Lemon Diet – Lose 5kg in just 7 days!

Does the Lemon Diet  Work? What is it and its Benefits that we will cover here. Also, if you are in a hurry to lose weight, today we are going to explain one of the most effective methods. It’s about the lemon diet, a very aggressive diet to lose 5 kilos in a week, that is, you will notice the results in a very short time. And, in addition, we improved the menu to make it more nutritious and not have that feeling of fatigue characteristic of those who follow this type of diet. The lemon diet is a detox diet that will help you lose weight and cleanse your body of unwanted toxins. It’s a quick diet that bases its success on the cleansing and detoxifying function that lemon does in our body.

In this post you will find the properties of lemon , its health benefits and its main uses, in addition to the lemon diet with which you can lose weight quickly, as it allows you to lose up to 5 kilos of weight; depending on the needs and level of fluid retention of each person.

What is?

The lemon diet is a very restrictive type of diet that mainly consists of eating diuretic foods such as lemon . These foods favor the elimination of fluid retained in the body. If you lean towards this diet, you purify the body by expelling excess fluids and avoiding retaining the ones you drink.

This translates into a drastic reduction in body weight, but don’t be fooled, because when you return to your normal diet, you’ll regain a lot of that weight, because you’ll go back to consuming the same fluids as before.


In addition to helping you lose weight, the benefits of the Lemon Diet are:

1. It is rich in vitamin C:

Lemons are rich in vitamin C , making them an effective tool in treating the common cold. To treat a runny nose and an itchy nasal passage, you can have a cup of lemon water , preferably warm.

2. Helps control blood pressure:

Lemon works wonders for people who have heart problems due to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, as well as providing relaxation for the mind and body. It also reduces mental stress and depression.

3. Helps in weight loss:

Eager to lose a few extra pounds? The solution is simple. Drink warm lemon water every morning. Lemon acts as a natural diuretic, which helps with weight loss. Also, lemon juice helps your body eliminate toxins and waste.

4. Helps in the health of teeth:

Lemons are used in dental treatments as well. If fresh lemon juice is applied on the toothache areas, it can help get rid of the pain. The massage of lemon juice on the gums can stop the bleeding of the gums. It gives relief from bad smell and other gum related problems.

5. Has antibacterial action:

Lemon is antibacterial in nature. Its acidic property does not allow bacteria and viruses to survive for a long time. Having a cup of hot lemon water or lemon tea will soothe your throat and reduce pain and inflammation as well.

6. Treats constipation:

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which has laxative effects and helps treat constipation. So why not add a tasty dose of lemon to your diet and say goodbye to it?

7. Treats hyperuricosuria:

Lemonade made with 60 ml of lemon juice in water is generally recommended for patients suffering from hyperuricosuria.


  • Strengthen the immune system and protect the body against colds and flu;
  • Help eliminate toxins from the body;
  • Avoid diseases such as cancer and premature aging;
  • Reduce body acidity, improving the body’s metabolism.
  • All lemon varieties bring these benefits, and they can also be used to season salads, meats and fish, which helps increase the consumption of this fruit;
  • It is a natural antioxidant, as it contains a large amount of vitamin C , which allows for better cell functioning, allowing for better metabolism of fats;
  • It helps to loosen toxins from the digestive tract, making digestions easier and less burdensome, as its high concentration of vitamins and minerals also stimulates bowel movements.
  • It is highly diuretic, so it helps to eliminate toxins quickly, helping to maintain an optimal health of the urinary tract, thus preventing urinary tract infections. It stimulates the liver and helps its detoxification.
  • Ascorbic acid ( vitamin C ) boosts the immune system and is also anti-inflammatory. It is mainly used in respiratory and asthma problems.
  • It helps the absorption of iron.
  • It is a good ally to cleanse the skin of impurities and toxins, it is also a powerful antioxidant, so we will show radiant and healthy skin, whether we consume it or use it topically.

How to do the lemon diet?

The lemon diet promises to lose up to 7 kilos in less than a week, and is based, as its name suggests, on the almost exclusive consumption of lemons in the form of juice. He uses the quintessential citrus fruit as a key food when it comes to weight loss using the purifying properties of lemon .

While lemon is the star of the diet, you can also consume fruits and vegetables and incorporate low-fat dairy products and lean meats like chicken breast. However, we reiterate that lemon is the food that we should consume the most while the diet lasts.

In this, as in other strict regimens, it is very restrictive of fats and it is recommended to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, flour and sugar-containing products. The recommendation is not to prolong the diet beyond 7 days and follow the letter to the letter to facilitate detoxification of the body and lose weight easily and quickly. To get the expected results, you should drink lemon juice daily and eat only allowed foods.

Really works?

There are a few aspects of the lemon diet . One of them is that lemon juice should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Another is that it should be ingested before all main meals, that is, before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And the last one is that this diet should be carried out every day, gradually increasing the amount of lemons consumed. However, the latter is not very well accepted.

