Anemia – What is it, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!
When these essential nutrients are low in the body, it means that the individual is not ingesting them in the correct amounts or that absorption is impaired. To get the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to do a laboratory examination, as well as pay attention to the signs that the body itself offers below:
Symptoms of Anemia: The signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are nonspecific, requiring laboratory tests (blood) to confirm the diagnosis of Iron Deficiency Anemia. The main signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are :
- Weakness.
- Lack of appetite.
- Pale skin and mucous membranes (inner part of the eye, gums).
- Less willingness to work.
- Learning difficulties in children.
- Apathy (very “still” children).
- dismay.
The Most Severe Symptoms of Anemia: The patient can suffer from some serious discomfort if the anemia treatment is not carried out correctly.
- Skin and mucosal pallor,
- Tiredness,
- Lack of memory,
- Dizziness,
- Weakness,
- Muscle aches,
- Somnolence,
- Shortness of breath or very short palpitations and
- Tachycardia.
Types of Anemia: Having as a more serious consequence the decrease or loss of organ efficiency, anemia can be of several types. In addition, there are numerous variations of the disorder: iron deficiency, macrocytic primarily telassemia and sickle cell. It is first diagnosed by clinical signs and confirmed by a blood test. The following are the most common manifestations of the disease:
Acquired anemia: in this case, the lack of the mineral iron in the diet is the cause of the disorder, which is called iron deficiency anemia. In addition, iron aids in the storage and transport of oxygen within the cell. A deficiency of iron in the diet can lead to iron deficiency anemia. The most available sources of iron include beef, chicken, fish and egg yolks.
Hereditary anemias: There are two types, in which the genetic factor is responsible for triggering in the individual:
Thalassemia: Existing in three different degrees (minor, intermediate and major), it is caused by a gene transmitted by the parents, which hinders the production of hemoglobin, and can, depending on the case, even lead to profound anemia.
Sickle cell: It is also transmitted by parents and, if it manifests itself in its most severe form, it can modify the formation of red blood cells (responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body). Therefore, with impaired oxygenation, blood vessels can become clogged.
Treatment for Anemia: In addition to having day-to-day activities impaired, people with anemia should be concerned about other risks that can affect their health. Therefore, treatment must be strictly followed, strictly obeying all medical recommendations.
Depending on the degree of the disease, the treatment may be specific for each patient, however, some basic recommendations will always be indicated, such as the necessary dietary reeducation, which should replace iron in the body.
However, the specialist may indicate a nutrient supplementation, which should never be done on your own. In addition, it is recommended to increase the consumption of Food Sources of Iron .
Best sources of iron (better absorption due to iron content): pork ribs, veal, lamb, liver, fish, eggs, other types of meat. Already the sources of iron with plant origin are: beans , cereals, lentils , apricots , dried fruits, among others.
Basic Recommendations: Thinking about people who already have iron deficiency anemia (that caused by Iron Deficiency ), Here are some special tips to be followed on a daily basis.
– It is advisable not to drink black tea, mate and coffee during and after meals, as they contain phenolic substances such as tannin and polyphenols that act as inhibitors of nutrient absorption.
– If possible, consume at least three servings of fruits rich in Vitamin C daily , such as orange , tangerine, kiwi , acerola , lemon juice and apple banana.
– Calcium is the main blocker of iron absorption , so it is not recommended to consume any type of iron supplement with milk or yogurt and derivatives, especially with lunch and dinner.
– It is possible to replace beans with other legumes that are also sources of protein and iron, such as peas , chickpeas and lentils .
– Meat, in addition to being an excellent source of iron , also improves its absorption in the rice and beans mix. Beef offers the best iron bioavailability. The most appropriate way to prepare it is cooking, and it is recommended that you also use the broth from its preparation for consumption.
– Chicken liver is also an important source of iron , which allows absorption of 20% of this nutrient in deficient people, while in fish and poultry this same absorption is lower.
– Although egg yolk contains iron , the ideal is to avoid consuming it with sources such as meat, since some substances in the egg can impair the absorption of iron from meat.
– Soft drinks should not be consumed because, in addition to being unsuitable for food (full of empty calories), they contain polyphenols, which reduce iron absorption.
– Frozen foods do not change the bioavailability of iron. However, improper thawing of meats can decrease the mineral content.
– Foods rich in dietary fiber and tannin should be consumed in moderation. They are: foods prepared with wholemeal flour, wheat bran and oat bran.
– To sweeten, give preference to brown sugar, as it contains iron.
– Even when seasoning the meal, it is also possible to enhance the presence of iron. The spices that contain the mineral are: green smell, coriander , parsley , saffron , mint and cumin .
– The preparation of food in iron pans results in an enrichment of this mineral in the food, usable by the body.
– The use of broths from the preparations is also indicated, as there is a transfer of iron to it.
Iron is an essential nutrient for life, and it acts mainly in the synthesis of red blood cells and in the transport of oxygen to all cells in the body.