Brown Rice – Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Benefits of brown rice, Uses and Side Effects  that we should know. Brown  rice  is rich in nutrients and provides a wide variety of health benefits. In addition, rice is a staple food and a primary crop grown all over the world. There are several different types of rice — including long-grain basmati, black rice, white rice, and sticky (or glutinous) rice — but in terms of health benefits, not all are created equal. Brown rice is one of the healthiest and most studied types of rice.

Brown rice is a good source of health-promoting nutrients such as fiber, phytochemicals, and essential minerals. Organic brown rice may possess more health benefits than conventional brown rice , as certified organic products, compared to conventional food crops, contain lower levels of agricultural chemicals that can harm health; However, there is no concrete evidence that organic foods are more nutritious than regular foods.

Nutritional Values ​​of Brown Rice: Brown rice is a natural healthy food rich in essential minerals such as Manganese , Iron , Zinc , Phosphorus , Calcium , Selenium , Magnesium and Potassium . Vitamin Wealth includes Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine ), Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin ), Vitamin B3 ( Niacin ), Vitamin B6 , Folic Acid , Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and Vitamin K. It is a source of protein and adds a good amount of fiber to our diet. In addition, it is also a provider of health-friendly vital fatty acids. See some health benefits of brown rice!

  • Controls the cholesterol level.
  • Protects against free radical damage.
  • Prevents heart disease.
  • Beneficial for diabetics.
  • Helps to control weight.
  • Prevent cancer.
  • Prevents neuro-degenerative complications.
  • Prevents gallstones.
  • Bone health.
  • Beneficial for the nervous system.

Now check out the 9 Health Benefits of Brown Rice in detail:

Brown Rice is Rich in Selenium: It is rich in Selenium , which reduces the risk of developing common diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and arthritis .

Brown Rice is an Excellent Source of Manganese: One cup of it provides 80% of our daily manganese requirements . Manganese helps the body to synthesize fats. Manganese also benefits our nervous and reproductive systems.

Benefits of Brown Rice for Weight Loss: The fiber content of brown rice  keeps the bowel function at its peak as it makes digestion much easier. It is the perfect addition to the daily diet for those looking for bowel regularity. In addition, it also makes the belly feel full, which translates into smaller portions of meals.

Brown Rice Is Rich in Antioxidants: This is one of the best kept secrets regarding brown rice . We usually associate antioxidant-rich foods with blueberries , strawberries , and other fruits and vegetables. Its antioxidant capacity is right there with these superstars.

Brown Rice Has High Fiber Content: It is high in fiber and on top of the list of foods that can help prevent colon cancer . This can be attributed to the high levels of fiber naturally contained in brown rice. These fibers bind to cancer-causing substances as well as toxins in the body, eliminating them and preventing them from sticking to the colon wall.

Benefits of Brown Rice to Regulate Blood Sugar Levels: Brown  rice is  an excellent food option for  those suffering from diabetes. Studies show that those who consume half a cup daily reduce their risk of developing diabetes by 60%. On the other hand, those who consume white rice regularly increase their chances of developing diabetes a hundredfold.

Benefits of Brown Rice for Babies: Brown  rice alone  is the perfect baby’s first food due to the natural nutrition and dense fiber it contains. This is a much better choice than refined white rice cereal products, as rapidly growing babies require nutrient-dense diets to help maintain rapid growth cycles.

Benefits of Brown Rice to Eliminate Candida Infection: It is the perfect complement to Candida yeast infection treatments given that glycemic and otherwise sugary/starchy foods are prohibited during most candida treatment protocols . Its natural digestibility, along with the high fiber content, can help sensitive digestive systems heal from an overgrowth of candida organisms.

Other Benefits of Brown Rice: Brown rice  has many health benefits, in addition to those mentioned above, it has many other advantages for the body. Watch the video below and check it out:

Culinary Use of Brown Rice:  Rice is a staple food not only in Asia but throughout the world. Brown rice is available in many forms such as long grains which are perfect for cooking, frying, salads or pilafs, short grains which have a soft, sticky texture perfect for molds or puddings. Sweet brown rice can be served deliciously for desserts. Brown rice syrup is regarded as a sweetener attributing to the presence of nutrients in brown rice. Gives a sweet, nutty, buttery flavor to baked goods and hot drinks.

How to Select and Store Brown  Rice: Brown rice contains natural essential oils that have the potential to become stale if stored too long. It is advisable to check the expiration or “use by” date to ensure freshness. Brown rice can be stored for up to six months in an airtight container at room temperature to keep freshness intact.

To prolong the shelf life of raw brown rice , it can be refrigerated. Cooked brown rice should be stored carefully. Improper storage of cooked rice triggers the growth of bacteria called Bacillus cereus that can cause food poisoning regardless of reheating. It should not be stored at room temperature or reheated more than once.

How to Cook Brown Rice: Brown  rice takes longer to cook and requires more water due to its outer fiber coating. For a cup of rice, you can use two and a half to three cups of water. Before removing brown rice , reduce the cooking time. Soaked brown rice would take about 35-40 minutes to prepare.

Brown Rice Side Effects: Brown rice is generally hypoallergenic and does not contain a significant amount of disturbing elements such as purines or oxalates.

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