What can be said is that this diet must be combined with the consumption of a completely healthy diet, otherwise it will not have the desired effects. No diet works in isolation without a change in eating and living habits.

The most recommended thing is that the consumption of lemon juice is done before the main meals. When lemon juice is ingested before the main meals, it not only helps with weight loss, but also helps with digestion, especially of fats, in addition to helping to cleanse the body.

Full menu:

Due to lack of time, it can sometimes be difficult to make a weekly menu where we can stick to it. Therefore, below we propose an example of a 7-day lemon diet  menu for you to follow this diet and, in addition, not be hungry.

As you can see, they are very simple recipes that don’t require a lot of time to prepare, and you’ll have to do this on an empty stomach, during lunch and in the evening.



  • A glass with ¾ of water;
  • ¼ lemon and natural yogurt with a spoon of oatmeal .


  • A glass of water with lemon ;
  • Brightly colored salad with grilled chicken breast or grilled or boiled fish;
  • 60 g of sweet potato or cassava.

Afternoon snack:

  • A glass of water with lemon ;
  • Crepioca stuffed with shredded chicken and salad.


  • A glass of lemon water, tomato salad  , cucumber, lettuce, carrot and tuna with a spoon of extra virgin olive oil and a kiwi.


  • 1 glass of water with lemon ;
  • 1 fruit.




Afternoon snack:

  • A glass of water with lemon ;
  • A handful of walnuts.


  • Cooked vegetables, two pieces of fresh 0% fat cheese;
    A glass of lemon water .


  • A glass of lemon juice with an apple.



  • A glass of lemon juice and natural yogurt with oatmeal ;

Morning snack:

  • A glass of lemon juice ;
  • A handful of walnuts.


Afternoon snack:

  • Green tea and two kiwis.


  • A glass of lemon juice ;
  • Steamed vegetables with grilled steak or meat of your choice.


  • A glass of water with lemon;
  • 1 apple



Morning snack:

  • A whole-grain toast with a slice of turkey and extra virgin olive oil.


  • Two glasses of lemon water . Grilled hake with cherry tomatoes  ;

Afternoon snack:

  • A glass of water with lemon ;
  • Cereal bar.


  • A glass of lemon water , Tortilla with two egg whites and a salad with tomato , onion, turkey slices, lamb’s lettuce and cucumber.



Morning snack:

Afternoon snack:

Lunch :

  • A glass of lemon water . A banana and a handful of walnuts.


  • A glass of water with lemon ;
  • Scrambled eggs with mushrooms and spinach.

Saturday :


  • A glass of water with lemon;
  • Cereal bar.

Morning snack:

  • A glass of lemon juice. An apple .


  • Two glasses of lemon water
  • Grilled hake with lemon  and salad at will.

Afternoon snack:


  • A glass of lemon juice  and
  • Two slices of turkey and salad.



Morning snack.

  • A glass of lemon juice . Whole wheat toast with turkey and olive oil.


  • Two glasses of water with lemon, chicken breast and 2 boiled eggs;
    with a colorful salad.

Afternoon snack:

  • Green tea with lemon.


  • A glass of water with lemon , Salad with onion, lettuce, tomato   and bean sprouts;
  • A slice of pineapple .


  • A glass of lemon juice ;
  • 1 Pera.

Who cannot consume:

Keep in mind the following contraindications, the lemon diet is not recommended for :

  • children or elderly
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • People with gastrointestinal or cardiovascular diseases.
  • If you are experiencing moments of weakness, nausea, dizziness or excessive tiredness.
  • If you’ve tried recently. It is important to leave 4 or 5 weeks of space before returning to this diet.
  • If you suffer from any kind of condition, first consult a doctor or nutritionist.
  • In any of these cases, it is important that you return to your routine diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, vegetables and healthy foods. Don’t forget that you are facing an aggressive diet.

Cautions when performing this lemon diet:

The first point is to be aware that lemon  does not work miracles. So, just because you drank lemon water  in the morning doesn’t mean you can devour a cake or some fried food.

A balanced diet is essential to the success of any diet. Always try to follow a diet rich in nutrients and balanced, because lemon alone will not bring any benefits.

It is also important to talk to a nutritionist or nutritionist before starting the weight loss process.

So do not abuse the amount of lemon . Ingesting one unit a day is ideal, but a person can consume up to three daily without health complications.

Extra tips to make this lemon diet more effective:

Useful links: 

Below are some tips so that the lemon diet does not affect your health.

  • If you feel very tired or weak, resume your previous diet. This diet forces your body to burn reserve fat very aggressively.
  • If you are still hungry, to avoid eating junk food, take whole oatmeal as it helps to satisfy you in a healthy way.
  • Consult your doctor before starting the diet.
  • Go back to the doctor when you are done checking that your health is intact.
  • As you were able to appreciate, the lemon diet is very restrictive, so you cannot exceed it by practicing it and you must have a very clear mind. Don’t skip the week and try to stick to a balanced diet when you’re done. Of course, enjoy your new abs for a few days!

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