15 Ways to Reduce Cancer Risk!

Ways to Reduce Cancer Risk includes using whole grains like  garlic , berries, tomatoes , green tea , spinach , turmeric , beans , coffee , ginger , and oregano , as well as behavioral changes such as quitting smoking, exercising. regularly and lose weight. In recent decades, it seems that nothing strikes fear in the heart as much as the sound of cancer . The “Big C” causes nearly 15% of all human deaths worldwide to be attributed to it, between 8 and 10 million a year on average.

Cancer comes in many forms, over 100 have been identified so far, and it seems that new varieties appear every year. By definition, cancer is a malignant tumor or a mass of mutated cells that can grow and metastasize within the body, compromising organ system function and eventually leading to death.

Cancer is the most heavily researched disease in the world and more than a trillion dollars are spent on cancer care and infrastructure worldwide each year. Unfortunately, every cancer is a little different, as it attacks the body differently in almost every case and can mutate to protect itself, making more consistent or universal treatment nearly impossible.

Different varieties of cancer have significantly different mortality rates. For example, the one-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 25%, while the five-year survival rate for thyroid cancer is 97%. This means that many types of cancer can be “treated” and “sent into remission” and there are many different treatments that have been tried.

Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy and surgery are the most commonly used strategies in formal medical situations, but there are many side effects and there is no guarantee of remission. Having cancer is a tragedy that affects millions, so prevention is highly recommended. You can’t tell when or in what form the cancer will strike, so behavioral and dietary strategies for prevention are the best bet. Then check out,  The 15 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk.

Whole grains: One of the widely recommended ways to reduce the risk of  cancer  is whole grains, due to their high fiber and antioxidant content. One of the most common forms of cancer is colorectal cancer. Whole grains have been directly linked to preventing the development of cancer in this variety. There is a low glycemic load in whole grains and wheat, rather than things like white bread, potatoes, and other foods that raise blood sugar quickly.

Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise is a great way for your body to reduce your risk of cancer,  cleanse toxins, release endorphins, boost your metabolism, and improve your immune system. All of these things are important for cancer prevention , as you need a well-oiled machine to fight the constant bombardment of carcinogens in our food, atmosphere, and personal lifestyle habits such as smoking and drinking.

Garlic: The most famous active ingredient in garlic is allicin, which has been directly linked to a reduction in cancer cells and appears to reduce the spread of cancer cells, even inducing apoptosis (automatic cell death). Allicin is a powerful antioxidant substance that can help lower your chances of many types of cancer , including cancer of the esophagus, colon, and stomach.

Berries: Eating fruits and vegetables is a key way to reduce cancer risk , but berries, in particular, have a high concentration of antioxidant nutrients and cancer -preventing compounds, such as anthocyanins, tannins, and flavonoids. Some of the best berries for preventing cancer are blueberries , which are often referred to as a “superfood” — and with good reason.

Quit Smoking: More than 20% of cancer deaths are related to smoking in some way. So quitting smoking is one of the first things you can do to reduce your risk of cancer later in life (or sooner than you think!). Cigarettes are packed with dangerous toxins and carcinogens that can greatly increase your chances of developing cancer  and not just lung cancer . More than a dozen other cancers have been linked to smoking, even those not related to the respiratory system.

Tomatoes: Lycopene is a powerful active ingredient within tomatoes that has shown a great deal of antioxidant abilities. Most notably, lycopene has been linked to the prevention of prostate cancer in men, which is the deadliest cancer for men worldwide. Additional research into the impact of tomatoes on other cancers is ongoing.

Green Tea: The catechins and epicatechins found in green tea make it a wonderful addition to your diet for many different health reasons. But in terms of cancer, green tea is an ideal preventative medicine. These antioxidant compounds have been proven to directly reduce the size of tumors and prevent the spread of mutated cells, helping you to prevent cancer before it starts.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system, compromise your liver and generally promote toxicity in the body. Although some people say that one drink a day can improve overall heart health, alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancers of the throat, liver , esophagus, and mouth. So be careful how much you drink.

Spinach: Green leafy vegetables have always been touted for their health benefits, notably due to their lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene content. In terms of cancer, these antioxidant compounds can limit the growth of cancer cells and promote the body’s overall health.

Turmeric: The active ingredient in turmeric , a popular spice, is curcumin, which has been linked directly to cancer cell apoptosis, i.e., preventing the flow of blood and nutrients to affected areas of the body. This spice has effects on many health conditions, but is often recommended for passive prevention, so add it to some of your meals.

Losing Weight: Obesity puts excess strain on every system in the body and can lead to other health problems like diabetes and heart disease. When the body is weakened, it is easier for free radicals to attack. Therefore, losing some weight, or at least preventing obesity, remains one of the wisest and most effective ways to prevent cancer .

Coffee: There has been a lot of debate about the benefits or dangers of coffee in recent years, but there’s no denying that caffeine has its benefits for reducing the risk of  brain, throat, and mouth cancer . All in moderation, as always, but two cups of coffee can be a great cancer preventer , as long as you stay hydrated as well, and don’t become too dependent on caffeine.

Ginger : Gingerhas a number of active ingredients that make it so useful for reducing cancer risk and keeping the body healthy, including gingerol and zingerone, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. These can neutralize free radicals before they can cause your body damage, thus protecting against a wide range of cancers.

Reduce Stress: Stress hormones canbe helpful in some situations, but very dangerous if they are present in your body for long periods of time. They can weaken your immune system, exhaust your mind, increase oxidative stress and compromise your metabolic activity. By relaxing and reducing anxiety, you can significantly prevent your chances of developing many varieties of this tragic condition.

Oregano: Oregano is able to neutralize carcinogens in the body, due to the presence of carvacrol, the active ingredient in this herb. Research has already linked oregano to a slower spread of cancer cells and a reduction in the size of tumors.

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