates. logo Below you will know The 10 Main Symptoms of Dengue.

The initial symptoms can still be confused with other diseases, such as:

Main Symptoms of Dengue:

With this, the symptoms of Dengue vary according to the type, they are:

  • Extreme tiredness.
  • Fatigue and body pain.
  • High fever with sudden onset.
  • Intense headache .
  • Pain behind the eyes, which gets worse when the patient moves them.
  • Loss of taste and appetite.
  • Measles-like patches and rashes on the skin, especially on the chest and upper limbs.
  • Lots of bone and joint pain.
  • nausea and vomiting .
  • Dizziness.
  • The patient may also be asymptomatic.

How to Prevent Dengue?

Although Dengue has many outbreaks and occurrences, its prevention is simple, through two ways:

Aedes aegypti prefers to lay its eggs in clean water (rarely drinking water), so the ideal is not to let the water accumulate. The main stagnant water deposits that provide Dengue are:

  • Water tanks, cisterns and gutters: always keep them very well closed and clean.
  • Also, bottles: turn them upside down.
  • Tires: dispose of old ones properly and keep new ones covered.
  • Also, puddles: in any environment, be it a company, home or swimming pool, always drain the water.
  • Always treat pool water with chlorine.
  • Also, bowls: those we use to put water for pets, wash them often, once a week is recommended.
  • Toilets that are seldom or rarely used need to be flushed at least once a week.
  • Plant pots: after tires, these are the main accumulators of standing water, to avoid this, put sand or pebbles in all pots.
  • Also, keep trash cans covered.
  • Keep tanks capped.
  • Also, avoid or always clean plants that accumulate water, such as Bromeliads.

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