Whiting in Butter With Broccoli Recipe

Badejo in Butter With Broccoli Recipe ,  super tasty for you to make for your dinner today. In addition, food is the fuel for our life, as it provides us with energy to carry out our daily tasks.

If we don’t eat, we don’t have the strength or disposition to carry out the most banal activities, in addition to seriously compromising the performance of vital functions in our  body .

Of course, the quality of the food ingested is fundamental. It’s not enough to just eat. It is necessary to eat properly, providing the  body  with the nutrients necessary for its perfect functioning, without deficiencies or exaggerations.

A balanced diet, containing balanced fruits, cereals (including whole grains),  vegetables ,  meats and  milk  ,  can contribute positively to the maintenance of the individual’s health.

However, it is always good to emphasize that the diversity of foods is fundamental, as there are no complete foods capable of providing the  body with the  full range of nutrients required for its maintenance, preserving its health.

So the premise of good nutrition is based, mainly, on the diversification of foods offered in adequate amounts, which does not mean saying exaggeration, on the contrary, moderation is essential.

A good way to achieve permanent changes and maintain a healthy diet is to change small habits at a time, such as;

  • Always put two portions of vegetables on the plate, such as  beans ,  lentils  or  peas , for example;
  • Eat one fruit a day and gradually increase it until you eat a maximum of 5 fruits a day;
  • Gradually reduce the amount of sugar added to milk or coffee;
  • Do not eat sweets, cookies, stuffed cookies, fast food, processed foods and fried foods;
  • Swap the oil and  butter  for olive oil;

The best recipes are mainly salads, soups and juices, as they are foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals that provide satiety, prevent constipation, cleanse the  body  and combat fluid retention. So, now see the Recipe for Whiting in Butter With Broccoli.


  • 6 files of board;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • ½ cup (tea) of wheat flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley ;
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh thyme;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh basil ;

Side dish:

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic , sliced;
  • 4 cups (tea) of broccoli in bouquets;
  • Salt to taste;

Preparation mode:

  • Season the fillets with salt and pepper.
  • Coat lightly with flour and set aside.
  • In a large, non-stick skillet, melt the herbed butter.
  • Place the files little by little, turning to brown both sides.
  • Remove, transfer to a refractory and set aside.
  • For the accompaniment, return the skillet to medium heat, heat the oil, spread the garlic and mix.
  • Add the broccoli, season with salt, mix again, cover and cook for 3 minutes.
  • Serve the fish with the broccoli.

To really achieve results, you need to have a balanced and healthy diet, so including this recipe for whiting in butter with broccoli is a good start.

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