The 20 Foods That Will Cleanse Your Body

The Foods That Will Cleanse Your Body Incredibly And Naturally. In addition, several foods perform this function, such as cabbage, watermelon, mint, lemon and even the green juice itself (made with vegetables). Thinking about it, how about understanding this cleaning process better and discovering how food influences it.

But do you know all the benefits that the practice provides? According to nutrition experts, the main objective is to rid the body of accumulated toxins and promote a general cleaning in order to activate the metabolism and improve the functioning of the organism.

The load of toxins accumulated in the body is capable of altering the way the body should function, which causes hormonal imbalance, impairs immune function, causes nutritional deficiency and makes metabolism inefficient.

This can lead to the appearance of various symptoms such as indigestion, lack of concentration, headache , bad breath , fatigue, dull skin and muscle pain. “The great benefit is that a detox program rids the body of these problems and even helps you lose weight.

After this process the energy level increases, bowel movements become regular, digestion improves and there is an increase in concentration and mental clarity. So, check out The 20 Foods That Will Cleanse Your Body.

Chard:  The fibers present in this food form a kind of cake inside the stomach, which generates more satiety. They also prevent the accumulation of fat in the belly region and regulate the intestine, preventing swelling.

Watercress:  Watercress is a low-calorie vegetable as it provides only 22 calories per 100g. in addition, it is also considered one of the main sources of Vitamin A , which is essential to protect immunity.

Watercress has anti-inflammatory, healing and diuretic astringent properties”. It is still suitable for people who suffer from respiratory problems, as it has decongestant, expectorant and fluidizing actions”.

Celery:  Those who need to lose weight have a great ally in their leaves. Low in calories and high in fiber, celery helps regulate digestion and still makes you feel full. This happens because the vegetable stimulates the production of saliva and gastric juice, which with the fibers fight digestive ills.

Lettuce:  Lettuce is rich in vitamin A , B, C and several minerals. It preserves the health of the skin and mucous membranes, gives resistance to blood vessels and acts against the accumulation of toxins. The recommended daily portion is 1 dish (dessert) that contains 15 calories.

Eggplant:  The eggplant, in addition to being a source of vitamin A and C, this vegetable acts against digestive ills, “The eggplant has fibers that help in digestion and in the improvement of the intestinal microflora, helping in the formation of the fecal cake and in the prevention of diseases”.

Beetroot:  Those who suffer from constipation have a natural laxative in this root. This is due to the amount of pectin fiber that makes the intestines tick like clockwork. In addition, beets have beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant against tumors.

Broccoli:  Broccoli from the same family as cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli has few calories, and is therefore indicated for low-calorie diets (for weight loss). breast bladders and, especially, prostate”, It still has antioxidant substances and is rich in fibers, acting in the reduction of hypertension and fighting constipation.

Cashew: Cashew is an excellent detoxifier, the fruit has an abundant presence of vitamin C and selenium, nutrient capable of efficiently fighting free radicals.

Onion:  Onion being rich in potassium means it is great for reducing sodium concentration, preventing fluid retention. In addition, benefits the kidneys and prostate. The ideal consumption is 50g of raw onion per day. Be careful with the amount, because in excess, food can cause gas.

Cabbage:  Cabbage is full of fiber, the vegetable is excellent for eliminating toxins from the body. “Cabbage is a source of a phytochemical called glucosinolate that stimulates the body to cleanse, eliminating substances that can cause diseases and toxins that remain in fat cells”. In addition, it has sulforaphane, a substance that prevents tumors.

Escarole:  This vegetable is an important source of fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C , E, folate, calcium and selenium. As few calories, escarole helps regulate the body. This happens because when the inulin present in the escarole reaches the intestine, it undergoes the action of beneficial bacteria, facilitating the functioning of the organ.

Spinach:  It is a source of potassium , iron and calcium , nutrients that help detoxify the body and help balance blood pressure.

Kiwi:  Originally from China, this fruit is rich in fiber. In its country of origin, kiwi is traditionally used in medicine for the treatment of breast and stomach cancer. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant against free radicals, preventing tumors.

Orange:  The ideal is to use even the pomace of this fruit, since it is in it that the greatest source of fiber occurs, which helps the intestine to function regularly and eliminate impurities. “Oranges are more than a source of vitamin C ”.

When “consumed with bagasse, it also helps in the proper functioning of the intestine and in the control of glycemia and cholesterol”, explains nutritionist Barbara Rescalli Sanches. In addition, the  potassium  present in the fruit is responsible for muscle contraction, which helps to maintain blood pressure.

Lemon:  Famous in slimming diets for its detoxifying power, lemon can also be used in its entirety, since the peel has a substance called limonene, which has the ability to easily penetrate the tissues and cells of the body, acting as a a powerful solvent. Once sanitized, use zest from the shell in your recipes.

Apple:  Rich in fiber, this fruit is a great contributor to weight loss. In addition, it brings other benefits. “Apple is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps in the secretion of bile acid, increasing the conservation of serious cholesterol in this acid, thus reducing hepatic and blood cholesterol levels”. Antacid, apple also activates the liver and dissolves uric acid, which retains fluid in the body.

Papaya:  In addition to being delicious, this fruit has a substance called papain, which acts as pepsin, the stomach enzyme, transforming food proteins into amino acids, which improves the functioning of the organ.

Cabbage:  This food is full of nutrients: protein, fiber, iron , potassium , calcium and magnesium are part of its composition. Its leaves, when consumed raw, heal stomach ulcers and tumors.

In addition, a substance called sulforaphane, present in vegetables, binds to an enzyme produced by the liver, carrying the toxins out of the body.

Arugula:  Like other members of the brassica family, such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, this vegetable has tumor-inhibiting properties, prevents gastric ulcers and protects the liver. It is also low in calories and contains folic acid, vitamin C and minerals such as calcium , iron and potassium .

Salmon:  Easy to digest and high in water content, celery is rich in fiber, that is, it facilitates intestinal functioning and the control of blood lipids. In addition, it helps with weight loss.

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