Tribulus terrestris – what it is, how to take it and side effects!

Tribulus terrestris is a small leafy plant, also known as the puncture vine, it grows in many places including Europe. Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Both the root and the fruit of the plant have been used medicinally in traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

One such botanical is Tribulus Terrestris , which reportedly has a variety of health benefits, including lowering blood sugar and cholesterol , altered hormone levels, and increased sexual function and libido .

This article tells you everything you need to know about this plant, its health effects, and whether you should consider consuming it as a dietary supplement.

What is Tribulus Terrestris:

Traditionally, people have used this plant for a variety of potential effects, including to increase libido , keep the urinary tract healthy, and reduce bloating. Tribulus Terrestris is currently widely used as a general health supplement, as well as in supplements that claim to increase testosterone levels .

Tribulus Terrestris Benefits:

Enabling a Longer Lasting Erection:

One of the few benefits of Tribulus Terrestris that has been proven in humans through studies is that it provides a  longer-lasting erection . This probably occurs because the plant influences vasodilation by containing protodioscin.

This same substance can slightly boost testosterone levels  which would also contribute to longer lasting erection . Therefore the increase in testosterone  has only been seen in animal research, in humans this benefit has not yet been certified.

Raise Libido:

Another point seen in studies with human beings is that it collaborates to increase libido . Although no increase in testosterone was found  in studies carried out in humans, it is believed that this high libido  is because the plant would lead to a transient growth of this hormone. Thus, it would be difficult to observe an elevation of testosterone  in humans in research.

Improve Fertility:

Studies show that Tribulus Terrestris improves sperm creation (called spermatogenesis) in men and women’s ovulation, and can be an ally of fertility.

Decrease Blood Pressure:

Animal studies have observed that Tribulus Terrestris  helps to lower blood pressure . This benefit would occur for two reasons. Protodioscin boosts another substance called nitric oxide which in turn has a vasodilating effect.

It also inhibits the angiotensin converting enzyme which when produced in large amounts leads to increased blood pressure .

Administer Triglycerides:

Research carried out in animals also noted that it would contribute to the reduction of glucose in rats. So the researchers did not understand which mechanism provided this.

Recommended amount of Tribulus Terrestris:

The orientation is to ingest 3 doses a day according to the guidance of the professional who indicated this herbal medicine.

How to Consume Tribulus Terrestris:

Tribulus-Terrestris is typically consumed in extract or capsule form. You should not take your plant in natura form and try to make a tea. It is important to take each of the 3 doses of Tribulus-Terrestris  during main meals.

Tribulus Terrestris For Men:

For men, the guideline is to ingest  for four to six weeks and then take a break for the same time.

Tribulus terrestris For Women: 

All studies that have taken place in humans as have been in men. Therefore, scientists concluded that benefits such as increased libido could happen in women as well, but there is no proof.

If women want to ingest, they should always stop consumption five days before menstruating and only return after the end of menstruation.

Riscos of Ingerir Tribulus-Terrestris

Side Effects: Taking  it as a supplement for a short period of time is probably safe as long as you are healthy and not pregnant or breastfeeding. Side effects can include difficulty sleeping and irregular periods.

Useful links: 

Risks: Laboratory tests on animals link problems in fetal development. So stay away  if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, men should be aware that there are some cautions about likely links between  prostate cancer and problems.

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