Top 10 causes of female infertility

The main causes of female infertility are many and varied. In addition, they can be difficult to determine, but can include inadequate levels of certain hormones in men and women and ovulation problems in women . The main symptom of   Female Infertility is the inability to conceive . In many cases, there are no other symptoms. Many treatments significantly improve the chances of getting pregnant .

Causes of Female Infertility

These include hormone treatments, fertility drugs, and surgery . In addition, assisted reproduction uses various medical techniques to fertilize an egg.

Many couples try to conceive for four or six months, fail, and already panic thinking that they have some infertility problem. But that’s not true! The chance of a fertile couple getting pregnant is 15% to 25% per month of trying. Check out the Top 10 Causes of Female Infertility.

Age: Age is the first prognostic factor of Female Infertility . This is because the quantity and quality of eggs reduce over the years, thus decreasing the chance of anatural pregnancy .

Infections: Another possible cause of Female Infertility is Pelvic Infections. Caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria, they can cause changes in the fallopian tubes and other sexual organs of women , due to the presence of endometrial inflammation. This causes these organs to lose their functions, which impairs fertilization and implantation of eggs. in the uterus. Thus causing difficulty in getting pregnant and possible infertility.

These infections are often asymptomatic. Therefore, making periodic visits to the gynecologist is essential to diagnose infections early and, therefore, start treatment, avoiding complications.

Pelvic Adhesions: Adhesion can be caused by infections, endometriosis, or previous surgery . These factors can lead to organ agglutination (adhesions), causing distortion of the local anatomy, pain or Female Infertility .

Genetic Causes: This is one of themost abundant causes of Female Infertility . It happens mainly inolder women , which is one of the explanations for implantation failure (in vitro fertilization) not working.

Endometriosis: When it comes to Female Infertility , this disease is quite portrayed. Characterized by the presence of the endometrium – tissue that lines the inside of the uterus – outside the uterine cavity, that is, in other organs of the pelvis: tubes, ovaries, intestines and bladder. It is important to note that the disease affects women from the first menstruation and can extend to the last. The diagnosis is usually made when the patient is in her 30s.

Tuboperitoneal Factor: For the meeting between the ejaculated sperm and the egg released by the ovary, the path must be clear. The fallopian tube serves as a link between the uterine cavity and the ovary.

In some cases, for various causes, such as infectious changes (chlamydia, gonorrhea, appendicitis), endometriosis, damage from ectopic pregnancies (outside the uterus), or pelvic surgeries (tubal ligation, adnexal surgery ), the woman may have this path blocked, preventing gametes from meeting. That’s why one of the complications of this factor is Female Infertility .

Obstruction in the Tubes: Blocked or damaged tubes (or fallopian tubes) cause Female Infertility as they prevent eggs from reaching the uterus and consequently the sperm to the egg. Main causes: pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, and previous tubal ligation.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: There is a hormonal imbalance, the ovaries contain numerous small cysts and ovulation does not occur regularly, which leads to Female Infertility .

Causes of Female Infertility

Ovulation Change: Stress, exaggerated physical exercises, obesity, thyroid diseases and complications in other hormonal glands can compromise Female Infertility . These problems can lead to sporadic ovulations, which makes pregnancy difficult , or they can stop ovulation, which leads to Female Infertility .

Other hormonal changes cause diseases such as polycystic ovaries, which, when developing, also cause infertility to the patient.

Uterus Shape Problems: The normal uterus is pear-shaped, about the size of your clenched fist. It is formed by a muscular wall called the myometrium and is hollow inside, forming the endometrial cavity. Most women have an anatomically normal uterus, but it is estimated that 0.1 to 3.2% of women have some uterine malformation, which results in Female Infertility . Malformations result from changes at the time of organ development, at the beginning of fetal life.

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