Burning Mouth Syndrome – What it is, Causes and Treatments

Burning Mouth Syndrome – What It Is, Causes and Treatments You Can’t Ignore. In addition, burning mouth syndrome , also called burning mouth syndrome , is characterized by a burning sensation in the oral mucosa and/or tongue . The burning sensation in the mouth can start for no apparent reason and can persist for months or even years. In addition to a burning mouth , it may have a metallic taste or bitter mouth , many people report having a dry mouth, but usually examination of the lining of the mouth reveals a normal amount of saliva. The pain can be very severe and can cause depression  and anxiety  from chronic pain. so check it out Burning Mouth Syndrome – What it is, Causes and Treatments.

Types of Burning Mouth Syndrome : Burning Mouth Syndrome is usually divided into three types:

Type 1 (35%):  characterized by daily pain, with no pain in the morning, worsening during the day and variable symptoms at night, without association with psychiatric disorders. It occurs more in nutritional deficiencies and diabetes  .

Type 2 (55%):  constant pain from waking up and no symptoms at night. These people often have a high degree of anxiety .

Type 3 (10%):  intermittent pain, interspersed with days free of pain and symptoms, which occurs in unusual places such as the floor of the mouth and posterior wall of the oropharynx, with a relationship between pain and the type of food ingested and allergens.

Causes of Burning Mouth Syndrome: After many studies, it has been possible to conclude that most cases of Burning Mouth Syndrome  occur in women who are post-menopausal. However, there are other triggering factors  for Burning Mouth Syndrome , such as:

  • Damage to the nerves responsible for taste and pain;
  • Oral dryness, which may be due to the use of some drugs or disorders, such as Sjögren’s syndrome and diabetes ;
  • Oral candidiasis;
  • Nutritional deficiencies;
  • Gastric reflux;
  • Ill-fitting dentures or allergies to dental materials;
  • Anxiety  ;
  • depression  .

In more than half of patients, pain arises spontaneously, without a precipitating factor. About a third of affected individuals report the beginning of a dental treatment, illness or use of a certain drug, in association with the onset of the burning sensation. Burning Mouth Syndrome  commonly affects more than one region of the oral cavity, being more frequent in the anterior third of the tongue , in the anterior third of the hard palate and in the mucosa of the lower lip.

Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome: Many patients report that the interference of Burning Mouth Syndrome  at night interferes with the quality of sleep. Other manifestations of Burning Mouth Syndrome  include:

  • Tingling or numbness in the mouth or tongue ;
  • Pain that intensifies during the day;
  • Thirst increase;
  • Xerostomia;
  • Change in taste, with metallic or bitter taste.

Treatment For Burning Mouth Syndrome:  Only the doctor is able to indicate the best treatment strategy. Treatment will depend on the type of Burning Mouth Syndrome the  person has. The goal in secondary Burning Mouth Syndrome  should be directed towards the treatment of the local causal factor (the dentist must also evaluate the best conduct of dental conservation, prosthesis and dental appliance) or the systemic disease that causes it ( diabetes  for example) and suspension of suspected drugs (such as ACE inhibitors). This treatment aimed at the origin of Burning Mouth Syndrome  typically leads to a good response.

The cure for primary Burning Mouth Syndrome  , however, remains elusive, despite attempts with various types of medication. The variable response to clinical treatment is probably due to the multiple mechanisms that give rise to idiopathic Burning Mouth Syndrome  . Strategies studied include benzodiazepines, antidepressants, topical capsaicin, alpha lipoic acid, hormone replacement, anticonvulsants, biofeedback techniques to change habits to functional.

People who have psychological changes should look for a psychiatrist who will research the relationship between the appearance of symptoms and facts that occurred at the time, such as intense stress  , loss of a loved one, fear of cancer , etc.

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