Tips to Quit Sedentary Lifestyle

The tips to get out of sedentary lifestyle are some alternatives to get out of the routine and tricks to help you in this step.A sedentary lifestyle is an evil that is increasingly present in our society and it has its origins in several causes.

We live in an era where physical efforts are less and less necessary and everything is just a click away.

So, why move? That’s the danger, because we end up making it a habit and forget that our body needs certain tasks to stay in perfect working order.

Fight the laziness with activities that, in addition to helping to eliminate the extra pounds, benefit other areas of health.

Just as a car stopped for a long time ends up rusting, the human body is no exception to the rule. That’s because maintaining a sedentary lifestyle for years can compromise several areas of the body, causing it to suffer from premature aging, that is, the person can be 50 years old, but look like a body – and disposition – of an individual of 70, for example. .

The good news is that it’s never too late to start moving: from children to the elderly can (and should!) practice physical activities. With that in mind, he selected some physical exercises that contribute to the weight loss process and, in addition, prevent the onset of a series of diseases. Check out the 12 Tips to Get Out of Sedentary Lifestyle .

Walking: Walking is one of the main tips to get out of a sedentary lifestyle. Well, do you know any exercise that’s easier than walking? Can be practiced at any age, the modality is the most democratic activity there is. In addition, it helps to maintain the muscular shape of the lower limbs and, for people who are very sedentary, it can help to improve cardiorespiratory capacity, but only for those who have not really practiced any physical activity for at least three years.

Running: Running is another good alternative to get out of a sedentary lifestyle. Well, for those who want to lose weight, the activity is ideal. Because it is an aerobic exercise – the body uses oxygen and nutrients like glucose, fat and carbohydrates to produce energy for the muscle, running helps to eliminate a lot of calories. In addition, it improves cardiovascular conditioning and, if performed in an interval way, increases and potentiates fat reduction.

Swimming: To ward off the heat, activity is very welcome. In addition, it reduces the impact on joints, which is beneficial for those who suffer from knee pain, for example. The modality also stimulates muscle tone and allows arms, legs, head, trunk and hips to work together. The physical fitness generated by swimming is very similar to running: increased cardiovascular conditioning and metabolism. And, if you swim in an interval way, that is, instead of swimming continuously, you shoot at the highest intensity, potentiates fat burning and improves cardiovascular conditioning even more.

Dancing: Want to have fun and lose weight at the same time? Well, know that dancing is the perfect modality for you. In addition to strengthening friendships, it is beneficial to health. In addition, the modality is related to the mental benefit, of people doing, being happy and having a moment of relaxation.

Martial arts: Judo, jiu-jitsu, Kung fu… the options are many and so are the benefits. If they are performed alternately, that is, with low-intensity stimuli, they help to improve cardiovascular conditioning, potentiate fat reduction and increase muscle mass. Also, people who practice the arts consistently – two to three times a week – are more confident.

Bodybuilding: Anyone who is “one foot behind” with this modality should change their mind. This is because the benefits provided by the practice are visible. Also, weight training increases muscle mass and resting metabolism, so people consume more fat at rest. The activity helps to lose weight because it increases the oxidation potential, that is, the burning of fat. In old age, it can contribute to people becoming much more independent, since an elderly individual, who practices weight training, will have more autonomy to climb stairs and reduce the chances of a fall. Therefore, it is the supreme of physical activities.

Other Tips to Quit Sedentary Lifestyle:

  • Choose an activity that gives you pleasure and that can be practiced in an environment that makes you more comfortable.
  • Start gradually. Don’t run if you’re not prepared for it. Starting with high-intensity activities can cause injury and demotivate.
  • Wear suitable clothing. Don’t wear warm clothes when the temperature is high. This will lead to dehydration and not weight loss.
  • Look for friends to accompany in the practice of exercises. Thus, you will create an extra source of motivation to train.
  • Don’t do physical activity on an empty stomach and hydrate well before, during and after training. For a good performance, you need to be fed and well hydrated.

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