Tips on How to Avoid Heartburn Naturally

Tips on How to Avoid Heartburn Naturally Without Medication. Also, heartburn is a burning sensation coming from the back of the sternum, a bone located in the anterior part of the chest. It can present as a pain that radiates through the chest, neck or throat. Heartburn episodes can be occasional or frequent, and can interfere with the patient’s routine and quality of life, and even be a sign of a more serious problem.The pleasure of the meal is short-lived for the 20 million Brazilians who, according to the World Health Organization, are forced to deal with the burning in the stomach caused by the symptom. The number raised is already high, but tends to be even higher, since most people who live with the problem hardly seek a specialist in an attempt to solve it.Most patients seek, on their own, medications or natural solutions to ease the discomfort. Symptoms end up improving temporarily, but they return to bother in a short time without medical treatment. Postponing treatment can also have consequences for the patient’s health.

Heartburn is caused by the reflux of gastric acid (responsible for the digestion of food): it travels from the stomach to the esophagus, as if it were going back to the mouth. This reflux, in turn, is caused by the malfunction of a kind of valve, called a sphincter: it opens for food to pass from the esophagus to the stomach and then must close to retain what was ingested and also the gastric juices that circulate there.

Heartburn is a discomfort that affects an estimated 60 million Americans a year and 25 million adults daily . heart attack.

In fact, pain has nothing to do with the heart. Instead, they are caused by stomach acid traveling up the esophagus, producing a burning sensation and discomfort. Symptoms are usually caused by a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. So, check out now  The 13 Tips on How to Avoid Heartburn Naturally:

Heartburn Symptoms: Heartburn  symptoms usuallyoccur after a meal or when you lie down.

  • Burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen, which travels to the chest, continuing through the neck and to the back of the throat.
  • Eructation (belching) and regurgitation of bitter gastric juices.
  • Discomfort that gets worse when you lie down (unlike chest pain from a heart attack, which is usually associated with physical activity).

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How to Avoid Heartburn:  Here are 13 tips on how to avoid heartburn :

  • Don’t overeat. Instead, eat smaller meals more often. When you overdo it, food tends to accumulate and squeeze in your stomach , forcing digestive juices upward. Instead of having large meals at lunch and dinner, which causes the stomach to produce a lot of acid, eat 4 to 6 small meals, spaced out throughout the day.
  • Avoid fatty or acidic foods. Certain foods bring discomfort or exacerbate symptoms for many heartburn victims . This includes citrus fruits, the Bloody Mary mix (a cocktail made with vodka and tomato juice), onions, tomatoes and tomato sauces, and fatty foods, especially fried fatty meat (fat takes time to digest). Red wine, after-meal liqueurs, chocolate and mint or mint also increase heartburn .
  • Avoid constipation. Forcing the bowels can increase abdominal pressure, causing heartburn . You should increase your intake of a diet rich in fiber and fluids, which facilitate the elimination of digested food.
  • If you smoke, stop. Cigarettes affect the lower esophageal sphincter and allow stomach acids to enter the esophagus.
  • Avoid caffeine. The caffeine in coffee, tea, and chocolate can increase stomach acid production , leading to heartburn .
  • Limit alcohol consumption. Many drinks that contain alcohol relax the lower esophageal sphincter, causing heartburn .
  • Loosen the belt. If you eat more than usual, you should loosen the belt so you don’t tighten your stomach and force the acids up.
  • Watch out for snacks before bed. You shouldn’t eat too much before bed. Eat four hours before retiring. The combination of a large meal and the horizontal resting position forces digestive juices into the esophagus. It is best to stand for at least a few hours before going to bed.
  • Sleep on the left side. If you have heartburn at night, this position should keep the acidic contents of the stomach below the junction with the lower esophagus, thus reducing the acid back up into the esophagus.
  • Raise the head of the bed. Leaning your body upwards should prevent stomach acids from moving up your esophagus during the night. Place a few blocks of wood under the foot of the bed, at the head of the bed or a shim that fits under the mattress.
  • Reduce daily stress. If stress causes heartburn , you should find ways to reduce it through professional advice, relaxation techniques, or regular exercise.
  • Check medications for side effects. Certain medications, such as antihistamines, contraceptives, high blood pressure, heart and asthma medications, and sedatives can make heartburn  worse by decreasing the resistance of the lower esophageal sphincter. If you take medication regularly, talk to your doctor about possible heartburn .
  • Lose weight. If you are overweight, the extra pounds strain the lower esophageal sphincter, contributing to its weakening.

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