The 10 Health Benefits of Lotus Root

Lotus root , as the name implies, is the root of the lotus flower, which is an aquatic plant in the Nelumbonaceae family . The lotus flower has been a powerful element in numerous Asian countries for thousands of years, and represents purity, sexual innocence and divine beauty. It is an important element in numerous cultural practices and religions. However, it is also an incredibly beautiful flower that embeds its roots at the bottom of the lake, stream, river, etc., while the flower emerges floating on top of the water.

lotus root

They are aquatic perennials and their seeds can actually germinate long after falling asleep. A seed over 1,300 years old was once brought “back from the dead” and blossomed in a laboratory!
The Lotus Root (or Rhizome ) is a long object that can stretch up to 4 feet. Then they can be washed, cut and primed. It is often used as a vegetable in Asian cuisines within soups, or it can be fried or baked, in addition to other interesting ways of cooking this healthy food. It is also used in singular or powdered form in traditional herbal medicine.

They are also commonly used as snacks, and are included in shrimp dishes , or as a topping on salads due to their tangy and slightly sweet taste, particularly after being pickled. Lotus Root has the texture of a Potato and tastes similar to Coconuts before any extra aroma is added. Before we delve into the health benefits that  lotus roots can bestow on us, let’s explore the nutritional components that make it such a healthy delicacy!

The many health benefits of lotus root can be attributed to its unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, including Potassium , Phosphorus , Copper , Iron , and Manganese , as well as Thiamine , Pantothenic Acid, Zinc , Vitamin B6 , and Vitamin C. C. _ It is also a very important source of dietary fiber and a considerable source of protein. So, check out the health benefits of lotus root.

Benefits of Lotus Root for Blood Circulation: Lotus root can be a great way to stimulate your blood circulation to increase oxygenation to your organs and generally increase functionality and energy levels. The Iron and Copper content in Lotus Roots is significant, both are integral parts of red blood cell production, reducing chances of developing Anemia symptoms and increasing vitality and blood flow.

Benefits of Lotus Root for Teeth Whitening and Mood: One of the elements of the vitamin B complex is pyridoxine. It directly interacts with neural receptors in the brain that influence mood and mental states. It also controls irritability, headaches and stress levels. Lotus flowers are often linked with peace and tranquility, but it is the Lotus Root that truly offers the peace people are looking for!

Blood Pressure Lowering Benefits of Lotus Root: The significant levels of potassium found in lotus root ensure a proper balance between body fluids and also counteracts the effects of sodium in our bloodstream. Potassium is a vasodilator , which means it relaxes blood vessels and by decreasing contraction and stiffness increases blood flow and reduces pressure on the cardiovascular system. Potassium is also an essential element of neuronal activity and the passage of fluid and blood in the brain.

Benefits of Lotus Root for Digestion: Lotus root is fleshy and packed with dietary fiber, which is known to speed up bowel movements. Lotus root can reduce the symptoms ofconstipation , while optimizing the absorption of nutrients through the secretion of gastric and digestive juices. In addition to stimulating peristaltic movement in the intestinal smooth muscles to facilitate regular and easy bowel movements.

Lotus Root is Rich in  Vitamin C: When we talk about the vitamin content of Lotus Root , Vitamin C is certainly the most prominent. 100 grams of lotus root contains 73% of your daily requirement of this powerful antioxidant vitamin. Vitamin C is an important component of collagen, which maintains the integrity and strength of our blood vessels, organs and skin, as well as an important stimulant for the immune system . In addition, Vitamin C can neutralize free radicals in the body, which are dangerous by-products of cellular metabolism linked to diseases such as cancer and heart disease!

Heart Health Benefits of Lotus Root  : Along with the vasodilating potential of Potassium and the cholesterol-purifying ability of dietary fiber, the pyridoxine content in lotus root also controls blood homocysteine ​​levels, which is directly linked the cause of heart attacks!

Benefits of Lotus Root for Weight Loss  : Lotus root is a good choice for people trying to control their weight. By including low-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients and fiber, the body is able to get all the nutrients it needs and still feel full.

Lotus Root is Rich in  Vitamin A: This is another essential vitamin found in  lotus roots , which has been proven to improve the health of skin, hair and eyes. It has great antioxidant capabilities and can prevent macular degeneration and other eye diseases, help wounds heal faster and clear up skin conditions and inflammation.

Other Health Benefits of Lotus Root

  • Regular consumption of Foods Rich in Vitamin C helps the body protect against scurvy, develop resistance against viral infection, boost immunity, speed up wound healing and remove cancer causing free radicals from the body.
  • Lotus root is an excellent home remedy for diarrhea and stomach upset.

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A Few Words of Caution: There are no inherent risks, but some people choose to eat raw lotus roots , which can spread parasites or bacterial infections. Therefore, always cook lotus roots  before eating or prepare them in other ways.

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