Does tomato slimming or fattening? how to consume and benefits!

Tomato Slimming or Fattening? What are the benefits of tomato and how to use tomato to lose weight? In addition, tomato  is widely consumed in Brazil and there is this doubt if tomato slims or fattening? Tomato is a fruit with a rounded shape and red color Tomatoes are rich in lycopene , an antioxidant and anticancer agent that intervenes in the chain reactions of free radical molecules .

Tomato is associated with reduced rates of pancreatic , cervical and prostate cancer. It protects the body from bacterial infections as well as digestive and lung disorders. In poultices or raw, it acts as a de-inflammatory, being also very beneficial for brain activity. Before finding out if Tomatoes are slimming or fattening , also check out the Nutritional Value of Tomatoes :

Nutritional value of tomato:

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP and K ; in minerals such as phosphorus, calcium , zinc, magnesium, potassium , sodium and manganese; in bioflavonoids, lycopene and contains antioxidant properties.

In addition, a medium tomato , 150 g, has only 35 calories and 0% cholesterol, sodium and saturated fat . But these advantages can be enjoyed if we consume tomato processed and cooked, as our body absorbs lycopene better in  this way than consuming it raw or in juices.

When buying, we should also choose those that have a medium color, between green and purple, because once stored, depending on the storage time, it continues to ripen. And yes, tomato slimming or fattening? Calm down, let’s get there now.


1. Reduces chronic pain:

Tomatoes can reduce chronic pain due to the presence of anti-inflammatory agents like bioflavonoids and carotenoids.

2. Improves vision: 

The high amount of vitamins A and C in tomato can go a long way in improving your vision and preventing night blindness.

3. Lowers blood sugar levels: 

Tomatoes are a great food for diabetics as they lower their blood sugar levels . It contains a lot of carbohydrates, which help to control the glucose level in the urine.

4. Weight Control: 

Tomatoes can help you lose weight too They have very little fat and zero cholesterol. Tomatoes also contain lots of water and fiber, which help your stomach fill quickly without too many calories.

5. Bone health:

Tomatoes are good for your bones due to the presence of vitamin K and calcium . These elements are excellent for strengthening and repairing bones.

6. Against insomnia: 

Higher levels of vitamin C in your diet help promote sleep, and Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C.

7. Against osteoporosis:

Tomatoes contain considerable amounts of calcium and vitamin K. Both nutrients are  essential for strengthening and repairing bone tissue.

8. Heart health: 

Because of the vitamin B and potassium  in tomatoes , they are effective in lowering cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.

9. Eye health: 

The vitamin A found in tomato is fantastic for improving your eyesight. Furthermore, studies have revealed that consuming Tomatoes daily helps prevent the development of night blindness.

10. Reduces hair problems: 

The vitamins (especially vitamin A) and iron present in tomato help to strengthen hair as well as add shine to dull, damaged and lifeless locks.

Other benefits of tomato:

  • Tomato helps control cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • Tomato helps fight obesity ;
  • Tomato regulates intestinal transit;
  • Tomato is a great natural antioxidant;
  • Tomatoes help fight and prevent cancer , especially prostate cancer;
  • Tomatoes prevent and fight heart disease;
  • Tomato helps to prevent vascular accidents;
  • Tomato acts as a natural detoxifier;
  • Tomato prevents and fights digestive problems;
  • Tomato prevents and fights skin problems;
  • Tomato helps blood circulation
  • Helps soothe burns
  • It helps fight and treat problems like acne (when applied directly to the skin).

Now that we know all the benefits of tomato , after all, does tomato slimming or gaining weight ?

Tomatoes fattening or not?

Choosing suitable foods is the most important point for the success of any diet, eliminating foods that are high in fat and sugar from the pantry. such as: sweets, cakes, chocolates among others is the first step towards your weight loss,

However, what about the tomato ? Does Tomato Make You Slimmer or Make You Fat? Although in fact Tomatoes  have sugar, Tomatoes  are considered suitable foods for weight loss.

If you have thought that Tomato Fatten is good to review your concepts, know that adding Tomato  in your diet can help you lose weight.

After all, tomato fattening?

Nutritionists consider tomato  as a high volume food, that is, tomato  provides satiety, this is very good if you want to lose weight, foods that are considered high volume, have high amounts of water, air and fiber and are also low in calories.

This makes Tomato  a perfect food to lose weight or not to gain weight, with so much positive information about Tomato , it is easy to deduce that Tomato  is not fattening, on the contrary, it can be an excellent ally in your weight loss plan.

Your question today was if Tomato Slimming or Fattening , keep reading this article and see at the end some simple recipes with Tomato for Slimming .

So, tomato slimming?

Tomato is an ingredient widely used in slimming diets because each tomato  has  only 25 calories, and has diuretic properties, in addition to a lot of water and vitamin C that improves the immune system and the absorption of iron in meals.

If you’re trying to lose weight, your diet is important to your success. In general, avoid foods that are high in saturated fat and simple sugars. Although it has sugar, it is a misconception to think that eating tomato is fattening . If you eat tomato  or are thinking about adding it to your weight loss diet , you should know how to incorporate it into your meals and how weight loss works.

Add tomato  to your diet to reach your weight loss goals . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends tomatoes  for weight loss and weight management. Nutrition experts consider tomato a vegetable that is a “superstar” in weight loss . Tomato Slimming because it has very few calories. A medium tomato contains only 22 calories and a large one, 33. Even a full cup of cherry tomatoes contains only 27 calories.

It is not just a mistake to say that tomato is fattening , but we can also consider it a great ally for weight loss . That is, if consumed in a moderate way, does the tomato slimming or fattening ? The Tomato Slimming YES. Just be very careful about how much you consume and what other foods you add it to your diet. Now that you already know that Tomato Slimming , check out some recipes with Tomato for Slimming :

Tomato juice recipe for weight loss:


  • 1 cup of tomato juice
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • pepper sauce to taste
  • 1 spoon of chopped parsley


  • Mix tomato  juice with lemon juice and chili sauce .
  • Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately.

Stuffed tomato recipe for weight loss:


  • 6 ripe tomatoes 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 6 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 and a half cups of diced Italian bread
  • 1 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano


  • Cut a lid off the Tomatoes  and leave the inside hollow.
  • Sprinkle salt inside and drain
  • Saute garlic in 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Retire e reserve
  • In the same skillet, fry the bread.
  • Transfer to a bowl and mix in the cheese, oregano, and reserved garlic.
  • Stuff the Tomatoes , and drizzle with 1 tablespoon and a half of olive oil.
  • Place on a greased baking sheet with the rest of the oil and bake for 15 minutes.

Tomato juice with pepper for weight loss:


  • 1 cup of tomato juice ;
  • 3 drops of red pepper sauce ;
  • natural lemon juice;


Mix all the ingredients well in the blender then drink it afterwards, if you prefer you can add ice to your detox tomato juice recipe to lose belly fat fast.

Types of tomato:

Tomato is a typical fruit from South America. Some studies point out that it came from Peru, was domesticated in Mexico and, from there, taken to Europe. The most efficient way to know the amount of lycopene  present in each variety of tomato is by the pigment: the more red, the greater the amount of the substance.

There are numerous types of tomato , of different colors and sizes. In cooking, they are used according to their characteristics: larger or smaller, with more or less pulp, more or less pigment, more or less acidity. Among the tomato varieties , there are red (Italian, deborah, carmen, cherry and grape), pink (momotaro), orange, green, yellowish and purple.

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