Behcet’s Disease – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment!

Behcet’s Disease – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. In addition, Behcet ‘s disease is a rheumatic disease  that causes inflammation of the blood vessels . It is considered a chronic systemic vasculitis  for its ability to produce inflammation of blood vessels of any size in a recurrent manner, in which there are periods where its effects are more evident with others of lesser activity. Then check out  Behcet’s Disease – What it is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment.

Causes of Behcet’s Disease:  The cause of Behcet’s disease is unknown. It is not a contagious disease. It is suspected that certain genetically predisposed people are more likely to develop Behcet’s disease from contact with external environmental organisms (viruses or bacteria). It is more frequent in Silk Road countries (China, Korea, Japan, India, Iran, Iraq, and especially Turkey).

Symptoms  Of Behcet’s Disease:   Almost everyone who suffers from this syndrome haspainful and recurrent mouth sores similar to canker sores . The appearance of mouth ulcers is usually the first symptom of Behcet’s disease. Sores can appear anywhere in the mouth, such as the tongue, gums, and buccal mucosa, and often occur together.

The sores  are round or oval, less than half an inch to about 4 inches (about 1 to 10 centimeters) in diameter, may be shallow or deep, and have a yellowish center. The sores last for one to two weeks. The genitals may also have sores.

Sores  on the penis , scrotum or vulva tend to be painful. Sores  in the vagina  can be painless. While other types of mouth sores  are very common (for example, sores  caused by the herpes  simplex virus), sores  caused by Behcet’s disease tend to last longer and be more severe. Other symptoms appear days or years later:

Eyes: The eyes are affected in 25 to 75% of people. Part of the eye ignites intermittently. This inflammation  from Behcet’s disease (recurrent iridocyclitis or uveitis – see Uveitis) causes eye pain, redness , sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. Various other eye problems can occur. In the absence of treatment, blindness can occur.

Skin: Blisters and pus-filled pimples are also symptoms of Behcet’s disease that develop in about 80% of people. A small injury, even a puncture of a hypodermic needle, can cause small red bumps or pus to form.

Joints: Joint  pain can also be one of the symptoms of Behcet’s disease . In about half of affected people, the knees and other large joints become painful. This relatively mild inflammation  (arthritis) does not progress or damage tissue.

Blood Vessels : Inflammation of blood vessels ( vasculitis ) can also  be a symptom of Behcet’s disease . In addition, inflammation of the vessels throughout the body can cause blood clots to form in the arteries , narrowing of the heart valves, and the development of bulges (aneurysms) in the weakened walls of blood vessels.

Vasculitis  can result in strokes if the arteries in  the brain are affected. Kidney damage can occur if the arteries  that supply the kidneys are affected. If the pulmonary arteries  are affected, bleeding and expectoration of blood may occur.

Digestive Tract: Symptoms of Behcet’s disease can include abdominal discomfort and pain , cramping , diarrhea , and intestinal sores . Symptoms of Behcet’s disease can be similar to those caused by inflammatory bowel disease ( Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis – Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD).

Central Nervous System: Inflammation in the brain or spinal cord is less common but has serious consequences. People initially feel  a headache . Other symptoms of Behcet’s disease include fever  and stiff neck ( meningitis symptoms ), confusion, and loss of coordination. Personality changes and memory loss can develop after a few years.

Treatment  of Behcet’s Disease:   There is no cure, but treatment can usually relieve specific symptoms of Behcet’s disease . The choice of medications depends on which organ is affected and the severity of Behcet’s disease . They can be used, for example:

Against Eye Inflammation and Skin Wounds: Corticosteroid (used to reduce inflammation ) can be applied directly to the eyes or skin . The immunosuppressant azathioprine helps to preserve the sharpness of vision, prevents the formation of new eye lesions, and can also reduce the number of  mouth and genital sores, help to heal existing wounds  and reduce joint pain .

Against Severe Inflammation of the Eyes or Nervous System: The immunosuppressants cyclosporine or azathioprine can be used against severe eye inflammation or when symptoms cannot be controlled by the corticosteroid prednisone.

Against Mouth and Genital Sores and Joint Pain: Corticosteroid creams, local anesthetic solutions, and sucralfate can be applied to wounds  caused by Behcet’s disease .

Colchicine (used to treat gout) can be taken by mouth to prevent further damage. Thalidomide is taken by mouth and can help with sores  in the mouth, genitals, and skin to heal , but sores  can re-emerge when the medication is stopped.

Etanercept is a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (thus suppressing the immune system), used to prevent new mouth sores . It is an injectable drug. Eventually, other tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (infliximab or possibly adalimumab) can be used in place of etanercept. Interferon alfa can also be given intravenously if colchicine is not effective.

Cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil are used when other medications are ineffective or when life-threatening complications develop.

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